Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 172: Changes in the situation, Deputy Speaker

White Tower.

In the familiar conference room, fifteen seats were already filled. This was the first time in the past twenty years that all the top leaders of the Baita forces had arrived. On the contrary, the person in the chair who had never been absent was absent.

"Hey, why did he die!" Eli sighed, sitting in sixth place.

In other words, although he has rarely contributed to the outside world, in fact, he has transformed a lot of potions, which are suitable for all kinds of warlocks, including all kinds of emotional potions, breakthrough potions and the like, so even if the White Tower already has Of the seven second-ring warlocks, he is still the sixth.

He looked around for a week. At this time, there were fifteen people here, and the three vice-speakers remained unchanged. It was Kratos, Jesse, and Siren. The other councilors had basically changed.

Eli is familiar with the second Congressman Rawls, the eleventh Ross, and two newcomers under Kratos. The other seven have already been replaced. Except for two or three old people, they have basically been replaced by others. person replacement.

Therefore, it is rare for Eli to sit here with the strength of one ring.

"Let's talk, what should we do about this matter!" Kratos, who was the first to speak, his eyes were even colder at this time, dragging the blood and soul flower that Eli brought back, the breath of life reached the limit of the second ring.

"Well, it's fine to proceed as we discussed before," Syron said.

Coster's death, while tragic, was not without warning.

He was already very old, and after several decades, he finally exhausted his last vitality, so before he died, they had already discussed what would happen to Coster after his death.

"Yeah." Kratos nodded.

"According to what we have voted for, I am the new speaker. This has been passed before. Of course, if anyone has objections, they can also raise it." Kratos looked around and said domineeringly. As the only second-ring limit warlock in the current Baita, he is the most suitable candidate.

"I do not have."

"I do not have either."



After a while, the identity of Speaker Kratos was directly confirmed, and he was not polite and sat directly in the seat of the Speaker.

"Then there are two other things in this meeting, namely, the simulation of various disputes caused by the death of the former Speaker Coster, and everyone's new job planning after the White Tower."

"In order to facilitate follow-up arrangements, we will first carry out the second one, the re-division of duties." Kratos took out another document and said.

Everyone nodded and waited.

"First of all, there are three ministers. The roles of Siren and Jesse remain the same, but they are responsible for resource allocation, and the sixth member of parliament, Herman, is in charge of resource replacement.

Although he is average in strength, there are still various assignments for this kind of transactional handling. He is the strongest among the members, but this position does not require too strong combat power. This is what I proposed. Does anyone have any opinions?

Eli also did not expect Kratos to mention him first.

"No." Theron and Jesse were the first to agree.

The replacement of the Speaker is destined that Chatos will check his own people into some important positions, just like the former Coster, no one can stop this.

And the average strength of Herman is indeed a good candidate. His ability has been verified in the past few decades, and the interesting thing is that even if it is an election, it is impossible to fail.

Because at this time, except for the Speaker, there are only four of them on one side, and there is a high probability that the four of them will also support because Eli saved them in the secret realm 45 years ago.

They, who had a low status at the beginning, also came to a higher platform with the growth of time.

So at this time, although Herman's reputation at the bottom is not that big, but at the top, his influence is one of the best. He is a low-key person who will not be ignored.

One of the other members of the council was okay, and several of the second ring were unwilling, but there was nothing they could do.

"Well, then let Herman take my former position and become the new deputy speaker." Kratos decided.

"Well, next is the division of others..." Kratos began to announce one by one.

Including Rawls becoming the new No. 1, Rose becoming No. 7, others have also undergone a part of the rotation, and everyone has also been voted and finally confirmed. This one took about half a day.

It was in the morning when he came, and it was already night when the second item was carried out, and Eli also changed positions and took the position of the deputy speaker close to Kratos.

It's also good, as before, with Kratos backing, no one dares to touch him, and he is still a resource allocator. Eli likes this position very much.

You can get benefits, and no one will hit him unless he wants to move Kratos.

"The second thing, the various disputes over the death of the Speaker, the outside has always been in charge of Xiren, you can talk about it." Kratos continued after finishing his post.

"Yeah." Xiron nodded and took out a document: "At present, the death of the adult has the greatest impact on us is the closest force, the Alliance of Ten Thousand Blood.


And the conflict between us and the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance is very clear to you. I won't say more. They will definitely do something. In fact, as far as I know, they have already started to act. Maybe a war cannot be avoided. of. "

Xiron's eyes were serious as he analyzed the crowd.

Everyone also showed serious expressions, and Eli also frowned. Is everyone safe and sound? Why do you have to fight and kill, annoying!

"Well, all aspects must be prepared in advance. Although we are stronger than before, Wanxue seems to have a few more geniuses and more powerful than before. All deployments need to be prepared in advance." Kratos nodded.

A war is about to begin, so wizards, potions, materials, witchcraft, alchemy products, etc. are all very important resources, and none of them can be left behind.

"There are mainly two aspects, one external and one internal. The external needs us, I and some members of Congress also go out to deal with things, specifically..." Xiron analyzed.

"All right."

"Then whoever wants to go outside or inside, it's up to everyone to decide." Kratos said.

"I'm going out." Jesse raised her hand.

"Me too!" Rawls also raised his hand. As the owner of the blood of the Balor, his essence is aggressive and arrogant and ferocious.

One by one MPs expressed their attitudes, and soon it was Eli's turn.

"Herman, what do you mean?" Kratos asked.

"I stayed in the camp and planned the resource allocation." Eli really said simply.

What a joke, how could he go out, there is no security inside the White Tower outside, and the shares of destiny have not been refined, he is not at ease without this.

"Yeah." Kratos nodded. In his heart, Eli has always been stronger in processing ability than combat power, and it's good to stay in the camp.

"Well, then, let's go."

Another hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the day-long meeting finally came to an end.

After the meeting, Baita also started a new wave of adjustments with a new power circle. Various things were handled quickly, while Eli participated in various allocations of resources.

The handling of the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance has also become a top priority.

But something astonishing happened. For a full month, the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance did not move at all, as if it had fallen into silence.

Eli understands that this is nothing but the calm before the storm.

However, compared to the previous storm, he could only serve as a marginal character, this time he is one of the core characters.

Things are wrong!

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