Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 200: Murloc tribe, world pattern

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As soon as he entered the ocean, the coldness of the water made Eli startled, and he looked into the ocean.

The golden vertical pupils are like faint candles in the dark, allowing Eli to easily see the scene several kilometers away. As Eli goes deeper, the surrounding environment is gradually revealed. Error free update@

Vast, contemptuous.

This is Eli's first feeling.

In the ocean, he felt like a tiny fish, and the vastness of the endless sea was even more shocking. Even he can only see part of the scenery, but only part of it makes his trip worthwhile.

In the blue water, there are undersea whirlpools. In other places, there are all kinds of swimming fish, some as small as the size of a finger, and some more than ten meters long with a powerful aura of Warcraft.

Compared with the creatures on land, the creatures in the ocean are often not very intelligent except for those intelligent creatures. Even the second ring or even the third ring, most of them rely on instinctive actions, and there may be major changes unless they advance to the true spirit level. .

Eli was swimming between these creatures, and the creatures around him sensed his breath and did not approach.

At this time, Eli's appearance was completely different from before. With the help of the faceless mask and the power of shadow simulation ability, he turned into a fish creature of three or four meters, and a pair of golden eyes Stop blinking, moving in the direction of the target.

At this time, the distance from the coast was getting farther and farther, and the surrounding environment became more and more complicated. After passing through a large coral clump, Eli officially stepped into the territory of the murloc tribe.

Eli's disguised body swam gracefully, and his eyes looked down.

The bottom of the seabed here is a large forest of rock pillars standing high and low. Each rock pillar is at least tens of meters high, and I don’t know how it was formed. Various shellfish are attached to the surface, and it occupies a very wide area, no smaller than the White Pagoda. .

The fish people are distributed in this rock pillar forest.

Soon, Eli saw the first murloc.

This is a creature with the head of a human fish. It is about one meter tall and has two dead fish eyes on its head. Then there are several tentacles derived from it. It has sharp teeth. Has slime, which allows them to move quickly in the ocean.

Of course, as an intelligent creature, the murloc that Eli saw was still wearing armor made of shells, holding a bone spear in his hand, and his aura had reached a level.

"A ring of murlocs!"

The area Eli is currently in is the outside of the territory. It must be known that the murlocs who are generally in one ring are rarely seen, which makes Eli feel that something is wrong.

So he decided to swim a little further out to see what was going on.

To Eli's surprise, the murloc seemed to swim out after leaving the tribe, and often turned back every five meters, as if he was being careful about something.

Eli thought about it and followed, and the murlocs didn't notice that the fish, like Eli's camouflaged fish, was the most common in the neighborhood, everywhere.

Soon, he saw the murlocs dive into another reef.

"That's it." The fishman Luoer spit out a series of bubbles and glanced around.

This is not very close to the murloc territory, and the place they agreed to is here.

"Hey, I don't want to, but they give too much. With those resources, I can break through the second ring. When the time comes, I can join other camps. Maybe even the mermaid will have a chance to play." While thinking about it, Rolle was swimming towards the reef, not paying any attention to a fish looking at him in the ocean at a higher level.

Soon, Rolle came to a hidden reef.

"Didn't you come?" Rolle looked around, closed his eyes, and began to wait.

"There's something wrong with this murloc." Eli looked down at Rolle, and suddenly sneaked so far away, he definitely had bad intentions.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a wave of water element fluctuations farther away.

Amidst the waves, a creature resembling a killer whale swam quickly.

"The Wisdom Race Demon Killer Whale." Eli glanced at it, a little surprised.

This creature, but rarely appears here, they should be a distance. (This chapter is not over!)

The 200th octopus tribe, world pattern

The creatures that are only farther on the coast, this time they suddenly appeared here should have something to do with the murlocs.

Sure enough, the Demon Killer Whale swam here and directly into the sea reef, and swam directly towards the murloc.

Eli showed a curious expression and observed more seriously.

"Lord Tiger Power."

The murloc also opened his eyes at this time, and his eyes lit up when he saw the approaching Demon Killer Whale. _o_m

"Luo Er!" The Demon Killer Whale had arrived, and his voice was a little gruff, and said, "We are ready to start, how are you preparing?"

"My lord, I'm ready." Rolle nodded, but there was some hesitation on his face.

"My lord, is the environment in the outer seas so harsh? Now even the race of adults is ready to come here."

"Hmph, since the group of terrifying wizards left, the whole world has changed. You have no idea how many races are developing in the Endless Sea. Your race is only on the coast, and the pressure is not small, not to mention the battles in the outer sea. Even more cruel, even the deep sea is more cruel." The Demon Killer Whale explained.

"But we don't want to leave there, just be prepared. We are going to occupy a site here first to prepare for the future."

"Is that so!" The fishman Rolle understood.

"Don't worry, you will never regret joining us. Although it is impossible for us to come directly, as long as it succeeds, I should stay here. I will give you your resources when the time comes. That's for me. Not worth mentioning." Huwei explained.

"Then thank you sir." Rolle's eyes lit up.

Didn't he join them just for this!

As for the others, he doesn't quite understand it. As for the external situation mentioned by Huwei, he is not interested. He is just a little murloc, what can he do!

"Sir, when are we going to do it!"



"Yes!" Hu Wei affirmed, his huge eyes staring at Luo Er said: "We have very few people here, we only have one chance, we must be quick, otherwise it will be troublesome for other forces to react, after all, we still didn't come here."

"You can prepare when you go back, be careful not to be discovered."

"Yes." The fishman Luoer nodded heavily.

"Okay, then you can go back first, and act according to the time tomorrow." Huwei nodded, and then the huge body quickly left the sea, and the breath of the second ring limit made the surrounding creatures quickly disperse.

"Tomorrow?" Luo Er looked at Huwei's back, glanced around, and left quickly.

"Fortunately, I took a look."

On the sea reef, Eli looked at the two alien creatures leaving, took a deep breath, and spit out a bunch of bubbles.

Although he has already explored and prepared very well, accidents are accidents, and they have nothing to do with your preparations. They always come by coincidence.

"But it's not necessarily bad news." Eli pondered.

In fact, the biggest problems for him to steal the water element fruit are two, one is how to sneak into their plantation, and the other is how not to be discovered, or to leave after being discovered.

Eli's means are sufficient, and he is also very confident, but after all, there is still a certain risk.

But if the Demon Killer Whale invades, then most of the murloc's power will definitely be pulled away, which will make it easier for him to achieve his goal, which is a good thing.

So Eli decided to change the time to tomorrow. After all, the ocean is not his home court. Naturally, he had to choose a time with a high chance to execute it. It has been delayed for so long, not in one or two days.

After saying this, it was another thing Huwei said that made Eli curious.

That is the status quo of the endless sea, the near sea and even the deep sea. I didn't expect it to be like this. You have to know which race dared to make mistakes when the wizard was there, but with the departure of the wizard, new changes in the ocean are taking place. cause an impact.

And this is still in the There are many creatures in the sky and on land. Although the warlock is still the master, the warlock is more than one step weaker than the former wizards. They may not be able to manage this big world. .

Eli predicts that it should be normal for a few thousand years, but after that, everything will be different. (This chapter is not over!)

The 200th octopus tribe, world pattern

Well said.

"Take one step at a time," suddenly Eli smiled.

He found that he seemed to think too far, let's think about advancing to the third ring first. First Release Update@

But is it really far?

Thousands of years, ten thousand years, it doesn't seem to take long.

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The 200th octopus tribe, world pattern

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