Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 147: This curse, 500 years of life, can you stop it?

Just when Rawls sighed, some people came to the camp.

"Kratos, you have gone too far this time." A one-ring limit warlock looked at Kratos and said angrily.

He was wearing black clothes and a belt made of snake skin. His face was long and childish black, like a man-devouring lizard, staring at Kratos.

"Hmm." Kratos nodded, but didn't make a move.

The visitor is Mick Jalger. Although he is only a limit warlock, he came on behalf of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy and was also sent to supervise the camp, so he could not do it.

"Hmm." Kratos nodded.

"You..." Mick's mouth twitched, and he stretched out his hand, even wanting to do it, but withdrew it.

There is no way, as long as he doesn't do it, it's fine, if he does, he is afraid that he will be beaten to death.

"Heh, Kratos, anyway, the Academy has seen what you did, and you fought passively with the foreign warlock last time, and gave a sloppy report, do you think I didn't see it? "Mick sneered.

"Don't think it's great that your teacher is the dean of the academy. He's old and forgot to tell you that he will be replaced next month." Mick gave him a calm look.

He came here this time to see if he could occupy this place.

"Oh, I still have something to do, you can go first." Kratos glanced at him calmly, Mick felt a chill in his heart, and turned to leave.

After Mick left, Kratos shook his head.

"It still takes time, fifteen years should be about the same."

As for Mick, as long as it's not too much, he'll be fine, but if it's too much, he'll let him know what the second ring is.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Since Mick came, the camp has also undergone a lot of changes.

This time Mick didn't come alone. There were about a dozen people under his command, including five or six official wizards. This was a lot of power.

And Mick wants to do nothing more than take over the camp, and he has made a lot of efforts for this.

Potions Department.

"Well, if you follow me, I can make you have greater interests, and the conditions are negotiable." Kratos said looking at Yin Fona opposite, and every time he looked at Yin Fona, there was always a trace of greed in his eyes. .

"I'm sorry, please leave." Yin Fona frowned.

"Don't be so heartless, as far as I know, you seem to be short of money all the time. Here are the fifty middle-grade magic stones." Mick took out a bag, revealing the shining magic stones in it.

Mid-grade magic stones are much higher than low-grade magic stones, both in terms of magic content and quality, so the current market ratio is generally 100, and the same is true for high-grade magic stones, which are equivalent to 100 middle-grade magic stones, but the quantity Very little, almost no circulation.

It can be said that Mick is quite arrogant to take out the equivalent of 5,000 low-grade magic stones at a time. Obviously, he is not alone, but has forces to support him in doing this.

The camp managed by Kratos is the largest camp of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy. The annual profit is very objective. They want to make it more academy, not the current status quo.

"Let's think about it." Mick said with a smile, Yin Funa was willing to gamble to the point that she often borrowed money, which must be very necessary.


But what he didn't expect was that Yin Funa just said calmly, as for the magic stone, she just picked it up and threw it out the window behind her.

"My magic stone!" Mick's eyes widened, and he immediately went out to pick up the magic stone.

A few minutes later, he looked at the bag with a few mid-grade magic stones missing, gritted his teeth and left here, it doesn't matter, Yin Funa can't, and there are others.

Next, the magic plant department.

So Mick went to Yin Lai first, but after seeing that Yin Lai hadn't found anyone for five days, Mick left with a twitch in his mouth.

Find Rolls.

"Sorry, I refuse." Rawls said righteously.

"At present, although I am also the head of the Potions Department in name, in fact, Yin Lai is the one who manages it. Kratos trusts him more. It doesn't make any sense for you to recruit me."

"Okay." Mick sighed, the people in this department are a bit tough!

"Hey, what if you're the manager?" Suddenly, Mick asked a question.

"I can think about it." Rawls just calmly said.

"Well, I see." Mick nodded.

Finally got a bit of a harvest, but he didn't plan to do anything about it, so let's ask other departments how they are doing.

Soon, Mick's solicitation quickly paid off.

Slowly, someone secretly accepted Mick's solicitation, and the team was still expanding, because everyone knew that behind Mick, standing behind him was his teacher, who was about to take up the post of the Academy of Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy. long.

And three months later.

At this time, the only departments left were the Potions Department, the Magic Planting Department, the Wizard Relics Processing Department, and the other two departments.

"Cole, I want you to go to Yin Lai and talk about it."

In a room, Mick's face was full of spring, and he asked a one-ring warlock beside him.

