Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 151: war begins

the other side.

After leaving the camp, Yin Lai turned into another new face, and then moved all the way to the destination.

A few days later, Yin Lai arrived at his first destination, another camp of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy.

Outside the camp, Yin took a look at the bustling and lively camp, turned and entered a mountain not far from here, and paused in a small hidden cave.

Entering the cave, Yin Lai first threw the body of a dead deer, then made sure that no one was outside, and took out a bottle, which contained fungal virus No. 1.

He took out one of them, and then he threw it on the flesh and blood, and in just an instant, the fungus covered a small piece of the corpse's body, and it was still growing rapidly.

Yin Lai, on the other hand, was expressionless, and took out what looked like a glass cover. This is a disposable witch tool he made. It can give the fungus an environment to inhibit its growth, and at the same time trap the fungus and prevent it from spreading. The spiritual connection can make the glass cover shatter directly, and the fungus will be released directly at that time.

At that time, Yin Lai can be controlled remotely, away from the battlefield, so that people do not need close-range control.

This is Yin Lai's idea, which is simple and comfortable.

After putting the hood in place and setting up some witch formations, Yin Lai left the cave.

Looking at the cave, in the afternoon of a fireball technique, the entire front of the cave was immediately buried, followed by a vine technique, and a large area of ​​vines had grown in this area, burying all traces.

After dealing with this, Yin Lai stopped staying and went to the next location.

If the war is really going to last for a long time, then Yin Lai needs to prepare more than one virus in advance, it must be hundreds or even thousands, so Yin Lai spreads it all the way.

Even occasionally, he would encounter some animals that would not migrate, so he would wrap the fungus in a cover and stuff it into the bodies of these animals, and it would not be corroded, as long as it was directly detonated when needed.

One month and ten days passed like this.

Yin Lai was about to forget how many viruses he had left behind. Just when Yin Lai thought it was all over, the accident happened.

this day.

In a mountain forest, Yin Lai had just finished dealing with a new location when suddenly, a voice came from a distance.

"what are you doing?"

Turning his head to look, a man with a long face and a hooked nose was standing under the tree, his black eyes staring at Yin Lai, and the aura on his body was even more ready to go, exuding a late-stage aura.

was discovered.

Yin Lai was taken aback for a moment, then took out a token, and then crushed the card, the corpse culture medium covered by the protective film in front of him instantly shattered, and the corpse and virus inside quickly dissolved.

Watching the evidence disappear, Yin Lai stood up, spread his hands and smiled:

"I said I was just digging, do you believe it?"

"Dig soil?" Crow's mouth twitched.

This area is the part of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Academy near the potion field. In order to prevent anyone from destroying it, he often patrols. Today, he accidentally ran into Yin Lai.

As for digging, it's somewhat insulting.

"I believe it, but you have to come with me." Ke Luo looked at Yin Lai with sharp eyes.

"Okay." Yin Lai nodded and took a step towards Ke Luo. In the next second, his body instantly retreated in the opposite direction, and his body flew away in the shadows.

"Stop!" Ke Luo watched Yin Lai run away, quickly dropped a sign on the tree, and chased towards Yin Lai, firing a flare as he ran.


The signal flare flew into the sky, and a spark bloomed in the sky. Seven or eight wizards quickly ran from the potion field in the distance. Everyone glanced at the sign on the tree.

"Someone sneak in, chase!"

A group of wizards looked at the information left behind and quickly flew in the direction indicated.

While a few wizards stayed to observe the traces, they noticed Yin Lai's destroyed corpse culture at a glance.

Everyone quickly went over and started to check. A shadow monitor lizard warlock covered one hand with scales, and then touched the ground, and suddenly felt a burning sensation, as if his blood was burning.

"What's the matter!" The warlock took a deep breath and quickly backed away.

"What's wrong?"

"There is definitely something wrong with this thing, but I don't know what it is, it may be a virus." The warlock felt the burning sensation and frowned.


Everyone knows it's not easy.

"Come on, let's go too, we must catch the warlock, he must have a sample on him." The warlocks immediately made a decision and chased away.

A chase begins.

Yin Lai ran away quickly, looking at the group of people behind him, the corners of his mouth twitched.

It is good that this task is not discovered, but it is more troublesome when it is discovered.


Looks like it's going to cost again.

"Stop!" Crow also knew this from the mouths of the others behind him, shouted angrily, and then saw Yin Lai, who was running in front, take out a dozen small **** in his hands.

More than a dozen small **** were thrown in an instant, and they shattered halfway through the flight. A cloud of thunderclouds blocked the road in an instant, and the thunder and lightning were scattered in all directions, and there were also corrosive liquids.

Acid thundercloud!

A one-time witch tool costs a few hundred magic stones.

In order to escape, Yin Lai is not distressed at all.

"Damn!" Crow gritted his teeth when he saw this scene.

The power of blood is stimulated, and a large shadow bursts out in an instant, ready to rush directly over.

