Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 162: Relic Dispute

the next day.

Yin Lai came to the third floor of the White Pagoda as usual. As a member of the power council, he also has an office here, and it is very large.

"My lord, this is all the recent affairs!"

Yin Funa, wearing an off-shoulder dress, walked in from the door shaking her bunny ears, holding a document in her hand.

"Has anything happened recently?" Yin Lai asked curiously.

"It's been quite calm recently, but with the expansion of power, there is inevitably friction with the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, but it basically doesn't affect us." Yin Fona replied.

"That's fine, then you can normally distribute the configured potions and other magic plant resources to each camp and power according to the previous ratio. I don't care about that." Yin Lai said with a smile.

"Okay." Yin Funa forced a smile.

It's true, she used to give Yin Lai her own job, but now it's the other way around. Yin Funa felt sad and couldn't go out to gamble today.

"Oh, yes, sir, there is one more thing I need to tell you." Yin Funa put down the document, as if she suddenly remembered something.

"Oh?" Yin glanced at Yin Funa.

"My lord, a new wizard relic has recently appeared on the border between the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance and the White Tower. There has been a lot of friction. The nearby wizard camp and us asked for some potions."

"Wizard ruins?" Yin Lai wondered.

"Yes, this incident has just happened, and it should be spread tomorrow. It is said to be a very rich wizard relic. There are many cherished plants, some wizard tools, and a large number of elemental crystals. Anyway, it should be recently. The richest ruins have been discovered." Yin Fona said recallingly.



Yin Lai's eyes lit up, not to mention the magic potion and witchcraft, but a large number of elemental crystals, is this true?

At present, Yin Lai wants to go further, that is to improve the ability of wizards, but the one thing that is annoying is that his spiritual power is actually improved at a reasonable rate, thanks to Yin Lai's blood bamboo flower in the second ring this year, It can improve mental strength, so it is not slow.

But one link is not only mental power, but also to enhance elementalization, and these two also restrict each other, but there are very few items that can improve elementalization, and the most common of them should be elemental crystals.

But common is also relative. Elemental crystals, which Warlocks have long since produced, are not in stock even in the White Tower, which makes him very helpless.

Yin Lai was very surprised when he heard that there were a lot of elemental crystals, but he didn't show it, but nodded and said to Yin Fona: "Well, I understand, then I agree with their recruitment, and we'll talk about it later. "

"Okay." Yin Funa nodded and turned to leave.

Watching Yin Funa leave, Yin Lai fell into deep thought.

To go or not to go?

If you go, you may get a lot of elemental crystals, which is very important to him, but if you don't have it, it doesn't seem to matter.

Who knows what's in the secret realm?

If the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance sends two or three Second Rings to come, even if he is besieged, there is a risk.

Anyway, the event is over. If he brings back the elemental crystals, he can buy it, but if not, then it's fine that this has never happened.

"Forget it." After a few minutes, Yin Lai gave up the idea.

The strength of the second ring is still a little more cautious, and it is still unclear how the ruins will be excavated. What is the situation, we will talk about it later.

the next day.

Yin Lai also confirmed the authenticity of the matter from official channels.

Indeed, a wizard's secret realm was discovered, and in the buffer zone between the two forces, it was suddenly discovered between the two forces during the battle, and this is what happened next.

And Yin Lai was not in a hurry after confirming it, because according to his understanding, this kind of confrontation involving two forces definitely needs to be negotiated.

Sure enough, afternoon.

Yin Lai received the news that a meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss how to deal with the secret realm.

the next day.

Yin Lai came to the conference room very early, except for him, there were only three people at this time.

"Yin Lai, it's strange that you came so early!"

At this moment, the door opened, and a man in black and red clothes walked in. It was Rawls, who was also a member of the council at this time.

"For the White Pagoda!" Yin Lai nodded, and the two of them usually communicated in a more harmonious way. After all, they were both adults.

Rawls smiled and sat in his seat without speaking.

