Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 152: Precarious wizard camp

New calendar year 3610.

The Ten Thousand Blood Alliance suddenly invaded the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy.

The outbreak of war.

In the same month, Yin Lai also came to the destination of this trip.

The Korna Mountains, a large mountain range located in the western part of the West Coast, has complex terrain and many monsters, but not many resources. It is an unowned land on the West Coast.

And the camp where Tijie is located, the iris wizard Yindi, is here.

Yin took a look at the huge mountain range and felt the imprint of the soul belonging to Ti Jie in his body. After judging the direction, he set off in one direction.

at the same time.

A battle is about to take place in the mountains.

Iris Camp.

"Damn, are these monsters crazy? They suddenly attacked the camp." Tijie stood on the tower, holding a staff in his right hand, staring at the monsters in the distance.

She is currently at the highest point of Camp Iris, the top of a black wizard tower of seven or eight meters.

In the eyes, there is a large living area below, most of which are stone buildings, and a small part is directly watered with soil, and then cured with witchcraft.

No matter how far away, there is a wall made of stone, withering magic runes, and at this time, there are more than two dozen wizard apprentices and a formal wizard standing on the wall, and they are staring at the farther.

In the distance are large tracts of trees and primitive plants. They grow recklessly and show the strength of vitality. What Tijie and these wizards are naturally worried about is not these, but the large number of monsters in the woods moving towards this side.

Most of them are zero-ring creatures, including the silver moon frost wolf, the dark devil bear, the sawtooth wild boar, and many other common wild beasts in the wild. There is also a silver moon frost wolf king and a striped tiger.

In short, Ti Jie looked at it and estimated that there were at least five or six one-ring beasts, and the number of zero-rings was even more, hundreds of them. This number of beast tides was not something they could guard against.

"Deputy battalion commander, we have already checked it out. It seems that a monster in the depths has advanced to the third ring, so the nearby monsters are all attacking outwards. Our bad luck happened to block one of the roads." Suddenly, Ti Jie A one-ring apprentice appeared beside her, reporting to her.

"Understood." Ti Jie rubbed her temples, this is really a disaster!

However, it is impossible to escape. In such a beast swarm, the hope of escaping and surviving is even smaller. Rather than escaping, it is better to fight to the death.

"Let's fight, all wizard apprentices and wizards are summoned, we have no choice." Ti Jie glanced at the apprentice and strode out of the wizard tower.

Then go to the distant city wall.

"Tijie, you're here." Another wizard in the ring saw someone coming and greeted him.

"Haier, where's the battalion commander?" Tijie looked at him and asked. Haier was a middle-aged man wearing a gray wizard's robe and also holding a wizard's cane in his hand.

"Where is it?" Haier cast a glance and said not far away.

On the other side of the fence, an old man stood on the fence, his body was thin, but his eyes were bright, but whether it was mental power fluctuations or vitality, it showed that this was a wizard who had entered his twilight years.

"Yeah." Ti Jie nodded, knowing that this was not the time to talk, and at this time, the Beast Dynasty also slowly entered.

The black beasts had a huge sense of oppression. The low-pitched roar of the beasts made the hearts of the wizards who had just been promoted to apprentices beat fast. Feeling the number of beasts, Ti Jie, one of the official wizards of Wei San, also pursed his lips slightly. .

Damn it!


At this time, the nearest monster was also close to the wall, and a magic wolf jumped four or five meters, and wanted to jump up and be strong.

"Frozen light!" Ti Jie waved the staff in his hand, and a blue-white beam flew straight towards the magic wolf, hitting it, freezing it directly into ice cubes, and fading heavily on the ground.

And this seems to be just a prelude. With the death of the first demon wolf, other beasts are also rushing towards the camp, and they want to tear the humans inside to pieces.

The second batch of dozens of monsters also roared and clamored for the camp to rush.

All the apprentices took a deep breath, dozens of wizard models were excited at the same time, and at the same time, a mysterious connection was created between all the wizards, and everyone seemed to be a collective.

United Witchcraft Fire Screen.

The huge witchcraft model circulated under his feet, and by the way, a curtain of flames dozens of meters long swept toward the beast, and instantly burned dozens of zero-ring magic stones.

After using this sorcery, everyone took a deep breath and began to adjust.

During this process, Tijie, Haier, and the battalion commander's three one-ring wizards remained motionless, because they had to deal with more difficult existences, and those one-ring beasts were much more cunning.

The battle continues.

Waves of monsters hit like a tide. At first, the apprentices used joint sorcery, and later they started to fight individually, and the wizards in the mainland including Ti Jie also began to fight.

Haier was really fighting with the magic bear in the same ring. He was very fast. Every time he waved his wand, a cutting force flew towards the magic bear, leaving wounds.

And Ti Jie is fighting with the silver moon wolf king, one after another ice ray constantly controls the advance of the wolf king, and several apprentices cooperate with Ti Jie to attack.

