Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 158: MP No. 8 Herman

In front of you is a huge town.

There are Gothic buildings everywhere. Buildings rise from the ground. The sharp wizard towers seem to pierce the sky. There are no walls and no guards.

Of course, these are not the most conspicuous, and the most conspicuous is a wizard tower in the center of the building.

The wizard's tower is white in color and reaches a height of 100 meters. The huge volume is the largest building that Yin Lai has ever seen in this world, and its eye-catching level is even faintly seen by Yin Lai in the forest.

"It used to be a black tower and belonged to the shadow monitor lizard. Later, the speaker felt that it did not fit the name of our faction, so he turned it into white, which made me laugh to death." Xiron said with a smile.

"Hahaha!" Kratos couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

Yin Lai didn't expect such a thing, so this should be the site of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy, and now belongs to the White Tower.

Speaking of shadow monitor lizards, Yin Lai has not forgotten Ross, who was once a slave. In his perception, this guy doesn't seem to be dead. Interestingly, he doesn't seem to be dead. He was caught in the prison of Baita, and it seems that the situation is not very good, wait Take it out after the storm.

"Well, let's go in, I have informed the others, we should be able to hold our first meeting soon." Kratos said to Yin Lai.

Following Kratos, they entered here.

It is worthy of being a force. The number of apprentices here is far from comparable to that of the former wizarding academy. Just walking all the way, I am afraid there are as many as several hundred people, and there are also the number of the first ring. Apart from the two next to the second ring, it is there is none left.

On the road, Yin Lai was also deeply helpless.

Because of the noise of a group of people behind him, the news of Herman's return soon spread.

Soon, a large number of apprentices surrounded Yin Lai.

"Is this Herman? It looks average!" Someone asked.

"Not much better than you?" A female apprentice cast a glance at him.

"I still have nightmares about seeing those green fungi. It's horrible."

Soon, there were more and more people on both sides smelling onlookers. Kratos smiled helplessly. This guy Yin Lai is almost as famous as him.

"Disperse, disperse!" Kratos dispersed loudly, and the surrounding talents began to disperse.

After the crowd dispersed, Yin Lai was taken all the way to a wizard tower by Kratos.

"This wizard tower is assigned to you, you can live here, and of course you can go to other places if you want."

In front of him is a wizard's tower that is more than ten meters long. The whole body is black, but there are many plants clinging to it, and the periphery is also blocked by fences. It is a good place, and Yin Lai is very satisfied.

"It's fine here." Yin Lai nodded.

"Okay, then you clean up first, and we will inform you after the meeting, oh and this is your identification." Kratos nodded and threw a new token to Yin Lai.

This token is much more high-end than the previous one. It is made of Asker copper, a precious ore, with a white tower engraved on the surface, which looks very delicate.

"This is the identity certificate of the member. It has been stored with me for a long time, and it is now returned to the original owner." Kratos replied with a smile.

"Well, thank you sir." Yin Lai took over the token, and his return was much smoother than he thought.

"It's okay, you deserve it." Kratos smiled: "Then I'll go first."

"I'm leaving too. Today I saw our poison master." Xiron, who had been following along, also left with a smile, and the others gradually dispersed.

"Sword Comes"

The crowd dispersed, and Yin Lai also walked into the wizard tower.

There are four floors inside the wizard's tower. It looks small from the outside, but the area is not small at all. After simple cleaning, Yin Lai even lived here.


Lying on the bed, Yin glanced at the unfamiliar environment around him, and then took out the token that belongs to here.

Looking at the white pagoda on the token glowing white light in the darkness, Yin Lai knew that from today, his life would enter a new stage again.

Yin Lai did not go out for the next few days, but stayed in the wizard's tower.

Three days later, Yin Lai received the news of holding a parliament, and the time is tomorrow.

the next day.

After Yin Lai tidied up his clothes briefly in front of the mirror, he walked out of the wizard tower and walked towards the center of the wizard tower.

The white pagoda is in the center of the town, and there are two guards at the entrance, both wearing uniforms, constantly checking the identity of the person entering, Yin Lai stepped forward and took out the token.

"Is that Mr. Herman?" The guard asked in surprise while holding the token.

Yin Lai nodded.

"Sir, please come with me." The guard respectfully handed the token to Yin Lai, and then walked towards the White Pagoda.

