Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 193: shocked crowd, counterattack

Chapter 193 of the Eternals of the Wizarding World The shocked crowd counterattacked under the scorching sun.

Everyone's eyes were firm, and they looked into the distance. The atmosphere was unusually dignified. In this case, even the passing sound of a bird was clearly visible.

Everyone knows that they are about to face the danger of terror, but most of them still have no hesitation, just because they know that they have no choice. This battle is for the White Tower.



Suddenly, in the dust in the distance, everyone heard footsteps. Although it was light, it was very clear. It felt like stepping on the fallen leaves in a quiet jungle, reaching everyone's ears.


Between the dust, a figure slowly appeared.

"Is it finally here?" Kratos took a deep breath, sensing his few vitality, this should be his last battle, no matter what the result is, it has nothing to do with him.

It's a pity that this power is gone.

"I'm getting a little excited!" Rawls showed his teeth and grinned, while the fighting blood in his body began to boil!

Unlike the group of ordinary apprentices, as one of the top leaders, they had no chance to surrender and could only fight, that guy Heman didn't know where he was going.

"It's finally here!" Laurent also showed a sinister smile.

Although a little late, but fortunately normal.

"Well, the body looks like this, it should be Lord Croda." Laurent stared at the figure in the dust, guessing who came out first. He thinks it should be the captain of this team.

"Hey, no, he's not that thin!" Laurent suddenly felt that something was wrong. As the figure got closer, not only did this figure not look like those few people, but it was more like...

"Lord Herman!"

Suddenly, a warlock pointed at the figure and said between the lines of defense, and his eyes were like eagle eyes.


The Warlock's voice was very abrupt, like a thunder in the flat ground, which made everyone feel a little stunned, but what shocked them even more was the words in the Warlock's mouth.


"How could it be Lord Herman? Even if it is, he should have come out from behind."

"But it does seem to be a bit similar, and Lord Herman doesn't seem to appear."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

The dignified atmosphere was instantly destroyed. Some warlocks questioned, while other warlocks looked at the figure, as if wanting to see if what he said was true.


Kratos was also stunned, looking at the figure.

This figure seems to be a bit similar.

"It seems that it is really Lord Herman."

"I saw it, it's really Lord Herman."

The bloodline of a warlock is good at observation, and it seems that he can really see Eli's face through the distance. At this time, as Eli approaches, everyone seems to find that this person is really Herman.

"It's really him!"

A few kilometers away, Kratos finally determined that the figure was Herman, but it really made him even more confused.

Why Herman is in the front

"This..." Rawls blinked, not understanding.

Laurent was inexplicably stunned. It was Herman. He thought it was adults, but if it was Herman, where did the adults go?

He was very puzzled, but he didn't think about Herman. After all, that was the limit of eight second rings!

In this way, in the eyes of everyone, Eli walked a few kilometers in front of the defense line, came to the defense line in the eyes of everyone, and then jumped up.

"Herman, you..."

On the defensive line, everyone's eyes turned to Kratos and Rawls also looked at Eli, as if they wanted him to give an explanation.

"Herman, what are you doing ahead?" Laurent asked bluntly.

"Meet friends." Eli smiled and looked at Laurent kindly.

meet friends

This made a few people stunned.

"My friend Herman, you are too much. When is it that you left the White Tower without authorization." Others looked at Eli, Luo

Chapter 193: Shocked crowd, counterattack

Lang was unceremonious.

Anyway, he has to leave here, and he is not afraid of the consequences.

"Hmm, you're right." Eli nodded hurriedly, but his eyes were kinder, and said, "I also brought my friends over, and you know them too. Would you like to take a look?"

"Yeah" Laurent frowned and wanted to scold, but Herman suddenly moved in front of him.

I saw him wave his hand, and on the ground in front of him, eight heads were lined up, lying on the ground.

In just an instant, Laurent's eyes widened. He looked at the eight heads in front of him, and the panic filled his body in an instant, making it even difficult for him to breathe.

These eight heads were exactly the eight adults he saw the day before yesterday.

In the end what happened

He froze, unable to say a word.

"It seems that this is our opponent." At this time, a member of the second ring looked at a row of heads and shouted.

