Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 207: testing, environment changes

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Yin Lai and Nicholas came to a small lake not far from the forest. Nicholas had a serious face, took a deep breath and stood aside. Yin Lai was standing a few dozen meters away.

"You should temporarily increase your strength to the third ring level, it's better." Yin Lai said to Nicholas.

In the second ring, he was afraid of accidentally killing Nikolai.

"Okay, my lord." Nikolai nodded, and immediately began to summon the undead.

After a while, the overwhelming undead flew from the forest, like a doomsday scene, and then poured into Nikolai's body, and his breath also quickly rose to the level of the early stage of the third ring.

The Nicholas of the third ring level is not sure how much stronger than the second ring breath, exuding a powerful breath, even the residual spiritual power, the apprentice can't bear it.

"Are you ready?"


Nikolai's face was serious, his aura rose to the top, and he stared at Yin Lai.

He would like to see how much strength the master has improved this time.

"Yeah!" Yin Lai also nodded.

The witchcraft model began to mobilize, and a large amount of mental power caused the magic power to surge. A small fireball began to appear in front of him. In the blink of an eye, it had expanded to the size of a basketball, emitting light and heat toward the surroundings.

"Just at the beginning." Nikolai stood in front of the lake with a nervous expression.

As a former three-ringed wizard, he knew this was just the beginning.

"Communication is natural!" After constructing the basic witchcraft model, Yin Lai immediately used one of the differences between the third ring and the second ring, elemental communication.

Immediately, Yin Lai felt the elements in the surrounding air rush towards Yin Lai, more precisely, towards the wizard fireball, which quickly changed from a basketball to the size of a stone mill.

"Not yet the limit."

Yin Lai's eyes narrowed slightly. Since he wants to test, let's go straight to the limit.

His spiritual power was instantly stimulated to the extreme, like a storm, the elements within a few hundred meters rushed towards Yin Lai in an instant, creating a void area in the blink of an eye.

When used, the terrifying fireball expands rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it changes from the size of a grinding disc to a fireball with a radius of five or six meters. The light and heat emitted can be felt for hundreds of meters, and even the color of the flame has changed, turning into a terrifying blue. .

This is witchcraft under the blessing of fifteen times the natural elements.

Feeling the terrifying power in it, Yin Lai had a faint feeling that Nicholas might not be able to bear it and was about to take it back, but since it was the first time and he had just been promoted, he just felt that it was difficult to control, and the fireball technique flew directly. go out.

The huge fireball crossed a trajectory, and the speed was no slower than when the size was small, like a terrifying sun hitting the ground, destroying the world.

"I'm leaning on!"

On the other hand, Nikolai felt that something was wrong when the fireball swelled to seven or eight knots, because after all, he was a fake three-ring, which was not the same as a real three-ring.

He couldn't hold this fireball, but he felt that the adults would not release it.

But he was wrong. When he watched the huge fireball flying with a terrifying aura, Nikolai was almost scared out of his wits, and the huge soul force started to burn instantly, taking him away from this area.

The mental power was consumed, but fortunately, the distance was not too close. He ran out, but he almost passed by. It was just that, he also felt the power in it.

Too big and too strong!

Take it head on and he will die.

Whirring whirring!

Nikolai calmed down his fear, collected the fact that he was stimulated to produce undead, and then turned his head to look to the other side. He wanted to see how powerful that fireball was.


On the other side, the fireball did not hit Nikolai and flew towards the lake not far away.

The distance of tens of meters passed in the blink of an eye. Nikolai saw the fireball explode, and a layer of fire cloud exploded in an instant. The surrounding air gave off a layer of translucent air cover due to the high temperature, and then an amazing light and heat burst forth. scattered around.

Finally, it was Peng's terrifying sound.

These are not the most frightening, the fireball instantly blasted the lake into a vacuum area, the water flow within 30 meters disappeared directly, and the large lake water turned into steam and spread around, like a fairyland.

This process lasted for more than ten seconds, and after more than ten seconds, waited until everything disappeared.

The water level even dropped by more than one meter. As for the bottom of the lake, Nikolai could clearly see a huge pothole, and there was also a heat wave that burned the nearby water as if it were boiling.

"This..." The corner of Nikolai's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Yin Lai with a resentful expression.

This hit him so badly, he had to be killed directly.

However, this also made him confirm Yin Lai's genius. This fireball has at least a dozen times more natural elements, otherwise it would be impossible to be so terrifying. At this level, it is possible for ordinary three-rings to reach the mid-end of the three-rings. , but Yin Lai was able to explode such a strong power just after breaking through, which is simply outrageous!

Let's go and try it. 】

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