Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 191: Desperate 8, over

, the immortal of the wizarding world


The group looked at the skeletons around them, not only a little confused about the quantity and quality, but also looked at Eli with completely different eyes. This is not what a warlock should do.

One of the highest levels of the White Tower is actually a wizard, which is really big news!

You know, wizards are everywhere on the West Coast.

Among them, the white-eyed man looked at Eli solemnly, and then took out a crystal ball to pass the news, but found that the news could not be passed at all.

"There is a shielded witch formation here, the news can't get out, and I see that the defenses on the periphery are also very strong. I'm afraid that if we don't solve Herman, we won't be able to get out." He retracted the crystal ball, and his eyes turned to the outside of the canyon. Wall of Shadows.

"Then fight."

After receiving the news, the captain glanced at the skeletons around him. He wanted to see how long Heman could support so many skeletons.

Several other people also looked at each other in dismay, and one by one also instantly became blood vessels.

Pale blood bat, heavy rock giant, howling banshee, flaming lion...

"But..." He glanced at the severely injured people in front of him.

The function is that the enemy's attack cannot be swallowed directly. Of course, this is the case. This kind of witchcraft is not advanced. The difference is that the swallowed witchcraft will be turned into the element itself or the magic power to supplement Herman, and is it a kind of magic? This mode, even covering different parts of Herman's body, can be regarded as a witchcraft that maximizes battery life and defense.

"Damn, why are those skeletons so strong!" The thin man tried to charm him, but found that it was useless. He could only smash an approaching undead with his tail and cursed.

After doing this, he let out a roar and rushed towards Herman. He knew very well that as long as Wen Bing was solved, those were all minor problems.


The captain then shouted.

"Either Herman dies today, or we die."

The captain attacked first, and when he stepped on the ground with his right leg, a large rock pillar appeared on the ground in front of him, burying dozens of skeletons in an instant.

The group of seven who attacked Herman madly launched an attack on Herman, and various small-power elemental attacks rushed towards Herman, but what made them stunned was that Herman did not dodge at all, just let the attack attack. to the shield.

Then the left hand staff waved, and a shield like a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and then the fireball hit directly and was swallowed


"Do not!"

He can become a wizard of the limit of the four rings, of course, he is not an idiot.

Looking at the relaxed Herman and the shield swallowing the elements in front of him, he seemed to realize that something was wrong.

And it gave him the feeling that Herman was not fighting seriously, it seemed that Herman was playing

That's right, just playing!

He immediately turned around and shouted at the group of four: "Don't attack his shield, that shield seems to be able to supplement his strength!"

But to his astonishment, Herman did not dodge.

It's as if they were treated as puppets for experimental witchcraft, otherwise, how could it be possible to use so much witchcraft, and what made him bewildered was how long he had studied so many witchcraft, and his time was so short. is it worth the money

The powerful voice sounded, and the eyes of the group of four flashed, as if they understood what was wrong, and immediately stopped.

The shield in front of him is not an ordinary shadow shield, but a new sorcery created by Herman's innovative devouring system, the four-ring ordinary sorcery - the wall of devouring.

Everyone nodded and ended the action.

The warlock's eyes widened and he was swallowed. He watched the fireballs pouring straight into the wall of shadows, did it even cause a little change, the only change was that some ripples appeared on it

Herman felt some extra magic power in his body and pursed his lips.

Herman thought for a while, took out two bottles of medicine, and then drank it, his mental power and magic power quickly recovered.

On the other side, the group of four watched as Heman drank the potion, and instantly sensed that his breath was filling up again. Everyone looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the problem.


This is so special!

At this time, the group also realized the seriousness of this mission.

Wen Bing naturally does not

Chapter 191: Desperate Eight, End

Maybe they got their wish, the skeletons swarmed down and attacked the warlocks.

A bottle of magic potion supplements magic power, and a bottle of blood bamboo flower potion supplements spiritual power.

Everyone felt the power of the blood vessels gradually replenished in their bodies, and took a deep breath.

Although they were swallowed up and attacked, did a few people feel that there was no problem, but they just started a new round of attacks.

