Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 208: Nikolai's fight, Eli shows up

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The Eternals of the Wizarding World Chapter 208 Nikolai's Battle, Eli appeared

"Nikola, come out for me!"

Outside the forest of death, a figure stood on a hillside and shouted loudly.

His eyes are stern, his strong body is like a wall, his height is as high as two meters one, he is wearing a khaki leather armor, and his right hand is holding a sledgehammer, which is covered with cyan and black patterns.

He is Mason, and the only three-ring warlock of Hesota, and his bloodline is the bloodline of the Earth Dragon.

"If you want me to say, you should do your best to destroy the bloodline tower, and then take action to clean up the south!" Mo Sen recalled the memories a few days ago, still a little uncomfortable.

The meeting that day was to formulate a plan of action for Hesota for a period of time in the future. At the meeting, he proposed to concentrate on dealing with the bloodline tower first, but it was directly denied by Locks and asked him to come to the south to deal with the forces first. One person is enough.

After all, he was also a three-ring warlock. Rox didn't save him any face at that time, which made him very embarrassed at the time, so he decided to vent his anger in the south.

According to the order, he first came to the House of the Undead, ready to deal with Nikolai first.

Although Nikolai is a second-ring undead, but with the help of a large number of undead, he can reach the third-ring level, and is currently the strongest on the bright side of the south west coast.

But he doesn't care. They investigated Nikolai a long time ago. Although he can temporarily reach the third ring, it is just a fake third ring. The combat power is hugely different from the normal third ring.

"Come on!" Standing on the hillside, Mo Sen suddenly felt that the air around him became cold. Looking up, a large number of undead were flying around Nikolai in the distance.

There were a lot of undead, covering the sky, as if it was dark. Although Nikolai had not arrived yet, many undead had already flown towards him, as if they were about to tear him apart.

"Have courage!" Mo Sen grinned, this Nikolay dared to take the initiative to fight, and underestimated him.

But these undead alone are not enough to see.

In just an instant, Mo Sen began to blood vessels, his eyes began to change slowly, the khaki-colored vertical boy exuded an icy aura, his body was also covered with uneven skin, his teeth became sharper, and at the same time, a huge breath was emitted. come out.

He stood on the dirt **** and took a deep breath.


In the next second, the terrifying Longwei radiated out and moved towards Nicholas to suppress it. The undead along the way basically stopped, and many weak ones directly turned into the purest soul power and drifted away.

"So strong!"

Nikolai was also affected, and even the soul body was a little unstable under this repression.

This made him sure that he should not be the opponent of Rocks in front of him. After all, he is only a second ring in essence, and crossing the third ring is completely tricky. Even if the second ring has enough insight, he can directly find his weakness, and with the help of powerful strength, even You can directly break his state, Yin Lai has done this kind of thing.

"But..." Nikolay looked back at the wizard's tower.

There is definitely no problem with the adults. At this time, the adults may be ready to take action at any time. He doesn't need to be afraid. Thinking of this, his courage is encouraged again.

"Who are you? Our home of the dead should not provoke your Excellency." Nikolai flew in the air and confronted Mawson.

"Hehe, you still occupied a part of our territory, you forgot it so soon, remember my name, Mo Sen!" Mo Sen said coldly, showing no mercy in his hands, waving a giant hammer and jumping directly towards Mo Sen Move away.

The swinging giant hammer exudes a powerful breath, making bursts of air-breaking sounds.

Nikolai hurried away.

Mo Sen's figure swept past and smashed directly to the ground. The big trees along the way shattered into several pieces like foam. Mo Sen's body was smashed into the forest. A pit appears.



Seeing this scene, Nikolai secretly shouted bad, so strong!

At this time, he finally understood the identity of Mo Sen, and it really belongs to Hesota. This guy is no longer fighting the tower of blood at this time, but what is he doing here!

And it seems that his emotions are very explosive. He doesn't remember when he messed with this person!

"Yo, the speed is very fast!" The dust slowly dissipated, and Mo Sen's figure slowly appeared. The bloodthirsty breath in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and the fighting spirit increased.

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