Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 160: 2nd Ring Warlock

Time is fair to all, because his passage of time is the same.

In the blink of an eye, ten years passed again. Yin Lai also passed through the initial chaotic stage of this new force, and the White Pagoda began to gradually become orderly.

At this time, he was already the seventh member of the White Tower Council. This was because the previous member died in a follow-up battle, and all the latter members were promoted by one in order.

Of course, this is not worth mentioning for Yin Lai. At this time, he has 61% mental power and 66% elementalization in the warlock. The wizard has officially entered the late stage of the first stage, but in fact, he seems to have made greater progress in the direction of blood. At this time A 95-point fit has been reached, ready to break through.

Originally, Yin Lai didn't want to do this. After all, he was a wizard, but his bloodline went farther than a wizard. I'm afraid he was the first to clearly walk the wizard's path, and then his bloodline broke through first.

The arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent.

So more than a year later.

After taking a leave of absence, Yin Lai came to the Iris Wizard Camp every few years.

"What a big change!"

Unlike thirteen years ago, the camp at this time is completely different from the previous one.

Standing on the big tree outside the wizard's camp, there is a large wizard's camp in front of them. The area has expanded by two to three times than before, and the number of people is also twice the previous.

Except for a small number of wizards that grew naturally in the wizard camp, the others were all foreign wizards. Fortunately, the management was good, and the number of wizards in the original camp had reached four at this time, so they were also able to take charge of everything.

After a brief look, Yin Lai jumped off the tree and walked into the camp.

"Lord Roland is back!"

Someone saw Yin Lai and shouted loudly, and the crowd also looked at him.

After living here for a while, they all know that this camp has an elusive battalion commander, who only comes back once every few years on average, but he is the unquestionable leader of the camp, and also has a channel for potions, which is in the camp. People who can't be missing.

"Go to Ti Jie and ask her to go to the Wizard's Tower, I want to see her." After instructing someone, Yin Lai went directly to the Wizard's Tower.

Half an hour later, Yin Lai met Ti Jie again.

"Lord Roland." Tijie lowered her head humbly.

"Well, you have managed the camp well during this time, and it's worth rewarding." Yin Lai nodded, then threw out three bottles of potion, saying: "This is the blood bamboo flower potion, which can greatly improve mental strength. It is recommended that one person use it at most. a bottle."

"Thank you, sir." Ti Jie's eyes lit up and she took the potion.

"It's nothing." Yin Lai shook his head and asked, "How is the blood pool prepared?"

The blood pool was built by Yin Lai's orders. The blood collected in the camp will be stored in it. Yin Laimei will come back every once in a while to absorb it, otherwise it will be impossible to reach the 95% limit, and it has been three years since he last came here. years ago.

"Sir, it's ready," Ti Jie replied.

"Well, get ready, I will use it tomorrow, and no one will be allowed to approach the 500-meter range."

This time, there is only one purpose for returning, and that is to break through the second ring warlock first.

"Okay." Ti Jie nodded. He already knew that Yin Lai had also cultivated the bloodline. In fact, she was very puzzled. After all, the wizard's integration into the bloodline did not increase his lifespan. What is the significance of simply improving the bloodline's power?

Normal wizards can live to be two hundred years old, but this weird world can only live to one hundred, three or four years, so wizards are trying their best to break through the higher level to gain lifespan, but Yin Lai doesn't seem to care, he is really a strange wizard .

"Then leave first, I'll look elsewhere."

After sending Ti Jie away, Yin Lai came to the laboratory here. As a pure wizard's laboratory, there is only one task here, and that is to continue to study the fragments of devouring witchcraft, for Yin Lai's endless devouring the second curse mark. effort.

Of course, Yin Lai only gave them part of it, and let them complete the first and middle stages. In the later stage, Yin Lai himself had to look at it. After all, this is very important knowledge, and it cannot be thrown around.

