Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 169: Abusing Adams, Uncharted Center

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"Damn it, **** it!"

Ross covered his wound and hid behind a big tree.


He lowered his head and glanced. At this time, there was a huge gap in his chest, and the gap was filled with everted flesh and bright red blood flowing out.

Ross never thought that Adams' strength was so terrifying.

He was a mid-term limit of one ring, and in the hands of Adams of the limit, it was only a face-to-face, he was defeated so thoroughly and was seriously injured.

Facing Adams, he even had the feeling of facing the second ring members of the White Tower, as if they were not at the same level at all, and Adams was very relaxed at the time.

"It's over, I'm really unlucky. Wherever I go, I am unlucky." Ross took a deep breath, then got up and continued to escape.

But when he stood up, a figure walked out under the big tree not far away, with a faint smile on his face, looked at Luluos, and said softly, "I found you!"

was discovered.

The person in front of Ross's pupils dilated was officially Adams, and his body even trembled a little. Only after fighting Adams did he realize that the gap between the two was a bit big, and it was not the same level at all, and there was no hope of victory.

"Is this the end?" Ross gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and stared at Adams blood again.

Countless shadows emerged from the surrounding shadows in an instant, turning into slender shadow spears and flying towards Adams. The spears ripped through the air and made bursts of breaking sounds.

Facing this scene, Adams smiled, his eyes turned into icy vertical pupils, and at the same time, the surroundings began to become scorching hot, and a wall of fire appeared instantly, blocking him.

The shadows came, as if the first snow melted, and in the flames, all the shadows disappeared one by one even within a few centimeters of the flames, and Adams was not damaged.

Comoin Serpent, a giant snake-like creature that masters the element of fire.

"Sad weakling!" Adams walked out of the flames with a smile, looking at Ross contemptuously.


It is definitely impossible to fight, it depends on whether there is any hope of running.

Ross took a deep breath, his muscles tightened, and ran towards the woods behind him, but what surprised him happened, his body seemed to be stiff and could not move.

"The second ring of the Comoyin snake is gifted with witchcraft, petrification, how about it?" Adams explained to Ross as he walked over.


Rose's eyes widened, looking at Adams in disbelief.

Second-ring talent witchcraft, this does not mean that the Adams in front of him is actually a second-ring warlock, is it fake? But if you think about it carefully, if it is only a first-ring warlock, it is indeed almost impossible to cause such damage to him.

Rely on, Wanxue does not follow the rules.

Ross was instantly heartbroken, and slowly closed his eyes. In front of Erhuan, any struggle was meaningless.

"Are you accepting your fate?" Adams smiled, and a ball of basketball-sized ping pong **** flew towards Ross.


The flames collided with the shadows, and a wall of shadows suddenly appeared, blocking the flames.

"Looks like I still want to live!" Rawls was stunned, thinking it was Ross's means, so he moved closer to Ross, the scales outside his body appeared little by little, and then he confidently attacked the Wall of Shadows with flames wrapped around his hands And go.


The fist collided with the Wall of Shadows, which was different from the direct tear that Adams thought. Instead, the flames in his hands were extinguished, and the Wall of Shadows did not move at all.

"This!" Adams was stunned, how could this be?

Is it a special witchcraft?

In the next second, a larger flame smashed towards the shadow, and the fire cloud erupted, but when the flame dissipated, the wall of shadow was still unscathed, but he lost a lot of power.


At this time, Ross had opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. He was a little confused. This is not his method. What is the situation, but when he sensed the familiar aura coming from the wall, he was stunned.

"Leave your lord, he's the second ring!"

Although I don't know where it is, but judging from the breath, it is Lord Eli.

The adults actually came to save him, and his heart was filled with emotion.

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is anxious.

There was a second ring in front of him, and Ross was so anxious.

"Sir?" On the other side, Adams was stunned when he heard the voice, turned his head to look around, only to see a man slowly walking out of the woods under a big tree a dozen meters away.

who is it?

Adams looked at the stranger.

