Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 71: Changed attitude, blue flame giant

The two warlocks stayed for a while, and then quickly left here, while Eli continued to search for the mist.

Soon, he discovered a new synthetic beast again, but this time the target of the battle was not the White Tower, but the warlock of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

In the face of hostile forces, he was not so kind, so he took out a small horse and began to watch the battle.

In the middle of the road, one person and one beast were fighting, and above the house in the distance, Eli watched the battle with a pony.

The Ten Thousand Blood Alliance is a mid-tier warlock, his opponent is a late-tier synthetic beast, and his opponent is a late-tier synthetic beast that looks like a wild boar.

"Damn it!"

The warlock also saw Eli, but at this time he was entangled and there was nothing to do. What made him even more uncomfortable was that he had been completely suppressed by the synthetic beast, and there was no way at all.

Finally, ten minutes later, in the fear of the warlock's split eyes, the synthetic beast directly penetrated his body, and then tore it in half.


The victorious synthetic beast made a hehehe sound, trying to devour the extraordinary characteristics of the warlock's body, but in the next second, countless shadows instantly wrapped it.

After a few seconds, the shadow dissipated, leaving only a black crystal on the ground.

"Slightly smaller, about forty grams." Eli walked over and picked up the core, sensing the general weight.

Then he scoured the warlock again and quickly left here.

There aren't that many synthetic beasts in the fog, so he has to hurry up.

Then, in the fog, someone who destroyed the "battle environment" suddenly appeared.

Whenever he encounters a warlock in the White Tower, Eli will help them to defeat the synthetic beasts, and then send them away. When he encounters a warlock from the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance, he will take out a pony to watch the battle, if the warlock can beat it. , then he will give some help to the synthetic beast. If he can't beat it, he will wait patiently. Of course, if it is too slow, he will still intervene a little.

In this way, the number of Eli's elemental crystals increased rapidly.

With the passage of time, seeing that the number of searches is getting slower and smaller, and the number is getting smaller and smaller, Eli is also intentionally moving towards the center of the wizard tower, and he is looking forward to what will be in the wizard tower!


What Eli didn't know was that everything about him outside was also changing.

Go back to two hours ago.

The two warlocks ran out of the town in embarrassment, and then told Eli about saving them. The expressions of the other warlocks were also wonderful.

"Is he that strong?"

"It's fake, I don't think he saved you for no reason, right? Is there such a selfless person?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

A group of white tower warlocks talked a lot, but the main body still had reservations about the words of the two warlocks, and as for Eli, they didn't quite believe that he was such a person.

But over time.

One after another warlock or apprentice came out, and the situation changed.

"Really, if it wasn't for Herman-sama, I would be dead."

"In the future, Lord Herman will be my idol. He saw that I was too weak and sent us directly to the gate of the town. If Lord Rawls, this might not be the case."

"In the future, I will be a fan of Lord Herman, and I can become a member of parliament. Lord Herman has two brushes."

The warlocks who were rescued by Eli spoke in various places, while the warlocks who stayed outside were stunned, and their attitude towards Herman gradually changed.

From indifference to attention, from distrust to trust, and from disrespect to admiration.

Of course, some of them still look down on Yili. For example, the late-stage warlock who was the first to scold Yilai before said disdainfully:

"A late-stage warlock, don't you really think how strong he is, he must have a special method for synthetic beasts, just a clown."

He was triumphant, but when he turned his eyes around and saw eight or nine one-ring warlocks and a dozen zero-ring apprentices staring at him angrily, he suddenly slumped. dare not speak.

He admitted that he had spoken a little louder just now.

In the end, under the kind persuasion of the warlocks, he humbled his head and said:

"I'm a fool."


Eli didn't know that the outside world's opinion of him had changed so much, and even if he knew, he was not in the mood to care at this time, because at this time he had come to the roof not far from the wizard's tower.

Raise your head and look forward.

The black wizard tower is hundreds of meters high, straight through the white mist, like a dark spear tearing the light, tall and solemn, and at this time, a one-on-one match is going on under this solemn wizard tower.

It is unreasonable to say that it is one-on-one, because at this time, in addition to one person and one synthetic beast, there are also seven or eight people lying scattered.

It is not easy for the opponent to make so many warlocks die here.

It looks like a tall giant, five or six meters high, with icy blue flames burning on its body, and eyes only the size of mung beans, but its breath is not weak at all, and it has reached the second ring.

His opponent, Eli was very familiar with, it was Rawls who had gone deep into the fog before, and his situation was also very bad at this time.

"Are they all dead?" Rawls took a deep breath and looked around.

Some of the seven or eight corpses were intact, some were broken, and they were scattered nearby. The ground had already been dyed red with blood, and even he was already at the end of his life.

An hour ago, they came here with the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance. They were supposed to fight, but the sudden appearance of the two-ring synthetic beast changed everything.

Strong opponents forced them to unite, but soon they realized the gap between the first ring and the second ring. Even if there was only a synthetic beast with limited intelligence in front of them, it was not something they could beat.

Up to now, he is the only one left, but his bloodline power has almost burned out, and he has no resistance at all.

Therefore, when the ice flame giant walked up to him and grabbed him with one hand, he didn't even move, and just accepted his fate.

The Iceflame Giant picked it up and was about to stuff it into his mouth, which would replenish his energy.


"It's a pity that I didn't defeat Herman once until I died." Rawls felt his head getting heavier and heavier.

The biggest regret in his life is that he has not defeated Herman, not a victory in combat, but in other aspects.

But just like that, dying with regret doesn't seem like a big deal.

"Goodbye, this world." Rawls gradually lost consciousness.

Finally, his eyes slowly closed, and he was about to fall into a coma, and when his eyes were about to close, a familiar figure seemed to appear in the blurred vision.


Rawls's confused consciousness subconsciously perceives that figure. This figure, which he will never forget in his life, should be a fantasy before his death.

In this way, Rawls fell into a coma with regret.

At the same time, a shadow turned into a crescent moon, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the arm of Erhuan Lanyan, like a swallow across the blue and white sky.

One of the blue flame giant's arm was broken in an instant, and the unconscious Rawls also fell, and a shadow caught him directly, and then threw it directly to the side.


Rawls directly knocked down a big tree, but also stayed away from the battlefield.

"The synthetic beast of the second ring should have a lot of goods." Eli looked at the blue flame giant with light in his eyes.

In the next second, the entire 100-meter range was instantly covered by shadows. A skeleton wrapped in shadows appeared first, and then merged with each other. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight shadow skeletons with two rings appeared.

They held scythes condensed by shadows in their hands, and they were covered with shadows.

Second Ring Combined Witchcraft-Shadow Skeleton Combined Technique, with the basic undead manipulation as the main body, plus a little joint witchcraft, plus a little bloodline shadow, this simple witchcraft is formed, and its power has reached the second ring's. level.

It just so happens that this witchcraft has not yet been tested, and today is just right.

Blue Flame Giant:…

His mung bean-sized eyes looked at the seven or eight second-ring This little wisdom also felt a little wrong, but he had already retired, and the skeletons were already on.

Three minutes later, with the helpless cry of the blue flame giant, his body fell to the ground.

A shadow turned into the giant's body, then took out an elemental crystal the size of a fist, moved it carefully, and put it into Eli's hands.

In just three minutes, a two-ring synthetic beast died.

The battle is over.

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