Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 156: 1st Ring Warlock late stage, ready to return

at the same time.

A meeting is taking place in a huge tent.

White Tower Speaker Marcos is in the main seat, flanked by several second-ring warlocks, as well as a large number of first-ring warlocks, these are the main combat power of the White Tower at present.

"Who can tell me how the current situation is, Kratos, come here." Marcos asked Kratos, who was on the side.

"At present, we should be evenly matched, so if we want to take the lead in the next battle, then this is definitely not enough, we need more external forces." Kratos said on the side.

"Well, who has a solution, everyone can propose it today." Marcos looked at everyone and asked.

"I suggest to talk to the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance and pay some benefits. After all, we are just a new force. If we keep dragging it, it may be very disadvantageous to us." Opposite Kratos, another second-ring warlock said.

"Paying benefits? This is no good, Jesse. You must know that at the beginning of a faction, if you are not strong, then it will be troublesome later. After all, you don't want the force we just established to be destroyed." Marcos shook his head. shook his head.

"Okay." Jesse nodded.

"Hey, why don't you contact the external forces?" Another Second Ring Warlock said, he is also one of the few Second Rings, one of the Deputy Speakers, and his name is Xiron.

"It doesn't work either, other forces nearby are watching, and this idea doesn't work either." Marcos shook his head again.

After the three vice-speakers spoke, the other warlocks started to speak, and they kept making comments, but all of them were rejected one by one.

"Since the outside doesn't work, let's do it internally. The Ten Thousand Blood Alliance is different from us. They are a force united by many blood families. It will be easier to break through from the inside." said a one-ring warlock.

"Well, it's a good idea, you can try it." Marcos nodded, and then said: "So you can send someone to contact some people from the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance first and give benefits, oh, by the way, and the internal destruction also has to be followed. On the other hand, we can exclude a few more people from sabotage from within.”

"Yes, yes, the Speaker is wise and martial." Someone immediately echoed.



Everyone nodded in agreement, and some people looked at Kratos: "Lord Deputy Speaker, I don't know how many viruses Lord Herman can release. After all, this is really useful."

"Uh, okay, I'll ask." Kratos didn't expect that the topic suddenly came to Yin Lai and nodded.

Got the token out and asked a question.

"How many more viruses can I release at once?"

At this time, Yin Lai in the room looked at Kratos's message, blinked his eyes, and thought about how much he had released over the years. It seemed that half of the ones were fixed. One of the animals did not move, and there were not many, probably too. Just over three thousand points.

"About 3,600." After thinking about it, Yin Lai sent the message.

"Kratos, how much is left?" Marcos also asked curiously.

Kratos nodded numbly, as if everyone cared more about Herman than him, but when he sensed the information, his eyes widened.


and many more?

Kratos rubbed his temples and re-perceived, it was actually 3600.

Could it be a mistake, so much? How much have you set up?

"Kratos, how many?" Marcos asked with a frown.

"Um, 3600?"

"Oh, it's only 3600, what, 3600?" Marcos nodded, but the next second, he seemed to realize something and exclaimed, opening his mouth.


In addition to the previous virus, Herman has invested at least a few thousand, which is too much. Marcos suddenly felt that it was okay to underestimate this Herman. This is a talent!

Marcos was so shocked, not to mention the others, all opened their mouths, they were glad that this Breaking Bad was someone on their side, and wish the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance good luck.

"Uh, okay, in a month, let Herman release all at once, then we will organize the attack, let's think about the details." Marcos nodded and said to Marcos.

"Okay." Kratos nodded and sent the message to Yin Lai.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

dark forest.

This is one of the largest bases of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, so the defense here is very tight, and there are wizards patrolling every day, so is Colin.

On this day, he wears leather armor and patrols the forest.

"Hey, I don't know when the war will end." Colin shook his head and walked on the road.

Suddenly, when he passed an area, he suddenly felt wrong. At this time, a turquoise mist continued to spread out from the hole of a tattered tree, accompanied by a pungent smell.

"It's a virus." Colin's eyes widened, and he recognized the virus at a glance, having been fighting the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy and the White Tower for many years.

"You must go back and report immediately." Colin quickly left here. They are very skilled in handling the virus. Since it cannot be solved, then isolate them.

