Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 201: Fish in troubled waters and dive into the underwater potion garden

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"Hey, another boring day!"

The murloc Moco put on scales as usual, took the bone spear glowing with white light, walked out of the camp, and began to patrol according to the route.

As one of the guards of the tribe, his job is to patrol every day. The content is simple, but in fact, the harvest is not cheap. If his father was a ringed murloc, he would not be able to obtain it!

Looking at the familiar environment around him, he patrolled boredly and didn't think there would be any problems.

The murloc tribes have been occupying this area for decades. They are small overlord-level forces nearby, and no one dares to touch their brows. Of course, except for those high-level monsters with low intelligence, but they generally don't come here.

"Maybe I should go to the hunting party." Moko was swimming in the water.

This job is so boring.

Or take a break.

Mo Ke's eyes rolled, and then he ran directly to a rock pillar on the seabed not far away, and inserted the bone spear into it. Then leaned up. First Release Update@


"This is the life a murloc should have!" Mo Ke's huge mouth wriggled up and down, and the bubbles exposed his fish head upward, as if feeling the sunlight on the sea.

"Hey, why is it suddenly dark!"

Suddenly, Mo Ke felt a darkness in front of his eyes, and he looked up in a mutter.

Then he saw a scene that surprised him.

In the ocean not far away, several devil killer whales of seven or eight meters swam towards it, leaving a channel in the water like a cannonball, and the huge body blocked his light.

In addition to these few demon killer whales, there were also many various marine creatures behind them, and the target was the murloc tribe.

"Something's happened!" Mo Ke's fish eyes widened, and his mouth couldn't close for a long time.

Immediately he slid down the rock pillar, before he even had time to draw his weapon.

Until the sea clan army led by the devil whale passed by, he immediately swam towards the tribe at an extremely fast speed, he felt that he had never been so fast in his life.

No way, it will be over soon.

Soon, after passing a few trails, he returned to the murloc camp. Between the rock pillars, hundreds of murlocs were inside at this time. Some of them were sharpening weapons, some were eating, and some were multiplying.


The murloc used all his strength, and then shouted towards the surroundings.

With the help of the murloc's special receiving device, all the murlocs immediately raised their heads, with a puzzled look in the dead fish's eyes, and looked towards Moke.


Mo Ke gritted his teeth, and immediately ran to a reef not far away with a huge conch hanging on it.

Woohoo! !

In the next instant, the sound of conch shells sounded in the camp, and the ripple-like sound swept across the entire camp, awakening the entire camp like a **** crowing.

This time, all the fishmen were shocked.

Because this conch can only blow when it finds the existence that can threaten the camp, doesn't it?

The next moment, they understood why the conch was blown. In the ocean not far away, the sea clan army led by Huwei had arrived.


Huwei gave an order, and all the creatures swam towards the murloc tribe.

The murloc tribe responded very quickly. Many murlocs directly picked up the weapons beside them, and then made strange noises. A seemingly disordered but stable camp quickly formed.

In the ocean, fighting can happen at any time.

Needless to say, each murloc quickly reached his rightful place.

"Kill!!" Tiger's mighty urn roared in a furious voice.

Several demon killer whales headed by him rushed directly into the murloc defense line and started to kill. In an instant, mourning spread all over, and blood stained the sea area red.

The fierce battle begins.


The battle begins.

On the other side of the ocean, a two-meter fish silently dived into the reef and entered the area of ​​the murloc tribe.

"It's tragic!"

Eli sneaked inside while looking towards the battle center.

The leader of the invasion, Huwei, didn't have any weapons, he just relied on it. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 201 Fishing in mixed waters, diving into the underwater potion garden

Strong physical fitness, tail fins and teeth fight, just like that, dozens of murlocs were killed by him in the blink of an eye.

Others are similar. The devil killer whale is inherently stronger than the murloc, and there is no comparison at all. It is obvious that the murloc is at a disadvantage.

So Eli has to hurry up.