But a few seconds later, with a low pained sound, Crow retreated from the thundercloud, his body was covered with wounds, potholes, and even a trace of electric current.

"Damn it, this is an extreme level, don't you feel bad at all?"

The level of this disposable wizard was higher than he thought, and he didn't expect a sneaky wizard to be so rich, and a disposable wizard worth nearly a thousand was taken as soon as he said it.

"Damn, bypass him." Crow scolded and said to a dozen people behind him.

The thunderclouds in front of them spread over the entire area in front of them. They can continue to circle for a few kilometers. Of course, they can, but the thunderclouds in front of them can last for at least ten minutes.

If they really wait ten minutes, let alone Leiyun, they can still catch up with Yin Lai, unless he is a turtle.

But Yin Lai's speed is still very fast. When Klol sees Yin Lai's back from a distance again, there are only three or four wizards around him. Except for him, they are all good at speed.

"Kid, stop!" Crow still said meaningless words.

Yin Lai didn't look back, another thunder cloud of acid.

"I go!"

Looking at the thundercloud in front of them, several people were numb again.

What can I do, go around.

This time around, there are only three people left.

And then they also saw the most outrageous thing in their life.

All the secret escape techniques are really easy to travel in various places, and dozens of defensive measures are also strict to resist their attacks. Used four.


after an hour.

Chloe looked around, and there was no one else but him, but it was fortunate that Yin Lai, who was in front of him, was finally blocked by him in a dead end.

"I'm chasing you." Crow grinned.

"Hey, you're running really fast!" Yin Lai helplessly glanced at a late-stage warlock in front of him. Wouldn't it be better if you couldn't catch up? He doesn't want to kill either!

"You're scared." Seeing Yin Lai sighing, Crowe grinned.

"No, I just don't want to be troublesome." Shaking his head, Yin looked at Chloe with sharp eyes instantly.

? ?

Crow felt something was wrong.

In the next second, I saw shadows appearing around me, and white bone skeletons slowly appeared, humanoids, and monsters.

Cold sweat!

Crow's cold sweat was shed a little bit, and it was fine at first, but as the number of skeletons gradually broke through a thousand, Crow knew that this matter might be a big deal.

Especially when Yin Lai stimulated his bloodline and exuded an aura that shocked him too, Ke Luo instantly soaked his clothes in cold sweat. He looked at Yin Lai and forced a smile:

"I said it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

Yin Lai's golden vertical boy looked at Ke Luo, just as Ke Luo looked at Yin Lai before.

"I believe!"

The next second, all the skeletons rushed up, and Yin Lai rushed over.

The corners of Crow's mouth twitched, with a look of despair.

After two minutes.

As Yin Lai attacked with a dragon claw, Crow was trapped by the skeletons around him. In an instant, blood spurted, Crow's head was swept up, and his body fell heavily.

The battle is over.

"Hey, I really just want to get out of here!"

Looking at Chloe's fallen body, Yin Lai sighed and left here quickly.

Then he was ready to terminate the mission.

Although there are still one-fifth of the points that have not been arranged, it is a very dangerous warning to be discovered once. Yin Lai will not take any more risks. As for Kratos, Yin Lai is not concerned. Compared with others, His life is much more precious.

Next, Yin Lai prepares to go to Ti Jie's wizard camp.

When he is there, he can find someone to help him complete the progress of the next devouring power.

Yin Lai also knew the location of the camp. Ti Jie told Yin Lai a long time It was only in the deep mountains, so it might take a while.

After looking at this place at last, Yin Lai turned and left.

Just ten minutes after Crow died.

The warlocks who belonged to the camp finally arrived, but when they stood in that area and looked at the blood on the ground but there was no trace of Yin Lai and Ke Luo, everyone was stunned.

"Damn, why did the clues get cut off here." A warlock frowned.

"It doesn't make sense, they are chasing and fighting, how can there be no trace." Another warlock frowned.

"Damn, search for me." A warlock ordered.

Under the order of the warlock, a group of people began to search around here, and soon there were clues.

"There's something here!" someone shouted.

Under a big tree, a man saw a golden ring.

"Isn't this the ring on Lord Crow's finger?" Someone identified the origin of the ring.

So everyone stayed.

It is generally impossible for things like rings to fall, which can only indicate a problem, Lord Crow, who was chasing the enemy, may have died.

"Impossible, how could Lord Crow die? The person just now was at most a mid-term warlock." A warlock frowned.

"Keep chasing!" someone said.

"Everyone, adults!"

At this moment, there was a commotion in the woods in the distance. An apprentice wearing a warlock leather armor ran out, panting heavily, and said anxiously:

"The academy orders everyone to return immediately and stop all activities."

"What's wrong?" a hot-tempered warlock grabbed the apprentice and asked.

"War, war begins."

The apprentice was grabbed, but still looked terrified.


Everyone was stunned.

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