Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 208: Deteriorating situation, 3rd Ring Earth Dragon Warlock Mawson

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Bloodline Tower.

in a room.

Vivica closed her eyes and sat on the sofa. Although it was night, she did not turn on the light, but just kept herself in the dark. The reason was very simple, she was very tired.

really tired.

Since the death of the original tower owner, the three-ring wizard Natasha, she has been immersed in the battle with Black Sota every day, surrounded by all kinds of bad news every day.

Compared with the Black Soup Tower, the Bloodline Tower is much weaker at this time, and the pressure of the two third rings made her feel a lot of pressure.

But it doesn't make any difference, the bloodline tower can't last long.

"Hey, if it wasn't for an accident in the Central Continent, it wouldn't be like this!" Vivica shook her head, and Natasha told her this.

Five years at most, she feels she can last five years at most.

"I really miss the days of Byrne!" Vivica curled up with her body in her arms, as if she was scared when she was sent by her father.

Since the teacher disappeared, they left Byrne, and David separated from him, after that, battles and competitions filled her life. Except for occasional breaks, most of the time she was involved in various things.

"Teacher!" Vivica pursed her lips, dived in consciousness, and sighed when she saw the imprint of her soul that had been darkened for decades. If the teacher was here, she should help me solve all this.

"How is it possible, what am I thinking!" Suddenly, Vivica laughed. The teacher was also an apprentice at the beginning, and she was probably dead, and she was the only one who fantasized about it from time to time.

If people from the outside world knew about her like this, I'm afraid they would not be able to help laugh.

Soon, Vivica fell into memory again, and suddenly, a crystal ball flashed on a table beside her, as if there was some news.

Vivica was stunned, waved her finger, and the crystal ball flew over directly. At this time, what news will there be!

Her consciousness sneaked in, and as the information came in, her eyes widened and her body began to tremble with anger. The information said that the forces far away from the Bloodline Tower, except for the White Tower, had already joined the Black Tower.

"Damn it!" Vivica gritted her teeth, these guys only know how to get down.

This also made her even more desperate. With the separation of these forces, the time for the death of the Tower of Bloodline should be faster. She also understands these forces very well. If it were her, I am afraid she would make the same choice, but this still makes She felt desolate for a while, but Baita's insistence moved him a little.

Ding Ding Ding!

To her surprise, the crystal ball flashed again.

Vivica had a strange look on her face, she felt it again, and then she felt even worse.

"Three-ringed Earth Dragon Warlock Mason has left Black Sota and headed to the south of the west coast. The purpose is to deal with the forces in the south. It is expected to be the first to reach the direct site of the undead in three days!"

"Have you ignored us at all?" Vivica closed her eyes, and Hesota felt that she was sure of them, so she simply sent one out to deal with the south.

"Come on then, even if it's death, I won't make you comfortable, Rox."

Vivica stood up, as the tower owner of the Bloodline Tower, now is not the time to be sad, it's time to regain her fighting spirit and fight.

The big deal is death!

Since Hesota looks down on them so much, it's better to take the initiative.

Do a last-ditch effort.


A large number of elements gathered in the wizard tower, Yin Lai took a deep breath and ended today's meditation.

In the past two days, he had a clearer perception of his body, and he had made considerable progress in both strength and other aspects, at least there would be no oolong like before.

"It's the three times the life force consumption rate. It's really too scary for ordinary wizards!" Yin Lai sighed when he felt that the life force consumption rate was almost three times normal at this time.

A normal three-ring wizard will live for about two thousand years. This time, it has been reduced to hundreds of years. This is indeed a bit too big. The warlock is okay. Generally, the bloodline can make the warlock live for three or four thousand years, at least it is OK. To live a thousand years is better than a wizard.

No wonder the wizard has to run, doesn't this run stay in the wizarding world to eat ashes?

Obviously lived a day but lost three days of life.

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