Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 170: Wizard Tower, 4 scattered synthetic beasts

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Eli arrived at the center of the secret realm half an hour later.

The center of the secret realm is a huge wizard town, full of wizard towers and low buildings, and many buildings are connected by chains.

"That should be the core of the wizard." Eli looked up and saw a tall wizard tower in the center of the wizard in the distance.

This wizard tower is completely dark, and its height is dozens of meters higher than other wizard towers.

"The elemental crystals are most likely here." Eli made a bold guess.

After more than half a day of searching, he has basically collected other places, but he has not found one of his purposes here, elemental crystallization.

Now it seems that if there is one place where it will be, it should be here.

But what surprised Eli was that a lot of people had gathered outside the wizard town at this time, including the White Tower and the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance who did not enter the town.


Eli looked up.

In a small town not far away, he faintly felt the explosion and consumption of a large number of blood vessels, as well as the gathering and collapse of elements, and even roars and roars could be heard.

There seems to be a big fight in there?

Eli frowned and walked behind the woods.

When he came out again, he had already changed into his original appearance. After tidying up his clothes, he strode towards the White Tower Warlock.

"Lord Herman."

"grown ups."

"Sir, you are here."

As soon as Eli walked over, many White Tower Warlocks crowded over and asked with concern. Of course, there were exceptions. Several late-stage warlocks looked at him with disdain. In their hearts, everyone is a late-stage, you are just a Because it was only a member of parliament when it was established.

He didn't care about these people either, but asked directly to an apprentice, "What happened inside?"

The apprentice was stunned when he was suddenly asked, and then immediately said: "My lord, someone wanted to go into the wizard tower in the center to see what was inside, but the mutant monsters gathered in the town suddenly erupted, and then surrounded the whole town

In the central area, many people are trapped inside, just waiting. "

"Oh, and Lord Rawls, who is also trapped inside," the apprentice added.

"Is that so!" Eli nodded, then asked, "What level are the aberration monsters in there!"

"It's basically the first ring, or even the distorted monsters of the second ring, otherwise everyone would have rushed in." said a first ring wizard.

"I see, then I'll go in and have a look." Eli nodded, then turned and walked towards the town.


He said that it was dangerous inside, and Lord Herman still had to go in, which he did not expect. As for the wizards in the ring, they frowned, but they did not stop it.

"Hey, the world of warlocks is still a matter of strength. He is a member of parliament. We can let him have some orders outside, but inside, aberration monsters will not be merciful!" A late stage warlock's tone was full of disdain for Eli.

"Indeed, but I still have a little self-knowledge and didn't let us in." Another one-ring warlock nodded and agreed.

On the other side, the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance gathers.

"Sir, someone has entered the White Tower. It seems to be Herman, the Speaker of the White Tower." Some apprentices immediately reported to the First Ring Warlocks when they saw it.

"Uh, it's just courting death. There must be good things in the wizard's tower, but it also depends on whether there is life."

"Sir, shall we wait here?" Some apprentices hesitated.

"Let's wait for Lord Maureen and Lord Adams to come. When they come, it's time to clean up this group of White Tower Warlocks." One Ring Warlock said coldly.

The first two forces in the town are safe and sound, not because of some **** tacit understanding, but because the strength of the two external parties is similar at this time, but Maureen and Adams have not come here, and once they do, it will be time for them to clean up the White Tower .

"—A small force for decades, dare to fight with us!"

The warlock let out a sneer.


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Chapter 170 Wizard Tower, Scattered Synthetic Beasts Free reading: https://,!

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At the same time, in the small town, Eli's figure flashed in shadows and moved quickly.

He also entered here, and only then did he realize that this small town is very big, much bigger than the Baita's camp. If not, it would have no effect on him. After all, he could see the heights in the center of the town as soon as he looked up. tower.

However, as the distance got closer, Eli found that the environment in front of him gradually changed.