"Finished calf!"

"That won't work, then you can't even break through to Eli's face, change your strategy, Dill... The four of them clean up the skeletons in front of you, and the others attack Wen Bing from a distance, allowing you to sprint to Wen Bing, you I have fought with necromancers before, especially close combat strength is not weak, even if it is integrated into the bloodline." The captain looked around and looked at the undead that were still like the ocean, and knew that he couldn't go on like this.

That's totally unreasonable, such a large range of skeletons, even a necromancer, can't last that long, and he turned his head to look.

The other seven looked at each other and attacked Herman who was nearby.

Since this is a battle, it is not an opportunity for him to test his strength.

And to their despair, Herman's speed is very slow. Although they have been approaching Herman, he is also retreating, and the distance is getting farther and farther, and he does not fight them at all.

"Damn it, it's been more than an hour. The number of skeletons has not decreased in the slightest, but it has become more ferocious."

As for mana consumption.

If Herman knew, he would definitely purse his lips.

As soon as the skeletons swarmed down, the group of four felt the pressure instantly.

While blocking the attack, but also controlling the ocean of skeletons.

Seventy minutes later, Wen Bing ended the long-range witchcraft attack. In just seventy minutes, they had experienced almost hundreds of witchcraft, involving various aspects, and with skeletons, they had suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

Herman's difficulty was far beyond their imagination. Originally, they thought that if they couldn't beat them, it would be a big siege with four people. But now, when they looked at it, it was obvious that Eli beat the four of them by himself, which made them very stunned. .

There is no need to fight, it is completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

"Then Eli is hiding too deeply. I believe that even Nikolai may not be able to defeat him."

Everyone also nodded, and at this time, they also understood how terrifying the opponent was this time.

What about conservation of energy?

"Don't worry about the others, everyone, break through directly in the direction of Eli, or you will all die, that guy is even trickier than Nikolai, he's hiding too deep."


Yet another spell.

"really not bad!"

The flame lion warlock took a deep breath, and a condensed flame was generated, then swept through the air and flew towards Herman, and a ring of skeletons melted directly along the way. This was his powerful blow.

Once again attacked a large wave of undead, and everyone formed a group and looked at each other.

On the other side, the four-person brigade attacked with full force, which was extremely tragic.

"I think that the strength of that skeleton is getting more and more outrageous."

To put it bluntly, even if it was just like that for a day, Herman was not under any pressure at all.

so outrageous?

The captain looked at them who were getting farther and farther from Wen Bing at this time, and felt very confused.

The battle is imminent.

They don't seem to be able to last long.

One by one, the bloodlines were stimulated. A pair of blood-colored wings grew behind the white-eyed man, and his body became blood-red. The captain's body was covered with large rocks, and his eyes also turned khaki. The plump sorceress became enchanting. , a tail grows behind it...

half an hour ago.

Some of them attacked them with shadow weapons, and there were skeletons farther away with bone staffs, and fireballs flew towards them, alternating from far and near, and even the sky and the ground, there were undead constantly harassing.

That's what a normal person can do.

Four of them approached the captain, surrounded him, and then approached Herman.

"I go!"

Their side was stunned, and the other team was even more stunned at this time.

"Outrageous amount!"

not at all like one

Chapter 191: Desperate Eight, End

A normal four-ring, even a necromancer, can last for so long, it may be related to their replenishment, but the number is extremely wrong, so how long is the collection of corpses, where did they come from.

Just He has dealt with the prisoners of the White Tower expansion for so many years, and they are all of high quality. There is also the House of the Undead. You must know that they are pure undead, but not many people know them. How to deal with the corpse, there are no irises, four small forces are collecting corpses for Wen Bing, can this be a lot?

"Indeed, how could he not have so much magic power!"

An hour later, the captain looked at the only two warlocks left beside him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Compared to before, the types of his undead skeletons at this time are much richer and stronger.

After a few seconds, the captain raised his hand.

"I surrender!"

The captain looked at the suddenly empty surroundings and silently closed his eyes.

Totally suicide!

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Chapter 191: Desperate Eight, End

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