"Are you finally going to do it?"

Seeing this line of words, Yin Lai shook his head. In the next stage, Kratos' identity will be transformed into the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, which will inevitably have a great impact on the situation, and may even lead to the collapse of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy.

But I believe that Kratos will definitely not do this. They will let the two forces ensure harmony, so that they can have more time to act, and in the chaos of the two forces, the new White Tower can thrive.

"It's starting!" Yin Lai's consciousness began to perceive the virus that he had left behind.

Except for a few who have died, most of the others are intact, just waiting for Yin Lai's order to release them, it must be very exciting by then, but unfortunately Yin can't see it.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

Cross Plains.

The previously peaceful and harmonious plains are now in the midst of the last war.

Hundreds of warlock apprentices are fighting, there is blood everywhere, roars and howls of pain, the scene of the killing wraps this place for a while, and the atmosphere of fear makes everyone feel it is hard to breathe.

Compared with wars between mortals, the intensity and danger of wars between warlocks have increased sharply. As the war continues, warlocks are dying rapidly.

And apart from these apprentices, the battle in the first ring is thrilling.


A one-ring warlock is already blood-veined all over his body, his body is covered with ripples like trees, and countless vines grow on his body, attacking the opposite side at the same time.

His opponent is also another warlock, the blood of the fusion red blood wolf, the eyes are red, exudes the breath of thinking and bloodthirsty, and the movements are sensitive, facing the warlock of the beech blood, he can always dodge at the fastest speed.

The two warlocks are so entangled, and if there is an apprentice who accidentally approaches, they will be torn to pieces by the aftermath of the battle between the two warlocks.

Similarly, there are many such battlefields, but the most noticeable are the wizards who exude the atmosphere of the second ring in the center of the battlefield.

Two people from the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy and two from the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

On the other side of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance are two warlocks with wolf head masks, on this side is an old man, and a familiar warlock, Kratos.

"Go!" The old man glanced at Kratos beside him, and said, his body instantly became bloody, and a large shadow instantly rushed towards the two people on the opposite side.

The two people on the opposite side also had hairs appearing on the outside of their bodies. At the same time, a large amount of ice appeared without water and collided with the shadows. It was like the collision of black and white waves for a while.

Originally this was a normal confrontation, but the old man felt that something was wrong, because Kratos, who had been by the side, hadn't started yet.

He turned his head to look, and a scene that shocked him happened.

Kratos moved, but instead of attacking the two on the opposite side, he flew straight towards him.

"Damn, what are you doing, Kratos?" the old man cursed.

"Fuck you!" Kratos said with a smile, covering his entire body with the power of shadows, attacking the old man.


The sudden attack of the old man Black Kratos caught him off guard, and a shadow pushed back and blocked Kratos.

However, he looked at the three people who were already standing together at this time, and there was a hint of despair in his eyes.

the next day.

Yin Lai saw the news of Kratos' rebellion. His first rebellion directly led to the failure of an important war for the shadow monitor lizard. What is even more terrifying is that the shadow monitor lizard also lost a second-ring wizard, which is a real loss. heavy.

And three days after seeing the news.

Yin Lai took a deep breath, and when his mind moved, more than a dozen viruses shattered instantly.

The war continues.

However, some wizard camps suddenly found that there seemed to be some bacteria and viruses nearby. At first, everyone didn't care. However, with the invasion of the virus, a large number of apprentices fell ill directly. Only then did they realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Damn, who can tell me what's going on?" In a camp, the second-ring shadow monitor lizard warlock said angrily, looking at the large number of apprentices lying outside.

"Sorry, my lord, I don't know either." Standing in front of him was a one-ring warlock, who was at a loss at this time.

"Have you found a solution?" The Second Ring Warlock asked.

"No, we searched all over the camp's pharmacists, but we couldn't solve it, but this virus doesn't seem to survive for a long time, we just isolate people." Warlock suggested.

"Okay." The Second Ring Warlock gritted his teeth and said, now that they are short of manpower, this situation makes him a little unacceptable.

However, when he heard that there were similar viruses in other places, he immediately realized that it was a conspiracy of ten thousand blood.

"Nice job."

In a tent, Kratos looked at the news and smiled.

Needless to say, the virus should have been created by Yin Lai. I have to say that he did not expect that Yin Lai would be able to create this thing. After all, no one of the current warlocks has studied this.

This Yin Lai is a geek.

However, with this wave of interference, they can also go more smoothly, and the power of the White Pagoda can grow slowly.