After dealing with the problems in the laboratory, Yin Lai learned about the situation in the camp again, then returned to the room and waited quietly.

the next day.

According to the agreed time, Tijie came.

"Sir, please." Ti Jie led the way.

The blood pool was actually built for Yin Lai's convenience. It was built inside a hill next to the camp, in a naturally formed karst cave.

Passing through the corridor shrouded in layers of witch formations, Yin Lai and the two entered the mountain.

At this time, in front of them was a huge stone gate, with a huge volume of seven or eight meters. Not only did they use part of the knowledge of alchemy, but also a large amount of materials were spent by the camp.

Because they have been here many times, the two of them have not changed much and pushed the door directly.

As soon as the door opened, a **** aura poured into Yin Lai's nose. In front of him was a large stone room, and in the center of the stone room was a huge blood pool.

The radius is only seven or eight meters, and the depth is about the same number, and there is a tube in the dome that is flowing a lot of blood into it at this time, that is, the camp throws blood in other places.

This is Yin Lai's blood pool. The blood pool accumulated by one camp is also the driving force for Yin Lai's continuous breakthrough.

"You can go out now, guard the neighborhood." Yin Lai said to Ti Jie.

"Yeah." Tijie nodded.

After Ti Jie left, Yin Lai summoned a large number of skeletons again. The wizard model was activated, and a large number of skeletons began to shatter and then reassemble. After that, there was a giant skeleton with a height of five meters at the gate, and the aura emanated also exceeded one. Ring, but not as good as the second ring.

This is the sorcery created by Yin Lai before relying on the joint wizards.

"Stay here and don't allow anyone to enter. If you want to break in, kill him." Yin Lai ordered.

The giant skeleton did not answer, but just stood by the door without saying a word.

Looking at this scene, Yin Lai nodded, he believed in the undead more than humans, as long as you control them, they will never betray.

After arranging everything, Yin Lai slowly walked towards the blood pool.

Seeing that the blood in front of him was already reaching the sky, and resisting nausea, Yin Lai took off his clothes and jumped straight in.

Unlike water, the blood here is thick and sticky for ten years. He jumped into it without even a trace of blood, and it sank straight in at twenty, like a swamp.

In the process of sinking, Yin Lai also closed his eyes. At the same time, the black ring on his arm was like a black hole that was constantly swallowing the blood around him. At the same time, Yin Lai's blood power was also increasing.

A miraculous change is taking place.

In this way, Yin Lai seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and outside the door, the skeleton guarded the door without saying a word. Outside the mountain, a large number of apprentices were also patrolling. The task they received was that not even a mosquito could be put in. .

After half a day.

Outside this mountain, all patrol members suddenly felt a tremor and turned to look.

"What happened?" Everyone was horrified, because at this time they only felt as if some monster was growing in the mountain. The powerful force made them as apprentices tremble.

"Damn, is there a beast in here?"

When it was used, someone suddenly discovered that the small animals on the mountain at this time turned out to be like seeing a ghost, madly running towards the bottom of the mountain, as if there was something terrible in them.

In the distance, there are even the hind feet of the beasts, as if a demonstration, so that the creatures here do not get close.

For a time, noise and chaos became the theme here. Everyone was at a loss and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a low voice like a dragon roar sounded.

"A dragon?"

Everyone was terrified. UU reading www.

However, it seems that the dragon's yin only lasted for a few seconds, and then the breath that made everyone afraid has long disappeared, but it seems that with this fluctuation, the surrounding mountains and forests also began to riot.

A small beast tide was brewing, which was not expected by the other people in the camp. Ti Jie quickly organized the people in the camp and stood on the fence, ready to resist.

Just when everyone thought that the beast tide was about to start like this.

Suddenly, a dragon roar came again from the mountains not far away.

Everyone was stunned, but when everyone turned their heads, they suddenly found that the beast swarm had dissipated.


Everyone opened their mouths wide, and then shouted loudly to celebrate the end of the beast swarm.


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