After two days, they have naturally seen the portraits of the high-level people on the Black Sota Alliance side, and the faces of the heads in front of them are matching them.

"This is our enemy"

"But how did it appear here, could it be Lord Herman?"

"Is Lord Herman so strong?"

"My God, I was thinking about what to do if the forces were destroyed. Now it seems that I think too much, but this is too incredible, isn't it true?"

Everyone is not a fool. Looking at the heads of several people, plus Eli just returned from the front line, he naturally guessed what happened. Herman killed the incoming enemy.

But this is the limit of eight second rings!

Herman actually killed eight Second Ring Limits by himself. This is what Second Ring can do. It's outrageous. Everyone looked at Eli and seemed to want him to give an accurate answer.

"Herman, you killed these," Kratos asked with difficulty.


affirmative response.

"Oh!" Kratos nodded and closed his eyes. The amount of information was too much, and he couldn't accept it. He was going to fight with all his life just now, but you suddenly told me that Herman easily solved the enemy. Does he need to be embarrassed!

Rawls's boiling blood also gradually cooled down, and he suddenly felt that his previous thoughts would not be too much, so embarrassing!

Every time Herman can surprise him, he feels that his knowledge is really not good.

"As expected of your lord." Ross in the crowd looked at Eli with more admiration, as if returning to the day when the White Tower was about to be destroyed by the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance.

Although a hundred years have passed, the adults are still adults, and they are still the most powerful in the White Tower.

Kratos and the others were all so surprised, not to mention other personnel.

"I'm going, it's actually true, I suddenly understand why Lord Herman is an honorary title."

"Me too, I used to think he wasn't worthy, I **** up."

"Eight is outrageous for one person!"

At this time, everyone fell into silence, each with their own thoughts, shock, disbelief, doubt and admiration mixed together.

No one thought that a story that took a few days would end like this.

Compared with the positive emotions of most people, one person at this time is really like falling into an ice cave!

Laurent looked at Eli stiffly, his body could not help shaking, he seemed to understand why Eli was so abnormal just now, he should have been discovered.

But he couldn't understand why, is this Herman so strong?

A deep regret poured into his body instantly, and his eyes changed from being confused to pleading. He understood that once Herman revealed his identity, he would not be able to escape.

"Please..." Laurent spit out with difficulty.

"You betrayed the White Tower." But Eli spoke faster, he said it directly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into silence again.

"Please, walk around me once, I really know it's just a ghost, give me a chance, don't kill me."

Before everyone could react, they saw that Laurent actually knelt down and began to beg for mercy.

He knew very well that if it was really defined, he would never be able to escape, let alone in front of him.

Chapter 193: Shocked crowd, counterattack

Heman's combat power, if he really killed the group of eight, then even adding a few of him, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape.

Looking at Laurent who begged for mercy, everyone had a bun on their faces, and no one thought that such a scene would happen.

A good victory suddenly turned into Laurent's confession. This turning point really flashed to the waist.

"Uh..." Kratos was also a little confused, but since what Herman said, it should be true.

Laurent's actions are proof of all this.

"Someone arrest him." Eli said directly, betrayed, there is nothing to say.

Soon, someone came to lock Laurent and walked towards the prison. Laurent did not resist during this process. He knew that the resistance would be faster.

"Oh, there is another troop behind, but there is only one second ring limit. There should be no problem with so many of you. Just leave me first, and the black tower has to patrol at night!" After looking around, Eli left.

Everyone made way for him, looking at him with strange eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure this is Herman." The corners of Rawls' mouth twitched, and he was still thinking about his work at this time, so Herman could still do this kind of thing.

"Okay, let's talk about Herman's affairs later, there are still enemies behind, let's continue to wait." Kratos looked at the back of Eli's departure and was helpless for a shook his head and said.

"Uh, since there are not many enemies, why don't we take the initiative to attack, we have thousands of people here, and without high-end combat power, they are not our opponents at all." At this time, Ross suddenly proposed.


Everyone's eyes lit up.


Why wait, now they have the initiative!

"Then attack directly." Kratos thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed more appropriate.

Following Kratos' order, all the warlocks also smiled.

Time to counterattack.

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Chapter 193: Shocked crowd, counterattack

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