Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 194: Advancement to level 3 obstacles, all parties react

New calendar year 3510.

In the south of the west coast, the White Tower defeated the Black Sota Alliance Warlock.

Once the news came out, the entire southern and central parts of Hesota were shocked.


"Okay, big win."

The next day, Eli, who received the news in the black tower, nodded.

He has done that. If Baita can't defeat them like this, then Baita will just disband. Of course, defeating the alliance is nothing. For Eli, there is more to think about.

For example, how the White Tower will develop in the future, the changes brought about by the reaction of Black Sota, etc., and what should Eli do!

"The most important thing is Hesota's reaction. They have three rings. This is not something I can deal with." He fell into thinking. _o_m

He can be said to be truly invincible in the second ring now, and even if it is other races, Eli doesn't think he will lose, but he is not proud, because there is still a third ring!

Is afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

After a few more days, I will leave the place temporarily, and I have no idea of ​​how to deal with my power in the future. I need to take a step back and implement it. Of course, it depends on the specific changes.

two o'clock.

At the time, I saw that man a lot.

Everyone knows how long it will take.


It must be said that the wizard will use the magic power in the body to retreat and fight. Before this, it was impossible to communicate with the inner world, and directly mobilize the power of the small elements in the inner world. The number may directly differ by several times, dozens of times, that is the seventh ring and the The most terrifying gap in the Eighth Ring.

Tu Wanteng gasped. Originally, we hadn't completely suppressed the Tower of Bloodline, and even the old guy Natasha was slow to do it. Then suddenly a Vivica popped up, really ***.

Dread Beech and Human Face Flower have been looking for them all the time, and as far as Tu Wan knows, Dread Beech is not missing in Lilith Warlock Academy, and that academy is not one of the alliances I defeated, so that one should not be obtained nervously. .

The only thing that was missing was the water element fruit at the front, so there was no clue at all, because it was a kind of magic plant in the water that grew overseas, and Tu Wan could only send someone to search for it in the sea.

The Eighth Ring of Rocks will come in ten years.

As for how we were defeated, everyone only knew that Baita alone defeated the alliance of several seven rings, and then the alliance defeated by myself.

The small white-gold door wrapped in animal skin hurriedly opened, and a seven-ringed warlock walked back.

"So..." Eli pursed his lips and went to the wizard camp to avoid it in a few days.

Backed by eight forces, I haven't prepared enough resources for a small part, but there is a problem with the soul-melting potion, and eight kinds of magic plants have not been found yet.


There are two reasons for this. One is that the promotion of the third ring will carry out the fusion of magic power and spiritual power. It can be said that it is another kind of material. It is much stronger than the spiritual power, and it is also easier to manipulate. The pure quality and delicacy have been greatly improved.

"Oh, nothing yet!" Hesota suddenly spoke again.

The latter two are seven-ringed magic plants, while the former is an eight-ringed magic plant, and it is also a very precious part outside the eighth ring.


I am the tower owner of her other Rox, the warlock of the late eighth ring, Cross.

"Natasha is just a weak support, your time is short, and you should not be able to advance in a few decades, and the deputy tower master Mo Sen has reached the limit and is ready to advance.


In Eli's mind, the third ring from Nick and other collected information appeared. Its powerful fundamental and second ring are two dimensions, and there is no comparison.

I have very little time.

"It's like that again!" A woman sat under a chair, frowning at the news coming from below.

"Don't worry about us, a white tower has been turned upside down, we all have ways to prepare for the promotion, it is worth mentioning, and is it not yet the power of the House of the Undead, and the iris that has recently spread in the dark Wizard power? The White Tower will be broken!" Hesota shook his head, and now he has time to take care of us.

I found it in a year or two. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 194: Advancement to Level 3 Obstruction, All Parties React

, 10 years or 70 years to find it, I just believe that a hundred years and two hundred years still find it.

"You understand." The warlock nodded and turned to leave.

Once you are all successful, the tower of blood will be destroyed as well. Now you will fully assist Mo Sen to advance, and you will shrink your forces first. Tu Wanteng pondered that Vivica's promotion represented too few things.

How should I deal with the White Tower before? If so, just destroy it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Just when Eli was thinking, in one day, the news of Baita had not yet come.

An exclamation came, Hesota opened his mouth small, then frowned and asked, "Are you sure it's true?"

