Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 195: 3rd Ring Warlock Vivica, ready to leave


On the other side, in a room of a building.

The room is very spacious and the decoration is extremely gorgeous. Whether it is the crystal lamp on the roof or the decorations around it, it shows the dignity of the owner.

A woman leaned back in a high-back chair, holding a document in her hands, with crisp doubts.

The woman is very beautiful, with long blue hair, straight facial features, big eyes, and her skin is as white and delicate as milk, making people want to touch her.

Although wearing a warlock robe, it is difficult to conceal his good figure, which is elegant and moving.

The most different thing from ordinary people is her eyes, which are a rare cyan color, clear and translucent, really like a pool of clear springs, exuding a lightness that belongs to the element of wind.

However, at this time, the beauty frowned and watched the information closely. Compared with Hesota, they had more information channels in the south of the west coast, and they also learned about what happened yesterday.

In fact, it has little effect on her. After all, she has just been promoted, and she should consider how to stabilize the bloodline tower, not the small forces in the south, but when she looked at the information, she saw a name.


Vivica frowned. The last time I heard this name was almost four hundred years ago. @ Essence\\/Book Pavilion·No mistake starting~~

At that time, she was still in that backward kingdom. At that time, she was still a little girl studying with her teacher. Later, she left there because of an accident, but at this time, she was already the deputy tower owner of the Bloodline Tower, one of the major forces in the central west coast. And it's three rings.

If she remembered correctly, she used to be a friend of the teacher, her name was Herman.

"But it should be just a coincidence." Vivica loosened her pretty brows and shook her head.

The same name doesn't mean anything, she is too sensitive.

"I don't know what happened to the teacher who disappeared that day, but he should have died, or else there would have been no reply." Vivica shook her head.

It was the teacher who took him away from that filthy noble family, otherwise there would be nothing in the future, and almost all her life was spent in the company of the teacher, so for the teacher, it was her life. most trusted person.

Unfortunately, I can't go back.

"Teacher, I miss you so much." Vivica's eyes were a little red, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"Vivica, do you miss your teacher again?"

In the empty room, I don't know when another one came in.

This is a woman who is different from Vivica. She looks much older and her face is wrinkled, but she looks kind, like an old grandmother.

"Tower Master, you are here!" Vivica said, wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Hey, I don't know what kind of person your teacher is. He can make you remember it, but I can't do that as an old lady." Natasha smiled.

Vivica joined the Tower of Bloodline more than 300 years ago. She has always followed her. She is usually very tough, only when she thinks of her former teacher.

"Teacher, he is the one who pulled me out of the dark," Vivica replied.

"Understood. Does this hurt my heart?" Natasha patted Vivica's head lightly and said, "This is not the time to think about this, while I still have some time, we must find a way to get rid of it. Black Sota, or if I die, it will be troublesome."

"Well." Vivica nodded, looked at Natasha worriedly and said, "Tower Master, are you really?"

"Well, I'm too seriously injured, time is running out, it's only a few decades at most, fortunately you've made the cut, but Rox is already in the mid-term, if I could deal with it before, but now the injury is so serious, once I'm dead, that's bad." Natasha shook her head.

"All right."

Vivica understood what Natasha meant, nodded, and her eyes became firm.

There is no time for grief.

Herman's name still left a trace of doubt in her heart. She wanted to meet this person, but it wasn't now, she had to wait until later, although she was likely to be disappointed.

"Let's go." Natasha said.

"it is good!"


The White Tower's victory over the Black Sota Alliance had far less impact than Eli thought, just because of something else. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 195: Three-ring Warlock Vivica, ready to leave

The detonation of a thing.

"Vivica advanced to the third ring, and the Bloodline Tower and Black Sota declared a full-scale war."

At the White Tower Council, Eli was surprised when he heard the news from Kratos.

As soon as he checked the brand, it seemed that Vivica's breath had really turned into a three-ringed ring, which was indeed beyond his expectations. In this wave, his students actually led him. Error free update@

"That's true. In this way, we are more relaxed, and Hesota has no time to care about us." Kratos nodded and replied.

This was the first meeting after the victory of the White Tower, and all high-level officials were present.

At this time, all thirteen people had arrived, and in addition to Laurent, two unlucky **** died on the battlefield.

"Indeed." Eli nodded.

Both forces are really big forces, and the war will definitely be protracted, not something that can be resolved in five or ten years.

"Today we are discussing how to deal with the work in the future. Do you have any thoughts on Herman?" Kratos asked directly.

At this time, a dozen people, including Rawls and Ross, looked at Eli, waiting for him to guide the next work. After experiencing this, they also completely understood who was the No.1 of the White Tower.

"The next task is very simple. Naturally, it is to take over the remaining properties of the five forces. This must be done quickly, especially the Lilith Warlock Academy, which must be obtained. I need one of the materials inside." Eli said directly.

"Well, yes." Kratos nodded.

"Well, I don't have anything else to say, that's all." Eli shook his head, advancing to the third ring is currently his top priority, and he doesn't plan to care about the rest.

Originally, he planned to integrate the House of the Undead and the White Tower, but later he felt that it was not suitable. On the one hand, the House of the Undead was not a human force after all, and it was a force that unified the south, which was a bit too ostentatious. .

It’s better to be divided. Anyway, it’s all his forces, so that Hesota or other forces will not pay attention to them. If it really becomes a force to unify the south, he has no doubt that Hesota or the Tower of the Bloodline will meet. intervene.

When he gets to the third ring, it will be much better at that time, and at that time, Eli can also go to see his student, Vivica.

That little girl from that year has actually become a powerhouse in the third ring, which is really unpredictable.

Eli did not intervene, and Kratos quickly arranged the affairs.

After the meeting, Eli also told Kratos that he planned to leave for a while, and Kratos wanted to keep it, but Eli decided to leave, just to be on the safe side.

The time is set in three days.

Because there is one thing left unresolved.

The third floor of the leaning tower.

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Chapter 195: Three-ring Warlock Vivica, ready to leave

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