Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 159: unfortunate white tower

The giant eagle roared.

Three days later, Yin Lai and others arrived at their destination.

It was still the familiar Ximi Plateau, but at this time, there were already a lot of people stationed on the plateau. Yin Lai stood on the giant eagle and looked down. At the center of the plateau, above an altar, a quaint gate radiated It has a mysterious space atmosphere, and there is a vortex in the center.

"This is it, it seems that the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance has arrived ahead of schedule." Kratos stood at the front and looked towards the high and distant corner.

Dozens of terrestrial beasts were feeding on the plateau in twos and threes. Not far away, there was a large tent. The tent was tall and there was a symbol of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance outside, a **** wolf head.

Yin Lai also glanced at that side, but because of the distance, he didn't see anything, and at this time, the giant eagle also let out a long howl and landed slowly.

Landing on the ground, Kratos jumped off the giant eagle first, followed by Yin Lai and Rawls.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome."

The one who was in charge of staying here was a white tower warlock, who came over with a flattering expression.

"Well, let's talk to the tent first." Kratos said directly without any nonsense.

"Good!" The 1st Ring Warlock smiled, and then while the others entertained the other 1st Ring Warlocks and apprentices, they led the three of Kratos to the largest tent in the temporary camp.

Soon, the three arrived at the tent, and the important people were called here.

Kratos sat in the main seat, Rawls and Yin Lai sat on the sides.

"Tell me about the situation in the secret realm, and the situation of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance." Kratos asked.

"My lord, this secret realm should be regarded as a secret realm that is not very dangerous, but there are a lot of things left in it, and it is guessed that it should be left behind when the evacuation was started.

The most powerful monsters discovered so far should be the academy center, where there is a group of mutant monsters left over, one of which is at the extreme level, and the others are mediocre, that is, monsters may be scattered sporadically in the secret realm. "

Someone immediately took out the record and started talking to Kratos.

"There is also the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance. This time, it should be the second-ring late-stage warlock Kadir Kless, the Komoyin giant snake warlock, and the combat effectiveness is also very strong. He is the only one in the second-ring, and the first-ring thirty Two people, about 110 people in the apprentice stage."

"Well, it seems that the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance is still abiding by the rules!"

"Herman, Rawls, this time our second ring is not involved in the battle, you are the ones who are going in. Do you two have any questions?" Kratos turned to look at the two of them.

"Uh, is there a list of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance? I want to take a look." Yin said.

Although he is a bit bullying, maybe there is a genius in the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance who can jump up to fight. There are too many stories like this.

"Lord Herman, this is there."

Soon, an apprentice respectfully handed the three documents to the three of them. Although only Herman asked for it, they all prepared three.

Yin Lai began to read.

The file records are relatively complete, and some objects that need to be paid attention to are also marked.

Two of them require the most attention.

The first is Adams of the limit of the first ring. This is a warlock of the Komoyin giant snake. It is said that the blood concentration is very high, and one link stimulates the bloodline talent. He is a genius of the Komoyin clan of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

There is also a ring of extreme Mo Lin, the blood of the psychedelic butterfly. Although it is only a blood of a ring, it is very confusing, and many people have been fooled by it.

The others were the first-ring warlocks, and Yin Lai also checked them carefully, as did Rawls. After all, there was a battle going to happen, and he didn't dare to care about it.

And it can be seen from this document that the strength of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance is still stronger than that of the White Tower. After all, this time they only have the limit of Rawls.

Of course, this is also related to the birth of the White Pagoda. According to the current classification of West Coast forces, it is generally divided into top-level forces, first-rate forces, second-rate forces and third-rate forces.

And how to distinguish this power level, in addition to the reference to the first ring of warlocks and territories, mainly depends on the high-end combat power of the forces, which is hard.

The third-tier has at least one second ring, the second-tier has more than three second-rings, the first-class has a second-ring that is above ten, and may have a third-ring, and as for the top, there are more.

Of course, this can only be used as a reference at times. After all, it is normal for some forces to win and hide several more advanced warlocks. No force will expose all the forces.

The White Tower and the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance are both second-rate forces, but the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance has eight second rings, but the White Tower only has five. After all, the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance has developed for a long time.

"Herman, don't die!" On the side, Rawls said to Yin Lai with a complicated expression after reading the file.

This time, the overall strength of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance is much stronger than them, and their situation is not very good. Don't get the blood soul flower by then, but die in it.

"Be careful, too." Yin Lai cast a glance at Rawls.

This guy Rawls is actually not bad, but he is a little arrogant, and he seems to have some obsession with defeating Yin Lai, otherwise he would not have kept him until now.

"Well, the situation is really bad!" Kratos also felt troubled after reading the document.

The gap is really not small, and the bloodlines of the two extreme warlocks in the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance are good. If they are allowed to take the lead, they may even be defeated.

"Hey, the current situation is like this." One Ring Warlock also sighed.

"Okay, then Herman, you and Rawls should be careful, and you should focus on life-saving." Kratos did not shy away and said directly.


"That's nothing to discuss, the secret realm battle should be two or three days later, you go to rest first." Kratos waved and dismissed the meeting.

Yin Lai was taken to a separate tent.

"Is it a ring? It seems to be a ring." In the tent, Yin Lai pursed his lips, but it was only a ring wizard.

However, he was already a middle-stage warlock in the second ring at this time, and with the shadow dragon blood of the fourth ring, although it was impolite, Yin Lai felt that he could beat Kratos violently.

Thinking of the breakthrough of the first curse seal of Endless Devouring Power, he felt that it was worthwhile to spend hundreds of years of research, a lot of magic stones, time, and many wrong paths.

I just don't know how the first-ring warlocks of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance know that their opponent is a second-ring guy.

"It's none of my business. If you want to blame it, blame Kratos. I didn't want to come out."

"Unfortunate Ten Thousand Blood Alliance!"

In the tent, Yin Lai observed a moment of silence for the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

"Oh, that's so unfair."

At this time, at the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, in the largest tent, two warlocks were sitting on the main seat.

One is with a gloomy face and an icy aura all over his body. It is the head of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance this time, Kadir Kless.

On the opposite side of him is a blond man, who is also a vertical boy, but his childish color is stained with some gold, plus the man is very tall, he looks very confident and domineering, and it is he who just spoke. .

"It's not fair? We didn't forget that Baita backstabbed us back then. They have to pay the price." Kadir said coldly, showing his white teeth.

"Reborn Financial Giants"

"Indeed!" Adams nodded, and his eyes wandered back to a blood-colored curse mark on his right arm.

"Don't worry, this curse seal can completely hide the fact that you have broken through the second ring. At that time, as long as you have a specific curse mark, you can return to the second ring without any damage to your body." Kadir looked at Adams' eyes, road.


"Although you have just broken through the second ring, it's enough to deal with the white tower's warlocks, just kill people. If they all die here, it will be a big loss to them, but they don't dare to do anything. ." Kadir sneered.

They proposed to explore the secret realm together, but their purpose was not to explore the secret realm.

Baita and the others have been unhappy for a long time, and today is a prelude.

"Understood, it's just a group of warlocks, I'm enough for one." Adams stretched his body, confident and relaxed.

"Unfortunate White Tower."


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