After two years of reconnaissance, Eli already knew the landforms very well, and without hesitation, he swam towards a place in the murloc tribe.

The Undersea Demon Plantation Garden is just behind the murloc tribe, and it might take some effort to sneak in, but at this time, the hurried murlocs can't take care of him, so in just a few minutes, Eli has already arrived at the purpose of his trip. land.

Murloc's underwater magic plant garden.

"That's it." Eli was between the reefs, looking at the Magic Plant Garden not far away.

This is an undersea magic plantation garden built between seven or eight rock pillars. It is very large, estimated to be dozens of acres in size. There is only one entrance, that is, between two rock pillars.

Since most of the murlocs participated in the war, there were not many people here at this time. There were only five or six murlocs guarding them, and the level was not high.

Observing that there was no one around, Eli didn't hide it, and rushed directly towards the entrance.

At this time, a few murlocs were anxiously guarding the door, their eyes kept on the Magic Plant Garden behind them and looking from a distance, wondering whether they should guard or go to fight.

"Damn it, it seems that the invading killer whales, aren't they an offshore force, how did they come here!?" The head was a murloc, he said anxiously.

You must know that the devil killer whales are powerful creatures with the innate zero ring limit. How could their murlocs be opponents, but it seems that there are only a few devil killer whales, but just like that, he is also very clear that they cannot defeat them.

"Why don't you run away!" The murloc pursed his lips, he wanted to run away.

But in the next second, he didn't have that thought anymore, and he saw a fish swimming quickly towards this side not far away.

"Sand Bureau Fish!" The murloc looked puzzled. Isn't this a kind of zero-ring fish creature that is common in the surrounding seas, with a mild personality, what's the situation.

The murloc's eyes were puzzled, but the eyes did get bigger and bigger, because in his sight, the sand fish began to change gradually, turning into a half-dragon man covered with scales, attacking them at a very fast speed. Come.

"Enemy attack!"

A ring of murlocs understood, and immediately began to shout. Several other murlocs around also responded, picked up their weapons, and rushed towards Eli.

In the next second, the shadow passed by, and blood-colored flowers bloomed in the sea instantly, adding a touch of color to the blue water. Eli's figure was not affected at all.


A ringed murloc's eyes are splitting, this is too strong.

"I surrender, I know all the distribution of the potion, and the traps inside!!" The mental power fluctuations flashed, and he shouted loudly, but the next second was still a shadow flashing in front of him.

The blood exploded, and the murlocs died instantly.

Eli's figure didn't even stop, and swam directly towards the Magic Plant Garden.

He didn't do it in vain for two years, and he was very clear about the layout inside.

Through the passage of the two rock pillars, Eli gradually slowed down and looked inside. @ Essence\/Book Pavilion*First update~~

In front of me is a large area of ​​sea plants like kelp. This is a kind of magic seaweed. Sometimes it can even be used as food rations. It is generally valuable, but this is not the purpose of Eli's trip. Swim ahead.

Along the way, Eli easily escaped a few traps, killed a few murlocs at work, and arrived at the destination of the trip three minutes later.

The core area of ​​the Underwater Magic Plantation Garden.

A small area surrounded by sea thorns, this is the core area where the murloc tribe grows the most precious materials, an area on the sea floor.

"Water element fruit!"

Through the obstruction, Eli saw a huge tree in the center of this area at a glance!

The shape is like a coral clump, UU reading www.uukanshu. com grows on the bottom of the sea, but the height is five or six meters, and on this water element fruit tree, five water element fruits grow on it.

This is the last material Eli needs.


Suddenly one. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 201 Fishing in mixed waters, diving into the underwater potion garden

The sound of banging came, and Eli heard the sound and looked. Next to the fruit tree, there was an old murloc with the second ring limit. His skin was glued to the bones. It could be seen that he was very old, but his breath was still there. .

At this moment, his sunken eyes were staring at Eli, his fish face serious. _o_m

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Chapter 201 Fishing in mixed waters, diving into the underwater potion garden

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