Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 155: Endless Devour 1st Curse Seal

"Damn it, isn't this virus over?"

Some are happy and some are sad.

In the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, a second-ring wizard threw the cup to the ground in anger.

"Who will tell me how long it will take for this virus to be resolved." At this time, they were also conducting a seminar. At this time, in addition to him, there were also a large number of warlocks from the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

"Sir, it may take a long time." A warlock euphemistically said.

"how long?"

"Five years."

"Five years?" The second ring wizard twitched at the corners of his mouth, ready to get angry.

"My lord, you really can't blame us. Not only is this virus evolving at any time, but even worse, no one in our forces has ever studied this thing before, and we are even collecting resources now." The warlock also felt wronged.

"Then why didn't you study it before?"

"My lord, everyone studies the bloodline and taps the power of the bloodline. No one will study this." The warlock replied.

Wizard of the Ring:

For a while, he fell into silence, and the whole room fell into silence, yes, who would study this kind of thing if he had nothing to do.

"I'm going, this virus has evolved into a one-link version." Yin Lai was also taken aback when he received the news.

I know my own affairs well. His virus has always affected Zero Ring the most. I didn't expect to evolve a version of One Ring on his own. This is because the basic sequence has not changed, and the potion is still useful. The Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy and the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, the White Tower is also uncomfortable.

It can only be said that nature is too great.

"Hey, it's a coincidence." Yin Lai sighed, the virus in the first ring would definitely be able to be researched, but only three months before that was the limit.

But that doesn't matter to him either, he's still in the witchcraft camp now, and we'll talk about it when the war is over.

Thinking of this, Yin Lai walked out of the tower and came to the camp.

Compared with seven years ago, the number of wizards here is much larger, and many of them come here because of their fame, and relying on the large potion field in the secret realm, Yin Lai not only got a lot of things from the camp, but the camp also relies on it. with the development of his resources.

It can be said that the arrival of Yin Lai has brought new hope here.

Therefore, Yin Lai's reputation here is very high at this time.

"Mr. Roland, good morning."

"Good morning sir."

Along the way, people greeted Yin Lai from time to time, and Yin Lai also responded politely.

Soon, he came to another part of the camp.

This is the place in the camp dedicated to researching the fragments of the power of swallowing. The last time Yin Lai came here, the progress has reached 99, and he is only one step away from success.

"Sir, the analysis of the last segment has been completed." In a room, Yin looked at the complete eighteen models in his hand and smiled.

After studying the power of swallowing for hundreds of years, is it finally going to make preliminary results?

Yin took a look at the eye models. The eighteen models were extremely delicate, and each of them was one piece, as if they were eighteen independent segments, and only Yin Lai knew how to link them.

"Everyone has worked hard, fifty magic stones per person." Yin Lai was also very happy.

"Lord Roland, this is what we should do." The apprentice looked overjoyed when he heard the reward.

This period was their happiest time. Not only were they rewarded with dozens of magic stones every month, but they could also get the occasional guidance from Lord Roland, and everyone was making rapid progress.

Even later, some people wanted to join even without money, but unfortunately it was too late.

"Well, thanks for helping me finish the work, I'll leave first."

When he got the model, Yin Lai was very anxious and wanted to test it immediately.

Back in the tower, Yin Lai entered the secret realm.

Passing by a large potion field, dozens of them are working day and night, and in addition to these, there are also blood bamboo and flower forests that have become large-scale at this time, but unfortunately they have not evolved into the second ring. OK, but not as good as before.

Of course, in addition to these, it must belong to the small tree, that is, the former sapling.

At this time, it grows in the center of the camp, about three meters high, with brown trunks and green leaves. It looks very ordinary, but its aura has reached its limit, exuding a unique aura.

This plant Yin Lai is quite optimistic, because it can gather elements, which makes Yin Lai's elementalization process much faster than expected. I don't know why the seeds of this big tree appear in that area. strangeness.

Of course, today's focus has nothing to do with these. Yin Lai, who was holding the wizard model, quickly came to the laboratory and began to reproduce the model.

Eighteen models seem like a lot, but when the models are all out, it's easy to imprint them, the hard part is how to connect them.

As for how to connect, Yin Lai's previous observations have found that there is a magical structure between models and models, which can make them link up, which is why he is so bold to ask the people under him to help.