"Time, it still takes time." Kratos looked up at the top of the tent and said.

Although the other two also caused some damage, they were much inferior to Yin Lai.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

within three years.

Yin Lai would release some viruses every once in a while, but probably because he ignored them for a long time, these viruses started to mutate slowly and evolved into several versions, which made the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizard Academy complain.

Of course, it's not just them, because the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance has also occupied some areas of the academy, and these areas also have viruses, which makes the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance very uncomfortable.

This made the situation even more chaotic, and made Kratos happy, because Yin Lai had informed Baita how to solve the virus in advance, so they didn't need to worry about this problem.

This makes many Baita members not really established, but they already know that there is a very powerful pharmacist in the force. Not only can he create viruses, but his pharmacy is also first-class, and the reputation of "Herman" is spreading.

Baita is still lurking, but with their secret sway, Wanxue found that their war was also very difficult. The strength of the shadow monitor lizard is still not weak.

As for Rawls and Tijie, each has his own way.

Rawls caused beast tides all over the place, while Ti Jie spread false news internally, which caused certain damage, but it was much worse than Yin Lai's in terms of scope and dissemination.

Rawls is still working hard, he will work hard to become a member of parliament, and he feels that the victory over Yin Lai is stable.

Just like that, time passed little by little.

Yin Lai occasionally stops the release of viruses, after all, viruses are limited.

And Yin Lai, who is in the wizard camp, is also very happy. With the help of the wizards, the construction of the wizard model of the eighteen frequencies of the power of devouring is progressing rapidly, and the progress has reached one-third. Do it yourself, at least ten years to do it.

This is collective power.

Speaking of collective power, Yin Lai also created a new sorcery after watching the united sorcery.

A chain of self-created witchcraft shadow skeleton combination, with skeletons as the main body, a lot of shadow power to assist, as well as witchcraft created with more than ten other small skills, the effect is to combine a large number of skeletons into a huge Skeleton, explosive strength.

This witchcraft Yin Lai has not yet experimented, but according to expectations, the explosive power of this wizard has already exceeded that of a ring of witchcraft.

Anyway everything is getting better.

Four years later.

As the battle went on, the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy was still getting weaker and weaker, and the Alliance of Ten Thousand Blood was ready to strike a fatal blow.

But the accident happened again.

A group of self-proclaimed White Tower Warlocks suddenly appeared, and their leader was the former Speaker of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizard Academy Second Ring Limit Warlock Marcos, and the Deputy Speakers were three Second Ring Warlocks, including those they trusted very much Kratos.

For a time, the war situation changed again.

While nibbling away at the power of the shadow monitor lizard, Baita is dealing with the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

Originally, this was very difficult, but suddenly one day, when it was discovered that a warlock who could threaten one link had evolved from the virus that broke out, the offensive of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance instantly collapsed.

This made the people of the White Tower overjoyed.

At this time, in a room located in the plain.

A meeting is going on.

"Kratos~www.readwn.com~ This time your subordinate Herman has made a great contribution." In the main seat of the round table, a white-haired man looked at Kratos and said with a smile.

"Uh, yes." Kratos nodded. Now, he didn't understand that Yin Lai could develop a virus of this level. It seems that he underestimated others.

"That is, if we didn't have the magic medicine to solve it, this war would be much harder, and I don't know how many people would die."

"Indeed, Herman is too powerful. This virus can actually affect all warlocks. We have bought too much time for this one."

All the warlocks of the White Tower were present, and they all talked about it.

"Hey, don't I remember that Kratos has three people in charge of this? How about the other two?" Someone asked suddenly.

"Indeed, there seem to be two more, I don't remember what they are called, but one is causing the beast tide, but the impact is just that, it is far worse than the virus, and the other one is actually good for spreading public opinion, and it may be better than the beast. The tide is stronger," one person added.

"Oh, let's talk about Herman." The person who asked the question was no longer interested after knowing the answer. The gap was too big.

"By the way, I heard that Herman seems to be a very good pharmacist, right?"

"Indeed, it seems that Silent Moon Spring was transformed by him, and the effect is very good."

"Hey, this guy really made a big contribution this time. I really envy Kratos for having such a subordinate."

For a time, the whole room was talking about Herman.

Kratos, on the other hand, looked at Sanhuan's teacher with a helpless expression.

Good guy, aren't we going to discuss the follow-up battle today?

Why is it all about Herman?

Kratos was also very helpless, and suddenly he found sadly that Yin Lai was even more famous than him in the White Pagoda at this time.

What is this called!

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