Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 192: Two hundred mental strength, waiting for everyone

The Eternals of the Wizarding World, Chapter 192, 200 points of mental power, the captain of the waiting group knelt on the ground, looking helpless at this time.

At this moment, he just wanted to slap himself a few big mouths for his ignorance. They seriously underestimated the power of Baita, and more accurately, they seriously underestimated the strength of Herman.

This warlock, or sorcerer, is simply outrageous.

One fights eight, and even hangs them up and fights them.

He turned his head and looked around. At this time, the bodies of several other Second Ring Warlocks were lying on the ground. How arrogant they were a few hours ago, but no one spoke at this moment.

How arrogant just now, how embarrassed now.

With his surrender, the surrounding skeletons gradually receded to both sides, and between the bones, he finally saw the enemy they fought this time, Herman.

"You're hiding so deep!" He looked at Eli in confusion.

"No, I never hid, but you are too weak." Eli shook his head.

team leader:......

It's true, but it's shocking.

"Let's talk, how many people are behind you, what specific configuration, and what means to attack. If you say it well, maybe I can let you go." Eli looked at him and said calmly.

"Okay." The captain hesitated, and at this moment, he just wanted to live. "There is a second-ring limit warlock behind, as well as twenty second-ring warlocks, and about one ring, and because of the high-end combat power, the apprentice only brought five hundred."

"That's it!" Eli nodded, if that's the case, then there's no need for him to participate in the follow-up.

After all, it is possible to punch through it alone, but it is a bit too ostentatious. Eli pondered, and the Blacksota Heavy Rock Giant Elephant Warlock in front of him lit up when he saw Eli raising his head in contemplation. This should be the most recent time for this wizard in his play.

So close, once...

The Chongyan Giant Elephant Warlock gritted his teeth and made a decision in an instant. Rather than handing over his **** name to Herman, he might as well give it a shot. Thinking of this, the power of his bloodline started to run at a fast speed again.

Muscles also start to tighten.


In an instant, he roared for a lifetime, and then his body instantly rushed towards Eli, punched out, and the earth elements gathered, and he felt as if his bloodlines were burning.

This was his all-out strike, and his strongest strike.

You must know that the Colossus of Heavy Rock is a second-ring creature that is extremely good at power, so he has high hopes for this circle that gathers all the power, and he doesn't think Eli, a wizard, can resist.

"Go to hell." A wicked smile appeared on his face. The next second, the smile froze.


The fist was blocked.

He looked at the scale-covered dragon claw that grabbed his fist in front of him. His mighty power was simply dissolved, and the other party even felt very relaxed.

"You..." He looked bewildered.

It shouldn't be!

Your bloodline is so strong, why aren't you a wizard?

Tai raised his head and looked at Eli. Eli's golden vertical pupils exuded a shocking breath, which instantly made his back soaked with cold sweat, and an embarrassed smile appeared on his face:

"Your clothes are a little dirty, I want to help you clean it up."

"It's okay, I'll do it myself." Eli smiled kindly.

The next second, Eli exerted force directly.


The warlock roared in fear, his arm was torn off instantly, and in his terrified eyes, the dragon claws were directly buckled on his head.

"Do not!"


The black ring lit up, and the spiritual power of the warlock rushed into Eli's mind. The warlock was horrified, and the light in his eyes disappeared little by little. One minute later, Eli's spiritual power increased from 197 to 198. As for the warlock, it is already dead.

Then he quickly absorbed several other warlocks, as long as they were absorbed within three hours of death, but the longer the interval, the faster the mental power escaped.

However, the spiritual power of the eight second-ring limit warlocks is still very impressive.

After the absorption, Eli's mental power finally reached the limit of promotion.

Chapter 192: 200 points of mental power, everyone waiting

200 points.

"It's really good, I can consider promotion later." Eli felt a burst of joy when he felt the mental energy filling his brain. It has been two or three hundred years since I broke through the second ring, and I have finally reached this point. The next step is to prepare for the promotion, but it is very troublesome to advance to the third ring, so I am not in a hurry.