Between the small towns, layers of mist began to appear, a vast expanse of white. Eli walked into it and found that the mist's own perception was suppressed, and the perception distance was less than 50 meters.

In the fog, Eli also began to hear the sound of battle and explosions. The sound was not affected. Eli suddenly felt that he should strengthen his five senses perception, but these are still out. The sound advances.

His speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye he came to the source of the sound burst.

A few dozen meters away, two middle-stage Baita wizards were struggling to support a creature.

"Synthetic beast?"

Eli was a little surprised when he saw the creature.

What kind of aberrant creature is this special, it is clearly a synthetic beast.

Synthetic beast is a very common creature of dark wizards. This kind of creature generally relies on a certain core, and then relies on the wizard's means to improve. It is a good helper for the dark wizards to fight, and the creature fighting with the warlock in front of him is a The synthetic beast looks like a black tiger, but there are three or four tentacles on both sides of the body, and the energy level is about the limit of one ring.


"Damn, we can't take it anymore."

"The level of these distorted monsters is higher than we thought, and in this fog, our perception is severely suppressed, less than ten meters, which is too difficult."

It was the White Tower Warlock who fought against the synthetic beasts. At this time, they had already suffered numerous injuries and were in a difficult situation.

Dodging an attack again, the tentacles of the synthetic beast instantly wrapped around the bodies of the two people, pulled towards the body of the synthetic beast, and the head split directly, as if to swallow the two directly.


Feeling the power of the tentacles, despair instantly drowned the two of them.

Suddenly, the two suddenly heard a roar of fear, and then the tentacles began to slowly loosen, and to the horror of the two, a huge vine protruded from the ground not far away.

On top of the vines, the synthetic beasts that nearly killed them before were roughly wearing them, struggling frantically.

A man, on the other hand, put his hand directly into the head of the synthetic beast and took out a pitch-black low-level crystal. With the extraction of the pitch-black crystal, the synthetic beast stopped moving instantly.

"Lord Herman!"

The two looked at the person in front of them in shock. It was a person they had never thought of, Congressman Herman.

And he is so strong.

They had always thought that Herman was a jerk, but when they saw the scene in front of them, the synthetic beasts of the limit were not his opponents, and they realized that what they had done was outrageous.

At this moment, the two remembered the misunderstanding they once had towards Eli, and felt a little ashamed.

At the same time, Eli, who was holding the black crystal, was also stunned.

He stared at the black crystal in his hand, about the size of a ping-pong ball and weighing about 30 grams, but it exuded a strong aura of dark elements.

"Elemental crystal?" Eli was shocked. The crystal in front of him was actually an elemental crystal, and it was a crystal of dark elements gathered together by a large number of crystals, which was much more precious than ordinary elemental crystals.

The core of the synthetic beast here is actually an elemental crystal.


Eli pursed his lips and his eyes gradually became serious.

He looked into the fog and listened to the distant sounds, what kind of battle sound is this, this is the summoning of elemental crystals, how sweet.

Immediately he turned his head to look at the two one-ring warlocks.

"You go out first, and I'll save the others." Eli said righteously.

Then, in the stunned eyes of the two, rushed towards the mist.

"My lord, he has to save others." The two one-ring warlocks looked at each other and fell silent for a moment.

As for the core is the element crystal, the element crystal is only a few grams per gram.

Provide you with the fastest update of "The Eternals of the Wizarding World" by the great **** Blue and White Ocean!

Chapter 170 Wizard Tower, Scattered Synthetic Beasts Free reading: https://,!

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Ten magic stones are just a pitiful number, they don't think Lord Herman is for money.

He is there to save people.

In an instant, their eyes were filled with admiration for Lord Herman.

They even misunderstood this powerful warlock before, it turned out to be just a low-key, too ashamed.

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Provide you with the fastest update of "The Eternals of the Wizarding World" by the great **** Blue and White Ocean!

Chapter 170 Wizard Tower, Scattered Synthetic Beasts Free reading: https://,!


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