Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 210: Bonded Brand, 3 Rings Nikola

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The Eternals of the Wizarding World Chapter 210 The Bonded Brand, Nikolai of the Three Rings

"Sir, you must save me!"

In the wizard's tower, Nikolai hugged Yin Lai's calf with a sad face.

"You mean that after Mawson died, a strand of Lox's soul appeared, left a mark on you, and then disappeared?"

Yin Lai looked at Nikolai, who was crying bitterly, with a strange expression.

What is this called!

"Yeah, my lord, you don't even know that. Just now, Rox's tone was quite vicious. I can't wait to come and kill me immediately. I'm just a small second ring limit, lord, you have to save me!

! "Nicholas said with a look of grievance.

He was the one who was beaten, and he was the one who took the blame. Is there any reason for this? Is this moral?

"Hey, relax!"

Yin Lai moved towards Nicholas's body to perceive, and sure enough, in the depths of Nicholas' spiritual power, there are two mental power marks, as if engraved in the spirit.

One of them is from Yin Lai, and the other is dark black, which should be Lox's.

And to Yin Lai's surprise, the two imprints seemed to be connected at the moment, and when they touched the imprints, Yin Lai could vaguely sense the aura of Locks.


This was something Yin Lai didn't expect. The brand of contact seemed to be one body, intertwined in Nikolai's soul and inseparable.

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This makes Yin Lai feel very bad, because the brand is actually equivalent to soul perception, which allows Locks to perceive Nikolai's position, but because of the bonding, once Locks directly touches the brand, it will also make Locks feel it. Yin Lai's position is exposed.

Originally thought it was none of his business, but he actually had no intention of fighting Rox at all. After all, the two were of the same level, but they had a brand, which made everything very troublesome.

And it is impossible to kill Nicholas, because the branding involves mental power. Once Nicholas dies, the branding will return to Lockes' side, and the information about Yin Lai will be told to him at that time.

This will not only expose Nikolai and his identity, but if Locks has a special way, there may be a chance to find his position based on this breath.

"My lord, what should I do if Lox comes." Nikolai was still chattering, but he didn't notice that Yin Lai's face was slowly darkening.

Ten minutes later, he suddenly heard Yin Lai's call.


Nikolai raised his head, and then saw Yin Lai saying with a serious face:

"You are my subordinate, and I will definitely be responsible for you. As long as this Lox is solved, all problems will be solved."

Nikolay's eyes widened, listening to Yin Lai's words, his brain was instantly moved, and the way he looked at Yin Lai changed again.

He really knows too much how cautious this master is. As long as the risk is too great, he will definitely give up. He even thinks that he should be abandoned this time, but the lord actually chooses to kill Rox, which has a certain risk. road.

"grown ups…"

In an instant, moved tears rushing, and Nikolai looked at Yin Lai with admiration.

Yin Lai: …

He didn't want to either. It's too risky to kill Rox.

If it wasn't like this, he would definitely hide directly, waiting to be able to easily crush Lox or simply boil him to death before showing up, but this sudden soul imprint really caught him off guard.

But **** it is another question.

Rocks is in the middle stage of the third ring, and his combat power may not be lower than that of Yin Lai, so he must think of a sure-fire way, whether it is the layout of the battlefield or others, he must be cautious.

Of course, he also has advantages. First of all, he is in the dark, and Lox is in the bright. He doesn't know Yin Lai's strength yet.

Secondly, he also has a touch of Lox's soul. He can put a curse before or during the battle to weaken his strength, which will make the battle easier.

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