Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 209: Crush, Shadow Dragon Breath and Butterfly Dream

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The Eternals of the Wizarding World Chapter 209 Crush, Shadow Dragon Breath and Butterfly Dream


Mason is stunned!

As Baita's old opponents, they are one of the few forces who know who is in charge of Baita. He is also very clear that the core of Baita has always only been one person, and that is Heman, who is the person in front of him.

But how could he be here?

Did he go to the wrong place?

No, this is the death forest, the home of the undead!

The sudden appearance of Herman made him a little stunned. Nikolai also took advantage of this opportunity to leave quickly and flew behind Herman, saying:

"grown ups!"

grown ups?

Hearing this word, Mo Sen's eyes widened even more. What was the situation? Why did Nikolay call him Lord Herman? Could it be that Herman is the actual controller of the House of the Dead.

Mo Sen's eyes became serious and he looked at Herman.

He never thought that the House of the Dead and Herman were actually a group, and they showed them the chaotic scenes before the co-authoring. The real south of the West Coast had already fallen into the hands of this man.

"Herman, you turn our game around!" Mo Sen looked at Yin Lai and said coldly.

"It's just that you guys are too stupid!" Yin Lai shook his head and looked at Mo Sen. This was also the first time he faced a three-ringed ring. Of course, the former Shadow Dragon was not counted. At that time, he was just a background board.

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"Stupid? No, as long as you kill all of you, no one will know!" Mo Sen shook his head and looked at Yin Lai, "If I were you, I would run away just now, instead of jumping out!

Are you killing yourself? "

The corners of Mo Sen's mouth slowly opened. The information on the promotion to the third ring was top secret. There was no such information in the country at the time, so it was impossible to know how to advance, and Nikolai had fallen to the second ring again. He really didn't know why Herman so brave.

Yin Lai just smiled and didn't answer.

The observation just now has given him a similar understanding of Mo Sen. It should be only a preliminary promotion to the third ring. Since the bloodline is good, the attraction to the elements should have reached four times the normal level, which is okay.

"Laughing?" Mo Sen was stunned, what's the situation, how dare you laugh?

Just for a moment, Mo Sen's anger surged up instantly, took a deep breath, and the huge dragon's might spread out in an instant, pressing away towards Yin Lai. This is his bloodline power of the third ring, which is terrifying to low-level bloodline and warlocks. The oppressive power of Nicholas may not be strong for Nicholas of the third ring just now, but at this time, the situation is completely different with the two second rings.

But what surprised him was that as soon as his aura was dissipated, Herman suddenly exuded a larger aura. It was also Longwei, but unlike his hybrid dragon, it was a higher dragon bloodline.


As if two huge momentum collided, many undead were swayed left and right by the impact, and there was a clear boundary in the air. In just a few seconds, he was suppressed, and then an even greater suppression came to him.

For a time, he felt that his strength was weakened by three points.

He was suppressed?

And still the same dragon bloodline?

Mo Sen felt a sense of oppression like a shadow on his tarsus. He felt uncomfortable all over his body, and his gaze towards Yin Lai was getting more and more wrong. This was definitely not a second ring, but a third ring, or the third ring of a powerful dragon bloodline. ring.


No hesitation!

Mo Sen flew towards the distance in an instant, without any hesitation.

The situation is unclear, what are you waiting for if you don't run, and he vaguely feels that he may not be able to beat Yin Lai, otherwise how could he be so calm, but what makes him strange is that Herman seems to be watching him leave without stopping him?

"Fool?" Mo Sen was very strange, but the speed was getting faster and faster.

But a few seconds later, when he turned his head again and saw Herman and Nikolai dozens of meters away, he was silent.

what's the situation?

Why are you still here?

Continue to run, and after more than ten seconds, it is still in place.

Mo Sen's face turned black, and he had realized that something was wrong at this time. He glanced around, then looked at Herman, and said solemnly: "Space-type bloodline talent?"

He couldn't figure out how this kind of talent could be obtained by a warlock below the third ring. It must be known that space and time have always been the patent of the true spirit and above. Under the true spirit, it is almost impossible to contact.

Mo Sen shook his head, looking at the two people who seemed to have been silent for a while, he seemed to suddenly remember that there was another possibility!

"not good!

! "

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