When entering the White Pagoda, Yin Lai knew how big the area is. Each floor is at least a few hundred square meters. The first floor is responsible for some basic daily work in the camp, so there are many people.

It was obvious that the meeting place was not here, and the guard took Yin Lai towards it.

Soon, after passing through the second floor responsible for internal affairs, and the third floor for internal affairs, Yin Lai arrived on the fourth floor and was led into a conference room by the guards.

This is a huge conference room.

At this time, there was a huge long table with a red cloth on it, a huge high-back chair on the main seat, and fifteen slightly smaller ones on both sides. high back chair.

Of course, Yin Lai was surprised that in addition to the three seats near the main seat, there was a number behind the other chairs, one to twelve.

There were not many people at this time, probably only four or five people, and Kratos and Xiron, who were familiar to Yin Lai, were in the second ring.

"Herman, where is your position!" Seeing Yin Lai coming, Kratos pointed to a chair and the number behind the chair was eight.

He nodded, went straight to it, and didn't talk to the others, but the others looked at Yin Lai curiously. It was the first time they saw Yin Lai.

Time blinked and another half hour passed.

At this time, fifteen of the sixteen seats have been filled, and only the most central main seat is still unoccupied. Yin Lai looked around and found that except for the three deputy speakers who are the second ring, the others are also one ring, which makes He had a clearer understanding of the Baita's situation.

Time passed little by little.

Halfway behind, the door slowly opened, and a man with white hair walked in. He glanced at everyone, and then sat directly on the main seat.

Needless to say, he is the speaker of the White Tower, the second-ring extreme wizard Marcos.

"Nice to see everyone." Marcos sat down and smiled at everyone, the atmosphere was peaceful.

He also looked at the opening: "Your name is Herman, it's nice to meet you, your virus has played a big role in the war."

"This is what I should do." Yin Lai nodded humbly.

Others also looked over curiously, and they were all seeing Herman for the first time.

"Haha, there's no need to be humble." Marcos laughed, looked around, and said, "Since everyone is here, let's start. This is the first time the White Tower Council is held, and I will be the speaker.

There are three themes in this council, one is the future development of the White Tower, the second is the work distribution of the members and the vice-speaker, and the third is to reward you for your outstanding contributions in the war. Dissent. "

"No!" everyone said in succession.

"Well, fine, then I'll start with the first thing,"

"The White Tower is a new force, and all we need to do first is development, not expansion, so for the next period of time, our core is development, so we will have a lot of initiatives in various aspects, including In every aspect, I will explain this to you one by one.”

Marcos took out a document, and then began to explain one by one. After the explanation, the members voted to decide. At this time, Yin Lai also knew what the numbers behind it were.

It turns out that this determines the status of the warlock in the council. The speaker has a negative vote and the right to ten votes. .

So Yin Lai is No. 8 and has two votes. He can sit here. This is entirely because Yin Lai has made great contributions to the war and the influence of Kratos.

The development direction has been discussed for a long time, and naturally we did not say it. Basically, everyone agrees.

Soon, the meeting entered the second item, and everyone was assigned their duties.

"Siron, you are in charge of the scheduling of all the wizards within the force, Kratos, you are in charge of the allocation of all resources, and Jesse, you are in charge of all external forces."

The assignments of the three vice-speakers were over, followed by Yin Lai and the others. Yin Lai was also curious about what positions would be assigned to him.

With the end of the previous warlock assignment, it was Yin Lai's turn soon.

"Herman, since you used to be Kratos' subordinate, then you will take part of his responsibilities. From today onwards, you will be responsible for all the magic plants and potions in the force." Marcos looked at Yin Lai and said.

"Okay." Yin Lai nodded.

This is already quite a fat After all, although the White Pagoda is a new force, it is not much larger than the previous camp, and the benefits are not small.

Soon, all kinds of benefits were divided up, and it was the final reward stage, which were basically leftovers from the Shadow Monitor Lizard Wizarding Academy, but in Yin Lai, the reward was 20,000 magic stones, and the shadow monitor lizard laboratory. It was packed and given to Yin Lai.

Yin Lai was very satisfied. After all, his laboratory was set up decades ago, and many experimental devices were broken. Now that there are better ones, Yin Lai is a lot easier.

And with the end of the reward, the meeting was considered to be over, and Marcos said some more words and left.

Others also left.

Just when Yin Lai was about to leave, he was stopped by Kratos.

"Herman, let's talk."

"Okay!" Yin Lai nodded.


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