Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 159: new chapter

"I haven't seen you for such a long time, your breath is growing fast!"

In a room, Kratos held a cup of coffee and looked at Yin Lai with a smile.

"Hey, it takes time!" Yin Lai replied, he is much stronger than ten years ago, and he is currently in the middle of the first ring.

"Well, this is a good thing. After all, as the eighth member of the White Tower, you still need your strength, but if I am here, I will also protect you." Kratos nodded and said, the implication is that Yin Laigui covers him. .

"Of course, after all, I have been with the adults for so many years." Yin Lai replied.

It's a conversation, it's a test.

Hearing the satisfactory answer, Kratos also nodded with satisfaction, such an answer is enough.

"Well, relax, we are all part of the council in terms of status, everyone is the same in status, and the White Tower has just started, the main contradiction is external, just take care of yourself." Kratos nodded. .


"But congratulations, Herman, the eighth member of Congress, we will all be one in the future. Of course, you have to rely on yourself, but if you have any questions now, you can ask me, it doesn't matter." Kratos smiled and patted He patted Yin Lai on the shoulder.

"Uh, my lord, I really have a question."

"Oh?" Kratos asked curiously.

"My lord, I want to ask, how did the warlock break through the second ring?" Yin Lai looked at Kratos and asked, which was also the purpose of his return this time.

"Break through the second ring!" Kratos thought for a while, and then replied: "How about the second ring? For ordinary warlocks, this basically depends on blood."

"General bloodline level determines the upper limit of some warlocks. Just like the shadow monitor lizard warlock, the basic limit is the second ring, and yours is a thorn tree demon, which may be very difficult."

Kratos pursed his lips and said, "Of course it's not impossible for a bloodline to break through, but it's difficult. This requires your bloodline concentration to be extremely high, dig deep into the bloodline, and then break through the limit of the bloodline to find the bloodline deeper in the bloodline."

"Then the bloodline level is enough?" This has nothing to do with Yin Lai, how come the Shadow Dragon is also the bloodline of the Fourth Ring.

"And of course there is enough blood, this is another matter. This information is very precious, but it is easy for you to get it. I will tell you directly here."

"Since it is a breakthrough, then we have to mention the difference between the second ring and the same ring. The second ring warlock is divided into three stages, the first, middle and late stages, and each level needs to rely on blood to condense a blood core, so breaking through the second ring, You need to condense a bloodline core."

"There are two ways to condense the bloodline core, one is to improve the quality of the bloodline, and then naturally condense the bloodline core, and the other is to rely on a large amount of bloodline power to accumulate."

"Accumulation?" Yin Lai wondered.

"Yes, it is accumulation. As long as the power of the bloodline is enough, the core of the bloodline can always be slowly condensed, but this requires too much power of the bloodline, so most warlocks still choose to take the first path." Kratos explained road.

"That's it." Yin Lai said he understood.

It seems that the difference between the second-ring warlock and the first-ring warlock lies in the core of the bloodline.

"Well, after condensing the first bloodline core, you can be called a second-ring warlock. At this time, the warlock's bloodline power is highly condensed. Whether it is explosive or control, it is completely two levels from the first-ring, but why do you suddenly Remember this?" Kratos asked curiously, holding the coffee.

"Treading the Stars"

"It's okay, just curious." Yin Lai walked over to the lake.

The two were chatting, and there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in!" Kratos said.

The door opened, and two familiar people walked in. They were Rawls and Yin Fona, whom Yin Lai had not seen for many years.

The changes between the two are not very big, the only change is that there seems to be a scar on Rawls's face.

"Lord Kratos." The two said towards Kratos.

Kratos nodded, then turned to look at Yin Lai, who was beside him, and said, "Since you have to be responsible for so much, you can't do without your subordinates. I will leave Rawls and Yin Fona to you, and you can do whatever you want. them."

Rawls: …

In fact, he had already heard of what Yin Lai had done when he was out on a mission. Originally, he wanted to work hard to surpass him, but as time passed, the gap became bigger and bigger, and he accepted his fate.

Especially knowing that Yin Lai has become the speaker, it was Kratos who called him today, and he never thought that he was going to be Yin Lai's subordinate.

How can this make him not feel embarrassed.

"Okay, my lord." On the other hand, Yin Funa agreed very simply, without any embarrassment.

"Rolls, why don't you speak."

"Me too." Rawls gritted his teeth.

"Well, you are already very familiar with it, so I won't say anything. You can assign your own work after you leave." Kratos nodded.

"Well, then, sir, I will retire."

Soon, Yin Lai left the room with Rawls and Yin Fona, and then did a simple assignment.

Yin Fona was in charge of the potion work, and Rawls was in charge of the magic plant.

As for what Yin Lai does?

Just kidding, of course it's fishing, anyway, there are free men, no need for nothing.

And Yin Lai's next path is also obvious.

That is to mix in the White Pagoda, low-key to make oneself stronger and stronger, and collect the items of the wizard, as for the rest, it is random.

Moreover, Kratos also told Yin Lai how to break through the bloodline. Since the wizard can't break through in a short time, it is better to let the bloodline go farther and raise his upper limit first, instead of constantly making up for the shortcomings.

As for the two ways to break through.

The first one is not bad, but it is not suitable for Yin Lai. After all, it requires him to spend too much time on his bloodline. He still takes wizards as his main path, so he does not consider it.

The second one is just He can slowly swallow blood, then accumulate the power of blood, and then break through the second ring.

As for the blood, he relies on the wizard camp to collect it slowly. He just needs to sit in the white tower and wait, and go there every once in a while. Of course, it may take a while.

But Yin Lai's patience is very good, take it slow.

Three years later.

Yin Lai sat in the office in the white tower, looked at the majestic power outside the window, and took a deep breath.

At this point, his bloodline fit was already 91%.

In fact, 90% can be broken through, but later Yin Lai discovered that it seems that the limit of bloodline fit is 95%, but most people choose to break through 90%, because after 90%, every 1% breakthrough requires Much more difficult than before.

So Yin Lai chose to continue to wait.


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