Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 199: Edge of the Endless Sea, Murloc Tribe

"Any clue?"

In the tower, Eli looked at Katarina in front of him and asked.

"Yes, my lord." Katarina glanced at Eli. Although she was also the second ring, she could feel the huge gap between him and the lord, and there was no hope of victory in the battle.

In fact, Iris has also encountered some evil forces in these years, but they have been easily suppressed by Eli, which is why they have developed rapidly these years.

"Since you found it, send someone to look for it." Eli was very excited.

After 60 years, the clue was finally found.

"Sorry, the lord may not be able to do anything this time." Katarina bit her lip and said apologetically: "This time I found it on the coast of the Endless Sea, but it seems to be occupied by a murloc tribe, and the water element fruit seems to be there We also sent a lot of people to their potions garden, but none of them went in."

"And they still have the fighting power of the second ring, and we are not opponents in the water!"

After listening to this, Eli fell into contemplation. All the previous resources were collected by the forces. It seems that even these few are not convenient this time.

"In that case..." Eli pursed his lips and took out the felt of destiny.


Five o'clock.

Seeing the sign of five o'clock, Eli fell into thinking. The water element fruit is different from others. It is a kind of magic plant that is very cherished. It usually grows in the sea. It is very lucky to find it on the coast. If you give up, the next time may be It takes hundreds or even thousands of years.

Although he could wait, it was not so necessary, and five o'clock had already reached the passing line in his heart, so he could go out and try it.

"Bring all the information here, I'll think about it." Eli looked up at Katarina and said.


Soon, a document was brought over.

Eli began to read, and after ten minutes, he put the document on the table.

The water element fruit is located on the coast of the endless sea along the coast. It is not very far from here, but it is a bit remote. The number of murloc tribes is about several thousand murlocs, both in the first ring and the second ring. They belong to the relatively strong murlocs. power.

The only trouble is that murlocs can definitely exert their full combat power in the water, but it is difficult for wizards. This is not what they are good at. Even warlocks are rarely integrated into the blood of marine creatures. At least Eli has never seen more than the second ring. Yes, there are undead. Unfortunately, the undead are affected by the ocean in the ocean, and the speed will be greatly affected. At least there is very little news of undead in the ocean from the outside world.

This time, Eli might actually have to go out.

Fortunately, the murloc tribe does not have a three-ring warlock. At this time, Eli's consciousness still has a sixty-year-old soul blade. Even if the three-ring comes, it may not be pleasing. He also has the secret of burning blood. study for a long time.

Speaking of this secret technique of burning blood, it was obtained in the previous battle with the Black Sota Alliance, and Eli had already learned it decades ago.

About thirty years ago, Eli, who had made great progress in all aspects, transformed this secret technique again, abandoning the low-speed state of burning blood, and directly burning vitality.

This allows the speed of this secret method to reach its peak directly, which is comparable to the speed of the third ring, or even faster. This is one of the important reasons why he has the idea of ​​going out.

Of course, this is only one of them, and there is another important reason, that is, the Shadow Dragon is actually very friendly to water to a certain extent. The influence, coupled with the stealth ability, should be enough to allow Eli to stealthily enter.

Even if it is the third ring, Eli has a lot of faith in escaping.

"Let's go." Eli thought about it for a while, and at this level, it would be impolite not to go.

He is goofy and not cowardly.

Another point, Hesota must have done something to them after dealing with the Tower of Bloodline, and it will be even more difficult at that time, it is better to give it a try now.

Also, he just sneaked in, not a frontal invasion, so there's really no need to worry so much.

So three days later, the group left the Iris Warlock camp, including Eli.

Reef Coast.

Here is the endless sea close to the west coast almost most. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 199 Edge of the Endless Sea, Murloc Tribe

In an area in the south, because there are storms and waves all year round, the environment is harsh, and there are few resources, there is no warlock force here.

But the ocean here is very rich, there are many creatures, there are many creatures in the first and second rings, and there are even several tribes of alien creatures, and the murloc tribe is one of them.

Three days later, Eli and the others came here.

"Crimer, are you sure this is the place?"

Eli looked towards the front. Behind the rocky shore, there was an endless ocean. The waves were rolling, boundless, and very spectacular. _o_m

"My lord, it's here. It's about 1,000 meters off the coast of the sea." Mo Linsen is a wizard of one ring, and he is also the one sent to guide Eli this time. Except for him, There are also two links, responsible for sentry and other tasks.

"Okay!" Eli nodded, took a deep breath, and the fishy smell of the ocean rushed to his face.

Compared with the land, the elements contained in this sea breeze are even more amazing, which is normal, otherwise this would not be the endless sea.

Speaking of the endless sea, this is one of the largest oceans in the wizarding world. Its area is comparable to several continents, and there are many intelligent creatures in it. Because the concentration of elements in the ocean is very high, there are more powerful creatures than land, and even There are four-ringed and even five-ringed creatures in the depths.

So no one has explored this ocean yet.

Eli didn't dare to go deep, but fortunately this time the target was only near the coast.

"Since it's here, get ready, and I'm going to enter." Eli looked at a few people with a calm expression, and then took out the alchemy house and many daily necessities from the secret realm.

three people:???

The three looked stunned, not knowing what Eli was going to do.

"My lord, this is..." Morrison looked at these things, feeling a little bad.

"Be prepared, you don't think I'll just go on like this. Anyway, I have to take into account the situation inside and the surrounding situation, the flow of ocean currents, and other possible factors." Eli surprised the three of them. at a glance.

Morrison sucked in a breath of cold air. According to his thoughts, they should be able to return in half a month at most, but it looks like it may take a long time.

"Don't worry, it won't take long." Eli comforted the three.

The three nodded, yes, just how long the test will last.

Two years later.

In front of the coast, the three of them looked at Eli, who had once again retracted an eye of shadow, with a helpless expression.

Wouldn't this be too cautious?

It took two years to investigate a murloc tribe, which is a bit outrageous! It won't take long!

the other side.

Eli, who retracted the Eye of Shadow, straightened his body again, turned his head to look at the three, and said: "At present, all the surrounding environments have been clarified, including all the nearby forces, as well as the situation of the murloc tribe.

I have confirmed that this is also a task that can be performed once. "

"When is your lord going to leave?" Morrison asked excitedly.

For two years, they actually wasted two years on this coast. If Eli had not given them enough benefits, they would all have to leave, and the day is finally coming to an end.

"After calculation, there will be no marine activities tomorrow, and the time is the most suitable." Eli said directly.

"Well, we will definitely set the whistle for the adults." The three said.



The next This day was sunny and cloudless, and the sea was calm.

Eli was also watching the three of them, and then walked directly towards the ocean.

The speed was very fast, and soon the whole person disappeared into the endless sea.

The three of them looked at each other, and then went to work each, and they were in charge outside.

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Chapter 199 Edge of the Endless Sea, Murloc Tribe

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