"I don't know which guy developed this disgusting thing." Colin was very fast.

But as soon as he walked through this area, he saw the virus also appeared in another place on the way, which surprised him, because the virus is usually released alone.

"It should be a coincidence." He shook his head and recorded it here.

After it was recorded, he continued to set off, but when he saw the third virus, he gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

Three, it should not be a coincidence.

"Damn, something went wrong."

His expression also became tense, and he looked up at the sky. At this time, a bird passed by, but to his astonishment, the bird was also covered with dark green fungi at this time.

"Damn!" Colin took a deep breath, no doubt that something was wrong.

This time the virus appears to be far greater in scope and scale.


three months later.

Kratos came to the dark forest. At this time, except for him, all the members of the White Tower had arrived. At this time, there were hundreds of people in Wuyang, and the wizards were standing at the front.

Kratos is one of the leading figures, but when he looks at the forest in front of him, his whole body trembles.

"What is this dark forest?" Kratos twitched at the corners of his mouth.

The forest in front of him is completely the same as before. If Kratos remembers correctly, this should be a huge forest with lush greenery, but at this time it has been completely covered by a large area of ​​dark green fungi.

Although a large number of trees are still standing, the inside has long been corroded and riddled with holes, while the outside is in a strange state, and the forest has no sound at all, like a dead forest.

No bird calls, no small animals.

"It's terrifying!" Kratos, as a warlock, had seen this before, taking a deep breath.

In addition to Kratos, other warlock apprentices also took a breath of air.

"Is this a virus?"

"It's too scary, but luckily we have an antidote."

"Damn, I can fully imagine the fear of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance. Fortunately, Lord Herman is on our side."

"Don't say it, I will be a diehard fan of Lord Herman from now on."

All the warlocks of the White Tower were shocked by this scene.

"Kratos, let's attack, this is one of their largest bases, and if they capture this place, the power of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance will have to be weakened by at least 20%." The second-ring warlock Xiren said.

"Yeah!" Kratos nodded.

"Attack!" Kratos turned his head, arguing behind him to give orders.

In an instant, all the apprentices and wizards attacked the dark forest.

The war begins.

But after the White Tower Warlock entered the forest to start a war with the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, everyone found that the resistance of the Alliance was more than 30% weaker, which made everyone very puzzled.

But when the battle was won, everyone opened the door to the base area, and after seeing a large number of apprentices and a ring of warlocks infected by the virus, they all seemed to understand what happened?

"Fortunately, there is Lord Herman."

Thanks to all the apprentices.

Without this virus, the war would have been much harder, and many of them would definitely die, and this was all done by Herman, a warlock who never showed up since the Time has passed a month.

When the Baita force captured another force, they saw a similar scene.

All the apprentices said that sentence again.

"Thanks Lord Herman."

As time passed, the virus had a much greater impact on the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance than expected. Coupled with various means, the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance began to collapse.

Some of the warlock families demanded to give up the fight, some demanded to continue fighting, and some had already started to pack up and prepare to escape.

In this atmosphere, a year later, with the failure of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, they finally chose to give up and recognized the existence of the White Tower.

The war finally ended.

As Kratos said at the beginning, Baita really grew up on the corpse of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizard Academy, and became stronger.

"Blood fit is 81."

On the other hand, Yin Lai sighed as he sensed the improvement of his bloodline.

In just a few years, he has raised the bloodline to the current level. I have to say that this is a very outrageous thing. Of course, it is not only the bloodline. It may be that the bloodline has also driven Yin Lai to improve on the other hand, elementalization. It also reached 59 and mental strength 63 points.

It can only be said that Endless Devouring is really good.

"But the war is over, and it's time for me to go back."

Yin Lai received the news yesterday, knowing that the White Pagoda had won a complete victory, and asked him to go back and accept the credit.

It's really time to go back. At present, his wizard can't break through for a short time. Yin Lai doesn't know how to break through the second ring. The White Tower should have these.

And this time back, there will be earth-shaking changes.

"Ti Jie, call all the top of the camp." Yin Lai walked out of the house and found Ti Jie.


Before leaving, we have to deal with the camp.

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