Everything is about stability.

After a few seconds of emotion, Eli began to collect the relics of several warlocks. In the end, 600 middle-grade magic stones were collected from the hands of several warlocks, which is about 60,000 low-grade magic stones.

In addition to the magic stone, there are other things, some valuable materials, and some secrets and the like.

"Hey, this is not bad." Between the books, Eli found something good.

"Blood Burning Secret Technique", a secret technique for escape. Open the title page, which introduces this secret technique.

This secret method is based on the research of a magical beast, the blood arrow snake. The blood arrow snake is a special kind of creature. When it encounters danger, it will release the blood sac in its body, and then it can quickly escape after being stimulated.

Relying on this, this secret technique has been developed. When necessary, it can burn blood to escape, and even when the situation is serious, it can burn vitality. Although the cost is huge, if life is in danger, the cost is not enough to fear.

"Interesting." After reading the introduction, Eli became interested.

Burning blood and life to explode speed, although this is a secret method, it is more of a skill, a transformation, and it happens that Eli is currently lacking.

When he goes back, he will study it carefully. This is a means of saving his life.

In addition to this, the others are relatively popular items, and Eli just glanced at it and entered the secret realm. Currently, he is backed by the White Tower, Iris, and the House of the Undead. He really has no shortage of general resources.

After disposing of the spoils, Eli cleaned up the traces of the battlefield again, and then returned in the direction of the White Tower.

He didn't forget that there was a warlock in the White Tower that he didn't deal with.


Eli left the canyon, and ten minutes later, he came to the defense line of the White Tower.

White Tower Front.


This was originally a plain, but at this time, there was a wall of seven or eight meters standing on the plain, which was cast by the warlocks of the earth element blood.

At this time above this wall, all the White Tower Warlocks are ready to go.

And in the middle position, all the upper floors of the White Tower are here. Kratos, Rawls, Ross, Laurent......

Kratos stood at the front, and after the baptism of the years, he has long lost the domineering he once had, but at this time, the leather armor on his body and the drooping eyes, everyone is very normal and clear, this may be the last time for this old man fight.

He is too old, unless he burns his life, it is impossible for him to burst into the strength he once had.

Rawls is on one side.

"Can you really hold on!" He also knew very well in his heart that this battle was really bad luck.

After all, their opponents in the first round are the eight second-ring limits. You must know the second-ring level. Every time a bloodline warlock condenses a bloodline core, the strength can be one to two times stronger. problem, but how late are they here?

They can block a few, but what about the others

There is another worse situation where they join forces to kill a few of them before going to deal with the others.

"Fortunately, this guy Laurent is back." He glanced at Laurent not far away.

This guy, who didn't know where he went before, suddenly returned half an hour ago. Although this guy has always been a bad person, his strength is indeed very good, and he is not inferior to him.

"Why not yet"

Laurent also looked into the distance, but he was thinking about this time, the adults should be here.

Is it because they encountered obstacles in the middle, or changed their strategy and prepared to wait for the large troops to attack together?

Laurent didn't know, but he was full of confidence.

The Black Sota Alliance is very strong, and Baita is not an opponent at all. When he disappeared, he used the means to contact them, hoping to surrender in advance.

Chapter 192: 200 points of mental power, everyone waiting

After all, the gap is too big, he really can't see hope, he might as well And if you do well, maybe there will be a chance to join Black Sota in the future, get the information to advance to the third ring, and advance to the third ring .

This small force, whoever likes to treat it.

"Master Herman, is he really not coming?" Ross was worried.


Suddenly, a warning sound sounded, and everyone was instantly alert. Thousands of people on a defense line were alerted. This alert is the detection method ahead, which means that someone is coming.

Here comes the Black Sota Alliance.

Everyone held their weapons, their eyes were fixed on the front, their eyes were firm, and they were ready to fight.

bring it on!

Fight to the end.

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Chapter 192: 200 points of mental power, everyone waiting

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