Soon, as each model was gradually connected, a magical wave was slowly produced, and ripples began to appear in the air.

Seeing this familiar fluctuation, Yin Lai smiled. This was exactly the fluctuation he had observed many times, and experienced many failures, and finally came out today.

"But this needs a carrier, but that's not enough." Yin Lai's mental power was withdrawn, and the model collapsed instantly.

Things have basically come out, but it will take some time before they mature.

one year later.

Yin Lai walked out of the laboratory, and there was an extra black ring on his shoulder. The ring looked very dark and absorbed all the light.

This is the result of his hard work for a year.

Endlessly devoured the first curse mark.

As for the effect, it is similar to the blood bamboo flower, and it also absorbs blood to obtain power, but it is different from the blood bamboo flower transformed into spiritual power. At present, this can only be converted to absorb blood, and convert it into blood power.

He was also very helpless. This devouring power was much more complicated than he thought, and he still had to study it.

After walking out of the secret realm, Yin Lai immediately called Ti Jie.

"Lord Roland, what do you need us to do?" Ti Jie asked.

"I need the blood of Warcraft, go and collect some for me."

"Yes." Ti Jie nodded suspiciously. Do you want to experiment with the blood of demon beasts?

The blood of monsters was originally the material for many experiments, and there were many in the camp, so after half an hour, Ti Jie brought a large bucket of blood.

"My lord, this is the blood of a Zero Ring Demon Bear, which was just caught yesterday." Ti Jie replied.

"Yeah." Yin Lai nodded, and then in Ti Jie's surprised eyes, he directly put his hand into it.

To Ti Jie's surprise, as Yin Lai's hand entered, the black ring on his arm began to emit a mysterious power, and then he saw the power in the blood disappear rapidly, and what was even more outrageous, Yin Lai The breath seemed to be stronger.

"Not bad." Yin Lai nodded, feeling that the power of blood in his body had slightly increased. Although the number was not large, it should also be considered that this was only a demon bear with zero ring, and the amount of blood was only a small bucket.

It can be said that as long as there is a lot of blood at present, Yin Lai can even be directly promoted to the level of a first-ring limit warlock.

This is the horror of wizards. Sometimes a breakthrough in knowledge may bring about a rapid increase in strength, which is one of the reasons why wizards are powerful.

Power is just a bonus of truth.

However, Yin Lai had to be careful not to let this secret be known by the warlocks, otherwise Yin Lai would have already thought of the situation where he would be beaten into a dog's brain in order to compete for him.

Not to mention the first ring and the second ring, even the third ring may appear at that time, that is really terrible.

After all, the ability to quickly increase bloodline has always been the pursuit of warlocks.

"Ti Jie, now re-issue a task to collect blood, I need more blood, and don't be stingy with rewards like magic stones."

Now that there is a curse mark, the next thing to do is naturally clear, that is to rely on the camp to help Yin to collect blood, and then quickly improve until the end of the war.

"Yeah." Tijie nodded and turned to leave.

Soon, the blood collection in the camp spread. With generous rewards, a large number of wizard apprentices set off towards the mountains and forests to bring back the blood of monsters for Yin Lai.

Yin Lai's bloodline compatibility is rapidly improving.

On the other hand, thanks to the contribution of Yin Lai's large amount of resources, several new wizards of the first ring appeared in the camp, and they also joined them.

Time also blinked to four years later.

With the help of the camp, Yin Lai's bloodline strength has reached 75 at this time.

At this time, the situation outside has also undergone tremendous changes. At this time, the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizard Academy has almost been swallowed by the White Tower. At this time, digestion has begun, and the enemy of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance has also become the White Tower.

With the help of Yin Lai's virus, Baita gradually began to fight against the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

However, the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance has experience in defending against viruses, and small-scale ones can always take measures to prevent the spread, which makes Baita's offensive not as strong as before.

Everyone is waiting for a big battle that can change everything.

Whether it is the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance or the White Tower, they are actively preparing.

If Baita wins, then there will be a new strength here. If the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance wins, then they will take over the legacy of the Shadow Monitor Lizard and Baita and become a larger force.

Therefore, everyone is looking for ways to increase the odds of victory.

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