As time passed, all the members came. Speaker Marcos and Deputy Speaker Kratos also came, but there were also missing people. For example, Deputy Speaker Jesse and Xiron did not come, and there were other members.

"Well, ten people came this time, not bad." Speaker Marcos sat in the center and looked around.

They are the highest power level in the entire White Pagoda. Naturally, it is impossible for everyone to be here all the time. It is already a large number of ten people.

"Let's start then." Marcos coughed, he was very old.

"Let me talk about the situation first, the secret realm discovered this time is a medium-sized secret realm, and inside it is the remains of a wizarding academy, and this wizarding academy should seem to have a large part of warlocks.

As we all know, when the wizards left, they took away most of their knowledge. There was also a lot of knowledge on the path of warlocks, and some of the training tools of warlocks were also taken away, but there may be some in it, plus the magic plants inside, so According to the resource division, this secret realm should be considered third-class.

The current discussion is to send people in and Wanxue. At that time, only the first ring and the zero ring will be sent in, and then the secret realm will be allocated according to the amount of resources obtained. Now, a second ring is needed as the leader. "

The Baita divides the resources into five grades, the first grade is the lowest, the fifth grade is the highest, and the third grade is not a low evaluation.

Everyone nodded when they heard Marcos' description. It is indeed a secret realm with rich resources, but that's all. You must know that there are a few more relics found every year, but most of them belong to wizards. I believe that this time there will not be too many exceptions, and it is not worthwhile to work with the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

The conclusion is that there is a high probability that the second ring may not gain much, the first ring has risks, and the zero ring depends on luck.

"Uh, what do you think?" Marcos looked at the crowd and asked.

"Uh, I think it is still necessary to fight, but whoever wants to go depends on self-consciousness. After all, not everyone is willing to go." Kratos said first.

"Well." Marcos nodded and hesitated: "Actually, the secret realm is not a big deal, but this time it is in the middle of the two forces, so it is more sensitive. This is also the first time since the establishment of the White Tower. The Ten Thousand Blood Alliance has a direct collision, so the secret realm doesn't matter, the focus is on the friction with the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance."

"We must not be too weak, that's why we need this person who can take charge."

"Everyone is a member of parliament, who has an idea?" Marcos looked at everyone and asked.

The parliament fell silent for a while.

"If no one wants to go, then I'll just say what I think." Marcos looked at the crowd and said.

"Forget it, I'm the strongest. Since it's the first collision, let me do it." Suddenly, Kratos next to Marcos spoke suddenly.

Yin Lai did not expect Kratos to participate in this matter.

"Well, it's okay, you're in the late second ring, that's enough." Marcos was not angry when he was interrupted, but was rather happy.


"Well, but I definitely won't be able to get in by then, and one or two leaders are needed in the secret realm, so I'm going to let Herman and Rawls go with me!" Kratos knocked on the table and said.

"Oh?" Marcos glanced at Kratos in surprise and thought for a while: "Of course, but it depends on what Herman and Rawls think."

According to the order of the parliament, members have the right to refuse.

On the other side, Yin Lai was also stunned, ahh, he was stabbed in the back by Kratos.

However, since Kratos has already proposed it, he feels that this matter should not be so simple. Also, no one can see through his disguise at present. Isn't this just letting him go in with the power of the second ring and compete with the first ring and the apprentice. ?

Yesterday he thought that the second ring would also enter, but now there is only one ring opposite, so he doesn't seem to have anything to be afraid of?

Then go for it.

"I can." Yin Lai raised his hand.

"I can too." Rawls raised his hand excitedly, and looked at Yin Lai.

For so many years, he has always regarded Yin Lai as his Has he never won once? This time is another chance.

"Well, then only Rawls and Herman will participate this time. Does anyone else have any opinions?"

"I do not have."

"I do not have either."


Soon others also set an example. After all, Kratos has come forward, and others have nothing to say.

"Very good, then it's decided. This time, Kratos will lead the secret realm, and then Rawls and Herman will be the assistants."

Marcos decided.


When the meeting was over, everyone left.


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