Tricyclic and bicyclic are different.

"Wanted Kratos!"

"It should be!" Cross stood up, his body swept over the mirror on the side, reflecting my appearance, determined

face, low cheekbones, and a pair of white eyes.

"Bad." The Seven Rings Warlock nodded and asked, "This south?"

As it gets closer and closer to qualifying for the Eighth Ring, Eli has to be careful.

"What should you do with this villain!" The Seventh Ring Warlock also sighed.

The Seventh Ring Warlock immediately reported: "Little man, since before Natasha, the original tower owner of the Tower of Bloodline, was attacked by you, although we concealed the news, you are very concerned that you have suffered less injuries from her, and she is not. The villain's opponent, so you have been able to suppress us for the past few decades, but just now, I received news that Vivica, the deputy tower master of the Bloodline Tower, has advanced to the eighth ring!"

"Two o'clock, it's alright, it seems that the possibility is small." Eli's heart is a little bit different, and she can let it go too far.

Song, after all, as the strength to be predicted is weaker, the prediction is actually more her own.

To advance to the Eighth Ring is only the required materials, without all kinds of assistance from the witch formation, and without a small amount of soul crystallization, and secondly, a precious eight-ring potion is needed.

For a time, our feelings about the White Tower were normal and simple.

Hesota wondered, "What's wrong?"

Tu Wanteng.

"Come back!" Tu Wanteng said.

So what Eli is most worried about right now is not that Rox's Eighth Ring is coming straight to the White Tower, so I will definitely run straight away. After all, there is already the White Tower. Now I don't have eight forces. It's nice to lose one, but Also unacceptable. First Release Update@

I saw Tu Wanteng with a serious face, and said, "Bai Ta has harmed your interests, you must express it."

I just received the news today that the Warlock Alliance in the south of the west coast actually smashed into the sand behind the White Tower, which made me very confused and completely understandable.

"Come on." Thinking of how easy it was, Eli shook his head.

The name is widely spread, but I only know that it is a warlock who is responsible for the famous White Tower of the White Tower, and saved the White Tower a hundred years later, which is not far from the Eighth Ring.

"It's because Locks has no blood in the tower. It should be a small problem. It's very likely to run out of there." Eli pondered.

Then he threw the dice of fate.

more distant central.

Another reason for drying up is that advancing to the third-ring wizard will also achieve a preliminary understanding of nature, or communication, once the barrier is broken, it will be even smaller than the first one.

As long as there is no extinction on the west coast, it will be bad. As for the previous search, come quickly.

Speaking of promotion to the Eighth Ring, I haven't prepared for that for a long time.

The few big powers that have not been destroyed are shocked. No one would have thought that the White Pagoda actually failed. You must know that this is an alliance composed of seven southern small forces, and it actually fell into the sand behind the White Pagoda.

Hesota closed his eyes, only opened them more than ten seconds ago, and said solemnly: "The problem is small."

Regarding the human face flower, the iris flower force also has no clues and is looking for it.

The effect is that it cannot provide protection and act as a lubricating effect when the magic power and spiritual power are fused, and it cannot prevent the soul from being damaged during victory. After all, promotion is a very safe thing.

No one would have thought that the power that quietly developed in the south would be so terrifying.

Soul-melting potion.

Although there is no information on the promotion of the warlock, Eli also plans to pass the warlock. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 194: Advancement to Level 3 Obstruction, All Parties React

It is possible to change the way of promotion, but stick to the path of wizards.

The warlock turned his head, puzzled.

They are Fear Beech, Human Face Flower, and Water Elemental Fruit!

"Little man, something has happened." The warlock said directly as soon as he stepped back.

As for who is that person?

Warlocks are also less or less, and they cannot mobilize the less power of nature, and they do not have the essential power of blood, and they should also be weak. Error free update@


And without that, many remaining big forces chose to join the White Tower directly. After all, no one can see that the White Tower will definitely be the hegemonic force in the south in the future. Of course, there is no other one, but there is No faction would want to join a House of the Dead made up of the undead.

"This warlock in a hundred years is probably called Kratos, but he is so weak." I frowned and thought, that one person can defeat so few warlocks of the same level, it seems that he is a genius.


bang bang bang!

I'm watching.

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Chapter 194: Advancement to Level 3 Obstruction, All Parties React

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