Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 187: 0 years situation, 2 ring double limit

One hundred years later.


At the bottom of the tall black tower prison, a footstep came slowly from far to near.

All the prisoners in the cell were curled up in the corner of the cell, daring not to make any sound. They were basically murderous prisoners, but hearing this voice made them terrified.

Everyone in the White Tower's sphere of influence knows that they must not be imprisoned in the Black Tower prison, because the warden Herman inside is a terrible person.

As for his horror, you don't need to specifically inquire, because you will always know his story from various channels, which can stop children from crying and make people feel terrified for a while.

clap clap!

It seems that this time Herman just came for a walk, and soon disappeared on the first floor here, and everyone was relieved.

"Hey, the psychological quality of this prisoner is not good, or is it that I am already scary like this?"

On the other side, Eli, who had left this floor, shook his head.

He walked through the stairs and paths that he was familiar with, and soon returned to the top floor, next to the window, looking not far away.

Different from before, as far as the eyes can see, the buildings are already covered, and the wizard towers rise from the ground, both in number and height than before, and just by perception, you can also feel how much stronger the people here are.

First-ring wizards are not uncommon, and there are many second-ring wizards.

"This is the current Baita." Eli pursed his lips and looked far away.

a hundred years.

Today happened to be the 100th year he lived here, and Eli didn't feel anything, but whether it was the 197-point solid mental power in the body at this time, or the bloodline that had already reached its limit and could not be improved, I told him that everything was Not the same.

Compared to a hundred years ago, at this time he was already a second-ring extreme wizard, or a sorcerer.

"It's so fast!"

For Eli, a hundred years is just a number, and it is even more insignificant for the world, but for those who are striving for more life and stronger forces, it is completely different.

A lot has really changed.

In Eli's mind, things flowed like a cloud of smoke, sorting out one thing after another.

the first year.

Everything works fine, nothing major happens.

fifth year.

Baita began to swallow the small forces around the well, and the sphere of influence continued to expand. During this process, there were a large number of prisoners every day. In the more than 30 years of expansion that followed, it was when Eli's spiritual power improved the fastest.

He only remembered that he had to devour a large number of people every day, and his mental power was a quack improvement.

He misses that time.

In the same year, he also began to study the Devouring Rune and to explore.

tenth year.

The White Tower was further expanded. At this time, Eli immediately advanced to the second ring and solidified, Katarina also advanced to the first ring, and Ross also became the second ring late stage.

In the same year, the House of the Undead, which was savagely expanding north of the White Tower, annexed the Lilith Warlock Academy and became one of the major forces in the south of the West Coast, providing Eli with a large number of Undead Crystals every five years.

And the number of undead Nikolai owed Eli has also increased from one million to one and a half million. Nikolai didn't understand why he owed so much even though he worked so hard, but at this time he was still Full of hope, hoping to be free one day.

Also, the Anyanghua wizard camp has also begun to develop to the north, incorporating some wizard camps and beginning to expand in the shadows.

And with the deliberate neglect of the White Tower and the care of the House of the Dead, they lived fairly well.

forty years.

Eli had already stepped into the "late stage of the second ring". At this time, he suddenly found a problem. The long-term absorption of a large amount of mental power made his mental power a little weak and the quality was not high enough.

He was also very fortunate that he discovered the problem in advance, so he began to rely on the tilted tower to hone his spiritual power. This process lasted for 30 years. In order to ensure the future, Eli sharpened his foundation for 30 years. And the power of blood.

After polishing, although his bloodline and mental power have declined to varying degrees, his strength has become stronger and it is different from before.

During this period, the Baita also began to enter a long-term digestion stage.

(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 187: A Century of Wind and Clouds, Two Rings and Double Limits

But bad things happen too.

The Bloodline Tower in the middle seemed to be suppressed by the Black Soup Tower. At this time, he noticed that his student Vivica seemed to have advanced to the second stage of the second ring, and he also found out that this little girl had actually become the deputy of the Bloodline Tower. Tower Master, but he still did not contact her.

Due to the suppression of the Bloodline Tower, Hesota freed up a hand and quickly took the four major southern forces near the center into his pockets and became his forces.

