Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 163: Blood Soul Flower

White Tower Square.

It is a square near the periphery of the White Pagoda. The entire area is paved with white stones. It has a large area. Generally, large-scale outings will gather here.

At this time, there was a crowd of people on the square, about 150 people.

Among them, there are about 120 apprentices, basically all of them wear ordinary leather armor or warlock robes in the middle and late stages of the apprenticeship, a kind of clothing similar to wizard robes, but lighter than wizard robes.

The others are all one-ring wizards. Although they also wear leather armor and warlock robes, they are completely different from those of apprentices in terms of materials and defensive wizard formations.

At this time, these warlocks all raised their heads and looked at a high platform in front of them.

On the high platform, Kratos stood at the front, and Rawls and Yin Lai stood on both sides behind him.

Yin Lai stood on the high platform, looked down, and saw Ross in the crowd at a glance, but at this time Ross was already a warlock in the middle stage of the first ring. He was pulled out of prison 20 years ago and participated in this time. Activity.

"The warlocks in the camp are also developing very well, and their strength is good. Herman, you have to be careful, don't even beat them one day." At this time, Rawls's eyes flashed and he said to Yin Lai. .

Yin glanced at Rawls and ignored him.

Speaking of which, his displayed strength is definitely not one of the strongest 16 people in the current White Tower. After all, although Warlocks are good in the later stage, they always have good talents, such as this guy like Rawls. It's already a late-stage limit, but as one of the pioneers, no one can pull him out of the council unless he dies or betrays

"You guy, I am the bloodline of the second ring. It will definitely be easier for you to break through in the future. I will probably break through the second ring earlier than you. Be careful when I replace you." laugh.

"Well, come on then." Yin Lai nodded.

Rawls' smile stopped for a few decades, can you die if you are serious?

He still wanted to speak, but this time Kratos glanced back at him and motioned him to stop, so he didn't speak.

Kratos is also helpless. He has known each other for sixty or seventy years, and nothing has changed. He then turned to look at the warlocks below.

It has been two days since the last meeting. Baita has selected many warlocks to participate in this secret realm. Today is not only to explain the precautions, but also to set off.

"Welcome everyone who is willing to participate in this secret battle with the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance. I am Kratos, and everyone should be familiar with it." Kratos was also very direct, and he started talking directly, and the bottom was quiet for a moment.

"This time is not only an opportunity for everyone, but also a strength for the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, so this time I have only one request for you, and that is to win!"

"Not only must we win the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance in terms of resources, which is related to the ownership of the secret realm, but we must also win them in battle, so that they can see the power of the White Tower Warlock!" Kratos said loudly.

"Of course, we will not let everyone work in vain. This time, we will rank everyone according to the amount of resources. At that time, we can buy the resources of the White Tower, including the limit-breaking potions needed by the Zero Ring Wizard, the magic blood potions and so on. Potion, or bloodline, or bloodline crystals (similar to elemental crystals) needed by a ring of warlocks, and the resources obtained only need to be handed in one-fourth." Compared with the declaration of the mouth, the actual reward is much better .

And because this time it was a showcase for the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, the academy also made a lot of money.

So at this time, if the warlocks at the bottom shouted after hearing it, their willingness to fight instantly increased to the peak, and they even wanted to enter the secret realm immediately.

But Yin Lai, who is the decision-making level of Baita, pouted.


If you can get the secret realm, then these resources are nothing at all, and if you can't get it, a quarter of the resources of the warlocks can basically offset the reward, not only can't lose, but may also make a small profit.

As for where all these earnings go, it has not gone through various conversions and then flowed into the pockets of various high-level executives. It happens that Yin Lai is also one of them.

Therefore, Yin Lai looked at this group of people at this time, and even had a feeling of cheering at the leeks, which was very interesting.

"That's all I have to say. When that time comes, everyone will be adaptable in the secret realm. At that time, Senator Herman and Rawls will also enter it. If everyone encounters them, they must obey their orders!" Tos said again.

Then Rawls and Yin Lai also spoke briefly, and then distributed the map of the secret realm. This mobilization meeting was over.

At the same time, dozens of Soros giant eagles were already waiting.