"My lord, I have seen him, but he doesn't talk to me at all." A ring wizard named Cole sighed and said to Mick.

"That's it!" Mick nodded, and the other two departments were almost done. At present, only Yin Lai and Yin Funa were unable to do anything.

Yin Funa has been following Kratos since she was a child, so it was difficult, but they never thought that Yin Lai would be like this, which made it difficult for them.

"Forget it, I'll go find him myself." Shaking his head, Mick was going to visit Yin Lai in person.

the next day.

Mick was waiting at Yin Lai's door early.

As time passed, the door finally opened, and Yin Lai walked out.

He cast a sideways glance at Mick and walked on.

"Wizard Yin Lai, I think we can have a good chat." Mick asked with a smile.

"Nothing to say, can you let me continue to manage these two departments in the future?" Yin Lai was walking on the road.

Mick followed Yin Lai, but when he heard Yin Lai's words, he was stunned. There were quite a few of them. How could it be possible that after taking over the camp, they still gave Yin Lai the power, or two departments.

"Sorry, this can't be done, but we'll give you other benefits, whether it's blood, magic stones, and of course women can." Mick tentatively said.

"Trash." Yin Lai said calmly.

For him, except for the magic stone, which has a little value, other things are useless.

"Uh..." Mick's mouth twitched, looking at Yin Lai for a long time and being speechless.

"Sorry, I'm here, don't look for me." At this time, he has arrived at the department.

Mick watched Yin Lai swagger in, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes at the same time.

A one-ring warlock, a little too arrogant.

"Killing intent!" Yin Lai felt a strong killing intent before turning his head.

Although it is not strong, it makes Yin Lai feel a little dangerous.

Sighing, he walked in.

He finally stabilized, but it turned out to be like this, and he was very helpless!

Whether it's the Demon Planting Department or the Wizard's Relic Processing Department, it's what he needs right now. After leaving here, Yin Lai's growth rate and other progress will drop at a rapid rate, which Yin Lai doesn't want to face.

So, it seems to have to figure out a way.

"Mick went to Herman, but was rejected."

In Kratos' office, a wizard and Kratos report.

"Well, that's it, I see, you step back first." Kratos nodded, and the wizard walked out.

As the door closed, he also walked to the window and sighed:

"My teacher hasn't died yet, so many people can't stand it anymore, but I didn't expect that there were only so many people standing on my side in the end.

Yuffna, Rawls, Herman..."

There are only seven or eight, but you must know that there are dozens of people in the camp management.

"Forget it, this way I can make up my mind better, but not yet." Kratos said seriously.

"It seems that we can only get rid of Mick. This guy, a one-ring warlock, has not seen such an idiot for a long time. It's just a tentative pawn. Kill it."

Immediately, he walked towards the door.

He had already found out where Mick lived, just on a hill outside the camp. Tonight, he would just kill him directly.

Night Kratos quietly left the wizard tower.

"Darkness deeper than darkness, and weirder than poisonous... Today, I, Yin Lai Lucifer, curse Mick Jalger at the cost of my five hundred years of life, and I want him to die."

On the other side, a curse that sacrificed huge vitality was going on. Yin Lai began to curse Mick at the cost of five hundred years of vitality.

From revealing a trace of murderous intentions, Mick is the one who will kill Yin Lai.

It is a pity that his current level is limited, and the life span of five hundred years is already the limit, otherwise he would have to come to a thousand years of life force to cause a wave of curses, and this life force is already the life span that a normal second-ring wizard can achieve.

Yin Lai is also looking forward to what it will be like to curse.

With the gradual disappearance of the curse mark, Yin Lai's vitality dropped for five hundred years in an instant, his body began to wilt in an instant, his hair turned white, his skin began to wrinkle, and he instantly turned into an old man who was about to wither.

But the white light beam in the body is still bright, and a little vitality begins to slowly replenish.

Yin Lai's condition is gradually recovering.

Half an hour later, Yin Lai felt a little better.

"I'm going, I've consumed too much all of a sudden, I almost can't make it up, but fortunately I can only consume five hundred years of vitality." Yin Laixin has more than one season, and for a moment, he even felt that he was really going to die.

A little sloppy.

This is also the first time that he has consumed five hundred years of life in an instant. It used to be slow, and it seems that he will do so less in the future.

"I'm so miserable, I don't know what happened to Mick."

Yin Lai stood up.

With five hundred years of life, curse a one-ring warlock.

Yin Lai has no doubt that he will die, but does not know how he will die?

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