Of course, the most powerful of them is the battalion commander with the limit. While waving the staff, thunder and lightning coiled around his body, attacking the monsters in the ring, and this monster who had just entered the ring was completely There is no resistance.

The situation seems to be good.

But as time passed, the number of monsters in the ring gradually increased.

Gradually, Ti Jie and others faced more than one ring of beasts, but two or three, and even zero ring beasts continued to harass them.

The situation on the battalion commander's side was even worse. A dead ring of monsters surrounded the attack. Even if it was the limit of one ring, he was pressed and beaten at this time, and there were more than a dozen wounds on his body.

All the wizards in the ring are like this, not to mention the apprentices. At this time, all the wizards in the camp have come out, about forty people, and about ten people have died by this time.

"Damn, I can't hold it anymore." Ti Jie once again avoided the attack of the monster in front of her, feeling a little desperate.

"Tijie, Haier, I'm sure I can't walk anymore. I'll create opportunities for you, run away." Suddenly, the battalion commander in the distance shouted at the two of them.

When it was used, Ti Jie felt that the battalion commander's vitality began to burn rapidly, and at the same time, a terrifying thunderbolt was excited around the surroundings. In an instant, dozens of zero-ring beasts died instantly, and a nearby beast was also instantly paralyzed. , unable to move.

This is the death-defying counterattack of the wizard who is nearing the end of his life.

"Let's go!" The thunder and lightning dissipated, and the battalion commander looked very weak and his eyes were not as bright as before, but he still shouted at Ti Jie.

Tears flowed out of Tijie instantly.

He grew up in the camp, and it was this old man who raised her and made her run away now. How could this be done?

"Come on, Ti Jie!" At this moment, Haier ran over quickly, pulled Ti Jie and was about to leave.

"No, we can't go, what if we leave these apprentices?" Ti Jie gritted her teeth.

"Damn, do you think you can protect everyone, everyone here will die, don't waste the opportunity given by the battalion commander." Haier scolded.

"Okay." Tijie gritted her teeth and was about to leave.

But just as she turned around and was about to leave, suddenly, the imprint of her soul that had not been heard in her mind for several years suddenly flashed, and a message was sent.

"Where is your camp? How can I not find it?"

Tijie was taken aback!

What do you mean? Is this Roland here?

Isn't it time to come here to seek death?

She immediately told Yin Lai not to come here, but before she could say it, a message came again: "Oh, I found it, the perception was wrong."

found it?

Tijie was taken aback.

Haier was also confused by Ti Jie's stunned behavior. He wanted to pull her away, and then saw a man in a black wizard's robe with a staff appear next to the forest in the distance.

"Is there a beast tide in Yihuan and Zero Ring?" Yin Lai saw the tragic scene in front of him as soon as he walked out of the forest.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen just after I found Ti Jie, but since I saw it, let's deal with it.

Yin Lai shook his head, the witchcraft model was excited, and he waved his right hand. As he entered the late stage of the first ring, his strength was also much stronger, which was within his handling range.

In an instant, between the shadows of the mountains and forests, the white bones began to appear.

Thousands of zero-ring skeletons and sixty one-ring skeletons stepped out of the shadows, and the burning undead fire looked at the beast tide in front of them.

The people in the wizard camp were stunned when they saw this scene.

Even the beast tide was stunned for a second, and the beasts who were roaring were quiet for a second.


The sudden arrival of Yin Lai caught everyone off Ti Jie opened her mouth wide and looked at Yin Lai who appeared. Originally, Roland suddenly came to him and surprised her enough, but now she is looking at thousands of undead , she only felt that her knowledge was shallow.

Necromancer, really arrogant!

"Who is he?" Haier was also stunned, not understanding what happened.

The battalion commander who had burned his life further away was standing there. Although he didn't know who the wizard who suddenly appeared, he seemed to be ready to save them. He seemed to be desperately trying to save them.

The apprentices were even more happy. Everyone was already desperate, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen in the village of Liu An Hua Ming You.

The next thing is very simple.

Everyone watched as the white skeletons collided with the beast tide, turning into a white ocean. Although the number of beast tides was large, they were only a small number, so with the death of a large number of beasts, the rest of the beasts also followed. get away.

As for the one-ring monsters, it is similar. Although one can fight against several zero-ring skeletons, there are too many skeletons, and they all want to escape, but how can Yin Lai allow it, after all, he has to add some.

So it was still a confrontation at the beginning, and in the end it was a beast that slaughtered a ring in front of all the campers.

An hour later, with the death of the last beast, everyone looked at Yin Lai who came from a distance and stepped on the bones and corpses. Instead of gratitude, they were a little scared.

Even Haier froze on the spot and didn't dare to move. He didn't know what the wizard's purpose was, and the battalion commander in the distance looked at Yin Lai, ready to come and ask.

But someone was faster than her, and Tijie had already run out quickly.

"Lord Roland, why are you here?"


Everyone was stunned. Deputy Battalion Commander Ti Jie knew this powerful foreign wizard?

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