Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 186: new post, fallout

Three days later, Eli, with the girl, returned to the Madonna Wizard Camp again.

For another five days, he returned to the White Pagoda in a low-key manner.

It was only a week later that Kratos was surprised to find that Eli had returned and asked him to meet.

As soon as they met, Kratos kept looking at Eli and asked, "Herman, is that Warlock that appeared in the King's Capital you?"

Eli shook his head.

He naturally understood what Kratos was going to say. In fact, since the end of the Royal Capital incident, the matter of a mystic warlock has spread throughout the southern area of ​​the White Tower.

An undead who was raised to the third-ring level with the help of a large number of undead was actually suppressed by one person with ease, which made many southern forces feel terrified. There is actually a third-ring wizard here?

Who is he?

What is his purpose?

Which faction is he from?

Everything was like a riddle, the only thing everyone knew was the man's face.

"Well, it really can't be you." Kratos's longing eyes dimmed. If Eli is the third ring, then the meaning of the representation is too great.

Whether it's the White Tower or the entire southern part of the West Coast, it's a blockbuster, but it's really unlikely. After all, the South Coast's information about breaking through the third ring is kept secret, even if he wants to break through the third ring, he doesn't know how.

"That person is really not me. I was collecting resources in another place at the time, and I don't know who it is? There is such a powerful person in our sphere of influence. It is recommended to investigate it immediately." Eli pursed his lips and gave Suggest.

"Well." Kratos nodded, and Cha would definitely check.

"Then this matter is like this. Compared with this, it is more stable to continue to stabilize the position of the White Tower. After the disappearance of Ten Thousand Blood, many new small forces have appeared in this area. These forces also have to be dealt with. Our There should not be any unstable factors in the site." Eli changed the subject and changed the subject.

"Indeed, we have issued ultimatums for many hours recently, and now the prison is filled with people every day." Kratos rubbed his temples, looked at Eli and said, "Now the prison must be rebuilt, but there is no one capable Guardian, do you have a recommendation?"

Eli: ? ?

Why is this talking about prison?

But guard?

Eli fell into deep thought, which seemed to suit him a bit. Although he had Nikolai collecting undead outside, the contact with Nikolai must have been long and every few years, even decades, which was equivalent to an occasional vote. Hello big resource pack.

It's not better if there is long-term stability.

It just so happens that the White Tower, as a growing force, is constantly fighting and expanding, and naturally a steady stream of warlocks will be sent to the prison. Isn't this place just right for Eli?

Thinking of this, his eyes gradually became serious, and he said to Kratos: "There is indeed a person."

"Who?" Kratos asked curiously.



"it is me."

Kratos widened his eyes, looked at Eli, and asked, "Why are you interested in this, this position is very troublesome, and you already have a position, will this affect your own progress."

"It's okay, the main reason is that the Baita is too short of people now. As an honorary member of the Baita, I naturally have to take more responsibility. This matter is settled." Eli said righteously.

Kratos sucked in a breath of cold air and looked at Eli, and was a little moved.

"Well, I knew that you still love Baita very much." Kratos nodded.

"We'll talk about it at the next parliamentary session."

"it is good."


Time passed again for a month.

The new prison of the White Tower has been built. It is a tall giant tower, divided into twelve floors, and a large number of underground prisons, equipped with a large number of defenses. It is called the Black Tower Prison, which is built in the forest not far from the White Tower. middle.

And the person in charge here is Herman, Honorary Deputy Speaker of the White Tower.

For a while, many people were shocked. After all, this place is not good, but it takes a lot of effort, which makes many people admire Herman even more.

(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 186 The new position, the aftermath

As for Eli...


In a large prison, Eli devours a warlock who is about to be executed.

Looking at the fallen warlock, although his mental strength was not as good as that of a wizard, Eli's mood suddenly improved when he thought of the continuous support in the future.

And not only the soul, the corpse of the warlock can cultivate blood bamboo flowers, and the skeleton can be refined into a skeleton.

At this time, he realized what a good decision he had made. This is the most suitable place for him to live at the current stage.

After dealing with it, Eli walked out of the prison and looked forward.

Rows of cold prisons are holding warlocks one by one. They are mainly apprentices, but occasionally there are warlocks one by one. They look at the walking Eli with some fear.

Everyone heard the screams in the prison just now.

This warden actually tortures even death row prisoners, how does he still have humanity?

Eli smiled and returned to the top floor all the way. He has moved all his things here, and then he plans to hand over his potion plants to Ross, and then he can develop here with peace of mind.

He needs to get stronger.


A year has passed in the blink of an eye.

During the year, Eli assigned the task of resource allocation to several of his subordinates, the most important part of which was handed over to Ross, and he was also in charge of the connection with the Anemone Camp.

As for Eli, he stayed in the prison with peace of mind, enjoying the resources from the White Tower every day, as well as the prisoners who were about to die and were killed in the prison, which made his spiritual power grow at a firm pace.

And Nicholas.

This guy has also reached the area north of the White Tower at this time and started a new business.

In fact, Nikolai's strength is very strong, and even with a large number of undead, I can temporarily reach the level of the third ring, which makes him rampant in this area, and soon formed a new undead force, the home of the undead .

Once the House of the Dead was established, it attracted the attention of several major forces.

A new round of testing began, and several forces fought against it, but they all fell into the sand in front of Nikolai's powerful strength, which also allowed them to acquiesce to its existence.

Even Baita noticed this force, which made Kratos a little nervous, because the House of the Undead was not very far from the White Tower, but what surprised him was that although the House of the Undead often invaded other places, it did not step on the ground. Taking a step in here made him a little confused, but he also realized something.

The undead must be jealous of the three-ringed powerhouse that appeared before. Of course, there is one thing that confuses him, and that is why the three-ring released the undead!

not understand.


Nikolai is only part of it.

Mandarin Duck Camp.

That little girl, Katerina, also received the education of a wizard, and unexpectedly discovered that this little girl's talent is really good. At this time, she has also become a first-class wizard apprentice under the leadership of Ti Jie, and her training direction is new. camp leader.

Everything is changing, and Eli, the owner of the storm, is lying leisurely on the bench.

For him, whether it is Nikolai or others, it is an external resource. What really matters is himself. In the next time, apart from development, other means cannot be left behind.

And recently, he has a deeper understanding of the feeling of swallowing He is going to study it in depth, not only to prepare for the endless swallowing of the third curse, but also to have other ideas.

Just the spell seal cannot exert its full power.

"Take it easy."

Eli got up from the reclining chair, walked to the window, and looked at the White Tower in the distance.

In just 100 years, the White Pagoda has grown from nothing, and now it has become a big force. What about a hundred years later!

What will this place look like a hundred years from now.

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Chapter 186 The new position, the aftermath

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