Of course, a dark horse also emerged at this time, which is still the home of the dead.

Relying on Nicholas, who can break out the three-ring force in a short period of time, he also took the other forces into his pocket and became another big force, which mutually restricts Hesota's minions.

For a time, the entire west coast was in chaos. The north side was not discussed. The Black Tower in the middle suppressed the Bloodline Tower, the south was the House of the Undead and the Black Tower camp formed by the four forces, and the southernmost White Tower stood against each other.

The White Pagoda has also developed very well in recent years. It has integrated most of the forces and resources in the southernmost part. It is a big force. Of course, it is not comparable to them. The gap is still very large. Very busy and haven't had time to deal with them yet.

And secretly, the wizarding force, the mandarin flower, is also developing.

Eli is relying on the spreading forces to collect some information.

Seventy years.

By this time, everything has basically stabilized.

At this time, although the number of prisoners in the Black Tower Prison has decreased a lot, but with the support of Nikolai, this is insignificant, and he has also reached the limit of the second ring wizard.

The re-accumulation phase begins.

In the same year, Tijie died, and Katerina, who was promoted to the second ring, took over the wizard camp. Eli was in prison that day, and then received news from Tijie.

"My lord, I have already arranged your tasks. I'm really sorry. I can't accompany you on the next journey."

Eli had mixed feelings at that time, and suddenly realized that the White Tower had been established for almost two hundred years, and Ti Jie was almost three hundred years old. Due to years of hard work, his vitality declined, and he died.

On that day, he rarely walked out of the black tower prison, left the white tower, attended Ti Jie's funeral, presented a bouquet of white flowers, arranged some affairs, and then left.

He's been looking wide open.

Everyone will die.

except him.

Nikolai owed Eli two million souls at this time.


Time blinked to the eighth year.

At this time, everything is still stable, and it is a rare peaceful stage.

Yangweihua has also become a huge wizard force. It is no longer called a camp, and its sphere of influence has been further expanded. The tentacles have even begun to spread in the central region, and Katerina is in charge of it.

Eli has finally achieved great results in the study of Devouring Runes, and created his own Devouring Witchcraft. At present, there are not many achievements, but it still has milestone significance.

Nicholas owes three million souls at this time, and he has faintly realized that with his ability, he may not be able to repay the debt in this life, so he just looked away and completely became Eli's subordinate.

Debt is written off.

Looking at it this way, he seems to have made a profit.


Ninety years.

A war broke out between the Bloodline Tower and the Black Sota Tower. It is said that all three rings have taken action, which has a huge impact. The war only lasted for three years, but it caused a huge impact.

In this war, the Tower of Bloodline was disadvantaged, which made everything change wonderfully again, but their attention was still on the Tower of Bloodline at this time, and they had no time to care about other things. Let the white tower still develop steadily.

This period lasted almost ten years.

The war in the middle is almost over. For the White Tower, no one knows what will happen next.

"Hey, even me, I couldn't expect so many things to happen!"

Eli looked back and returned to the room.

In front of time, although he can stay at any time, he can't see the whole picture, and the occurrence of things is not under his control, but fortunately, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, as long as it is not the third ring, he is invincible.

(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 187: A Century of Wind and Clouds, Two Rings and Double Limits

He has this confidence, which comes from the accumulation of everything.

In the past, he may have panicked in the face of multiple second-ring limits, but now, there is no problem. The accumulation of a hundred years has not only increased his strength, but also gave him a clearer understanding of himself and his power.

He is really strong.

dong dong dong!

Suddenly, a bell rang.

Eli looked out of the next window curiously. If I remember correctly, three bells are the first-level full-force alert. Although it is not as good as six, the nine-tone second-level and highest alert is already quite serious.

"Looks like what happened?"

Eli frowned At the same time, the token also received a message from Kratos.


There are only two words, but it is enough to explain the seriousness of the matter, because Eli has not participated in the parliament for decades, and this time Kratos took the initiative to remind him.

"Then go take part."

Eli tidyed up his clothes and walked out of the black tower. This was the second time he stepped out of the black tower in 50 years except for Ti Jie's death.

He looked to see what happened.

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Chapter 187: A Century of Wind and Clouds, Two Rings and Double Limits

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