Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 206: Nikolai's shock, conjecture

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The Eternals of the Wizarding World Chapter 206 Nikolai's Shock, Conjecture

"I rely on!

! "

Just when Yin Lai was promoted, Nikolai had already shouted "I rely on him" many times, and his soul body was almost kneeling in front of the huge elemental whirlpool.

"I..." Nikolai's mouth twitched, his whole body almost trembling.

God knows what the **** he saw.

Eight days ago, Yin Lai started to break through, and he was guarding outside the forest.

Then he sensed the changes in the surrounding elements, which is normal. He also experienced this scene thousands of years ago, but three days later jumped over time.

He was a little shocked when the elemental vortex actually upgraded from a radius of fifty meters to a hundred.

According to the division of wizards, when a normal wizard breaks through, the elemental vortex that can generally be caused is generally 30 to 70 meters. If it exceeds this, it is generally considered a genius.

He was also a famous black wizard genius on the west coast. The elemental whirlpool reached a full 90 meters when he broke through. At that time, he was directly called the genius of the two hundred years of the west coast, which caused a lot of movement.

But Yin Lai actually reached 100 meters. It is rude to say that Yin Lai is a real genius even on the west coast where wizards were once prosperous.

This made him very happy, after all, as his master, the stronger the better.

Just like that, another day passed, and he felt that the time should be about the same.

Then he saw a scene that made him unforgettable in his life, and the whirlpool actually expanded again.

From 100 meters to 200 meters.

At this time, Nikolai's eyes were dull, staring blankly at this scene.

Two hundred meters, this level, he seems to have only heard of legends, those legendary wizards, powerful wizards above the seventh ring may have reached it.

At this time, he was one of Yin Lai's dogs.

Don't try to pull him away. At this time, he realized just how terrifying Yin Lai was. He seemed to be dreaming, and even thought it was good to be Yin Lai's subordinate.

In such a psychedelic consciousness, three more days passed by him.

He thinks it should be fine.


A brace.

The special element whirlpool actually climbed directly from 200 meters to 500 meters. At this time, Nikolai knelt directly on the ground, and he even doubted whether it was a human being inside.

"Ah this..." Nikolai burst into tears with excitement, his soul was almost sluggish, and there was only one thought in his heart.

The sorcerer's ancestor is reborn.

At this time, someone ran over and told him that Yin Lai was the founder of the wizard, and he believed that the legends of 500 meters were not so outrageous. It must be at least ten times.

If this is upgraded to the later stage of the third ring, he can no longer imagine it. Even in the endless world, I am afraid that there will not be such a strong third ring. Yin Lai is enough to be recorded in the history of the wizard's development as a legend.

Five hundred meters of elemental vortex.

Non-biological carrier!

Therefore, when Yin Lai walked out of the forest, he flew towards Yin Lai, and then the first reaction went straight to his knees.

Kneel down.


As soon as Yin Lai came out, he saw Nicholas kneeling on the ground with a confused expression.

"What happened to Nikolai?" Yin Lai asked.

"Ah ah, ah ah ah, ah Archie!" What made Yin Lai stunned was that Nikolai seemed to be stimulated at that time, and he looked very shrewd, but he could only utter meaningless babble.

It took a few minutes before he uttered his first fluent words.

"Sir, don't leave me behind."

Yin Lai: ? ? ?

What are you talking about, wouldn't he just break through, as for?

In fact, it was Yin Lai who didn't understand this aspect. The elemental vortex was used as the evaluation standard. In fact, there was no special data to record. Many of them were based on experience, so he didn't understand at this time that the elemental vortex of 500 meters represented what.

"Uh, calm down." Yin Lai was ashamed.

What is this, he broke through the third ring, and Nikolai was even more excited than him, as if he had just burned his soul.

"Mmmm, sir, I'm calm." Nikolai stood up and said.


Yin Lai rolled his eyes at Nikolai, who was trembling all over. You call this calm, but you shouldn't. As a wizard who has witnessed the death of wizards, your knowledge is too shallow.

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