This is a kind of giant eagle with zero rings. Although it is of low level, it has a very good load-bearing capacity and is very large. Each one can carry up to a dozen people. It is a transportation tool for Baita to feed.

"Set off!"

Kratos announced that all the wizards and cods had climbed on the back of the giant eagle, and Yin Lai and Rawls also walked towards a separate giant eagle, which was normal.

"Herman, Rawls, come with me." At this moment, Kratos waved at the two of them. The two were inexplicable, but they followed.

Yin Lai felt that something must have happened. He felt something was wrong with the council before.

On the back of the giant eagle, Kratos did not speak, and the two sat in a corner.

When everyone was ready, the giant eagle flapped its wings, and at the same time the light wind element entwined on both sides of the wings, bringing them into the sky.


At this time, a magic weapon was activated at the neck of the giant eagle, and a shield appeared, blocking the surrounding pressure and wind for the warlocks, and then flew towards the distance.

The giant eagle is very fast, and can fly several dozen meters in the blink of an eye. Yin Lai is also admiring the scenery on both sides, considering whether it is time to add a flying ability to himself.

Just as he was thinking, Kratos, who was not far away, finally spoke.

He turned his head, looked at the two and said, "Come closer, I have something to tell you."

Rawls: ? ? ?

Rawls was a little confused, but Yin Lai had expected it, so he was very calm.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Rawls asked.

"It's okay, just chat with you about the secret realm." Kratos sat down and said to the two with a smile.

"You should have questions this time, why should I take the initiative to take over the task of this secret realm." Kratos asked.

"Doubt? No?" Rawls said subconsciously, but at random he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Kratos: …

He was speechless for a moment, but he resumed his smile again in the next second, and said: "This time I want to participate in the secret realm, because during the first round of exploration, my people found that there may be traces of second-order blood soul flowers in it, I am very concerned. I need this!"

Kratos looked at the two with serious eyes.

have to!

Yin Lai understood, so it made sense, but if he remembered correctly, the blood soul flower should be a precious plant that compensates for the damage to the origin of the soul.

Is it...

On the other side, Kratos looked at the two of them and understood what the Blood Soul Flower was, and did not hide it, saying, "You have been my subordinates for many years, and I trust you, to be honest, when you fought against the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance decades ago. , My soul source has been damaged, it was nothing at first, but with the improvement of my strength, this problem is getting bigger and bigger, and now if I want to go further, then I must make up for this part."

"So I need you to try your best to get the Blood Soul Flower for me from the secret realm, can you do it?"

"Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely take the blood soul flower from it for you." Yin said.

"Me too." Rawls also hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

Kratos is the background of the two in the White Tower, and also bears the identity of the two's protection umbrella, which can save the two of them a lot of trouble. Herman has been stable for so many years, at least 50% of his credit.

Therefore, as long as there is no danger, Yin Lai will retrieve the Blood Soul Flower for him. Of course, if there is danger, then forget it.

As for the half-dog-legged Rawls, not to mention, in order to defeat Yin Lai in front of Kratos, he will definitely do his best.

"Fairy Wood"

"Yeah." Kratos looked at the two loyal subordinates with satisfaction, both of whom had followed him during the apprenticeship stage.

"Do you know the exact location of the Blood Soul Flower?" Yin Lai asked.

"Of course, this is the general map inside, I recorded it?"

"Map? Wasn't it issued before?" Rawls wondered, they had issued a map before.

"That's the abridged version." Kratos glanced at him and took out two maps.

Yin Lai took out what was posted on the square before, opened it and compared it, my dear, this castration is too outrageous.

The previous map only had the name of the, but some places on this new map even indicate that the resource is still in danger, and even has a rating.

"But this is the map you should get. This place seems to be the location of the Blood Soul Flower." Kratos said, pointing to a place.


Yin Lai knew in seconds that this was their exclusive "leadership" map, and his subordinates were naturally the castrated version.

All I can say is that there are differences everywhere!

So much for the conversation.

After the conversation, Yin Lai and Rawls sat back to their original positions, while Rawls stared at Yin Lai with a burning gaze, as if saying that he would find the Blood Soul Flower in advance.

Yin took a look at Rawls, then closed his eyes, upset.

In this way, the giant eagle carried the warlocks of the White Tower and moved rapidly towards the target location.


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