"Ah, it's almost too late!" Eli nodded towards Adams, and then countless shadows appeared behind him instantly, turning into a giant hand, grabbing towards Adams, and the previous wall of shadows also turned into a spear , attacking Adams.

Don't push too hard, just do it.

The sudden attack also made Adams stunned, but subconsciously, a wall of fire appeared, which should be enough.

However, he immediately realized that he was wrong. The hand of shadow passed through the flame and pinched him directly, and the terrifying power directly made it difficult for him to breathe.

At the same time, the giant spear behind him also attacked. Adams gritted his teeth and turned sideways a little, which allowed the giant spear to penetrate through his right chest.

"How is this possible?" Adams felt the restraint and the severe pain in his body, gritted his teeth and looked at Eli who was not far away. This level of power is already second-tier.

"You White Towers are not following the rules." Adams gritted his teeth and looked at Eli.

He is not a fool. Although he is in a state of being issued a seal, he is definitely not something that can be suppressed by one ring. This is definitely a second ring warlock.

"Abide by the rules?"

Eli showed a strange expression. Speaking of this, you should not be qualified to say it.

"Hmph, but you think you can kill me like this, you underestimate me too much, watch me unlock the seal." Adams gritted his teeth, looked at Eli angrily, and wanted to unlock the seal.

"So... Huh?"

Adams wanted to unlock the seal, but suddenly found out why the seal was unresponsive. He turned his head and saw that the seal at this time was directly cut off, unable to operate at all, and his power could not be released.

"There are a lot of hidden strengths. The first time I saw the power sealed, if you meet other people, forget it, but unfortunately, you met me, remember to choose a high-end sealing technique next time." Eli shakes He shook his head and approached slowly.

It is not difficult for him to cut off the seal in a short time through the shadow. Of course, if Adams is familiar with the sealing technique, he can naturally stop it, but he is obviously not familiar with it.

"how is this possible?"

Adams looked in disbelief, is this something that a warlock can do? Who is a normal warlock who learns sealing?

He was dumbfounded, but when he saw Eli approaching, he also realized his situation.

"Don't kill me, my father is a warlock of the second ring limit!" Adams couldn't care less, and quickly begged for mercy, and explained his background.

But in the next second, only a wind blade flew over.

The head flew up and the blood splashed!

"Fool!" Eliza pouted, confirming that Adams was dead.

Let go of you? You really dare to think.

At this moment, Ross, who was not far away, had opened his mouth wide, watching this outrageous scene.

The true spirit is above, what did he see.

In less than five seconds, Adams was killed by his master Herman.

Seems like... Adams is the second ring, right?

Ross stared blankly at Eli, watching him silently take the things from Adams, and then slowly walked over.

"My lord," Ross stammered.

"Well, come here to save you, I'm leaving." Eli threw a bottle of potion to Ross, then turned and left, as if it really seemed like a stop by the way.

Ross stood there blankly, looking at the potion in my hand.


It turns out that the adults in his family are so powerful? He told the adults to run quickly before, wouldn't it be a bit too silly.

"Oh, by the way, this matter is kept secret!" A message came from the soul brand.

"Understood, my lord."


"A witch tool, and some materials, why are there so few?"

After Eli left, he checked what he had collected from Adams.

A second-ring warlock, what he has collected is only

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Chapter 169 Abusing Adams, read for free at the Secret Realm Update the latest chapter at the fastest speed!

A few materials, and a ring with a ring, which is too little.

"Poor ghost!"

If the dead Adams knew what he was thinking, and the resuscitated resurrection must know that the purpose of his entry was to kill people, it was naturally impossible to be busy collecting, and in order to hide it, so the second ring did not bring any witches.

"However, this willpower ring is not bad. It can improve a part of the concentration. It's not bad." Eli put away this one-level ring, which can improve his concentration.

After dealing with this matter, Eli glanced in the direction and continued towards the center of the secret realm.

The peripheral collection is almost done, it's time to go to the central area.

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