Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 198: 60 years, a clue to the last ignorant material

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"Huh, it's been ten years." Ten years later.

Eli, who had just finished a wizard exchange meeting, leaned back on the high-back chair and stretched out his body as he watched the empty conference room in front of him, feeling relaxed.

At this time, his mental power was solidified again, returning to the limit of 200 points, and he could no longer improve, even his bloodline was the same, and there was no point of improvement.

In the past ten years, Eli didn't spend much time on meditation. Most of his time was spent on the accumulation of knowledge. The more he learned some knowledge, the more shallow Eli could feel his knowledge was.

Under the collision of many wizards' thoughts, he felt that his knowledge structure was undergoing some subtle adjustments again, and the knowledge level was more reasonable and perfect, and he was still making progress.

Although the spiritual power and bloodline could not be improved, the spiritual power runes, alchemy runes, potions techniques, element manipulation sensitivity, potions and so on were all making rapid progress, and he also gradually added his own understanding to them.

A lot of knowledge from the past seems to be burning at this moment, dissolving, reshaping, redissolving, reshaping in the furnace of the brain...

Of course, it's not just knowledge. Although he is in the iris camp, he is basically clear about the outside world.

For ten years.

There was a fierce war between the Bloodline Tower and the Black Sota. It is said that with the addition of Vivica, a three-ringed wind element elf warlock, the Bloodline Tower is currently completely suppressing the Black Sota.

Even the tower master of Black Sota, Locks, dared not show his face at will, not because he was afraid of Vivica, but the third ring of another blood tower, Natasha, the dying person, it was really possible to pull him at any time. Going together is quite scary.

Hesota is losing ground, the power is shrinking, and there is no plan to emerge, which makes many people surprised. After all, the Rox in their minds is a ruthless warlock.

The Tower of Bloodline, which had the upper hand, also quickly attracted a large number of small forces, and also sent an invitation to the White Tower, but it was rejected, and it was no big deal.

The Bloodline Tower doesn’t have time to care about them. After all, there are two concepts of having three rings and no three rings, not to mention that the battle in the south is not bad at all. That’s right, at present, the south of the west coast, the home of the dead, the White Tower, and the iris in the dark Hua, under Eli's manipulation, the war was fiery and a chaotic scene, which made many people ignore their threats.

This is also the divisive scene Eli deliberately created.

In addition to the power struggle, the other most important thing is the collection of resources for promotion. The House of the Dead collects soul crystals in combat power, while Baita and Iris collect others.

Among them, the Fear Beech has been obtained after the White Tower occupied the sphere of influence of the Black Sota Alliance, while the Human Face Flower has clues and is still collecting, and there is still no clue for the last water element fruit.

Eli is not in a hurry, take his time, the external environment is getting worse and worse, which makes him a little worried.

As for the Soul Blade, he has also completed his study, and his soul power is accumulating, but the soul rune seems to involve insufficient soul power. It is estimated that only the third ring can be learned, so it is temporarily put on hold. @ Essence\/Book Pavilion*First update~~

Another ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

He is still making steady progress. He has already mastered all conventional witchcraft below the third ring, potions and alchemy have also been further improved, and even about devouring witchcraft, he has new insights, and he has developed a lot of new witchcraft, mainly It is a small witchcraft created by the attraction generated by the power of devouring.

Everything else works fine.

The Bloodline Tower is still pressing the Black Sota to attack, but Locks is still hiding, so there is still not much progress, and in the chaos, Eli's hand gradually extends to the two spheres of influence to collect resources for Eli.

The good news is that the clues about the face flower have been confirmed to be real and are being collected.

The water element fruit still has no clue.

In the past ten years, Ross has also stepped into the late second ring, Kratos is further aging, and Katarina is about to advance to the mid-term, everything is good.

Of course, there are also dishonest ones, such as Nikolai, who started collecting soul crystals for Eli secretly, as if he wanted to return to the third ring.

This is what Eli found secretly, but didn't stop it, he had his own ideas.

Another ten years.

The human face flower has been found, and the material for Eli's soul-melting potion is only water. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 198 Sixty years, clues to the last ignorant material

Elemental fruit, unfortunately, there is still no clue.

At this time, Eli has almost finished digesting his knowledge, and his soft power has entered a new level. At this time, Eli can be said to be the pinnacle of the second ring in the true sense.

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