Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 211: Rox's Strange, Tower of Bloodlines

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The Eternals of the Wizarding World Chapter 211 Rox's Strange, Tower of Bloodlines

"what happened?"

In the distant Blacksota, in a silent room, Rox was lost in thought.

Mawson is missing from the House of the Dead!

He added his soul aura to Mawson's identity token. A few days ago, he suddenly felt that the identity token was broken. Then he connected remotely and saw Nikolai, but not Mawson.

Nikolai killed Mawson?

This should be unlikely. After all, this is really incredible. Although Mo Sen has been promoted not long ago, he is also in the third ring, and the bloodline of the Earth Dragon bloodline is also very good at defense. It is absolutely impossible to die so easily.

If he didn't die, where did he go?

"Strange." Rox touched his chin and wondered: "This Nikolai is also very abnormal. It should be a third ring, otherwise it is impossible to be alive. It seems that it is time to go to the home of the dead."

Rocks stood up. Although Mawson was suddenly unable to contact him, he might even be dead, but he didn't feel much because he was still there.

As a warlock in the middle of the third ring, on the west coast, he is almost at the top of his combat power. Even if it is really dangerous, he can run. He still doesn't believe that anyone can beat him.

So after he decided to deal with the Tower of Bloodline, he went to the south to take a look. At this moment, the war with the Tower of Bloodline was in the final stage. As long as Vivica was killed, everything would be over.

"Hmph, that old guy Natasha, I saw it with my own eyes back then. He got a mechanical key in the ruins of the mechanical house, a subordinate force in Sky City, and it seems to be the force directly under the West Coast." There was a gloom in it.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Wild Fruit to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

There is no war for no reason, and he will not do anything that does not benefit him.

It's just that the stakes are really important this time, and even if there is a slight possibility, he will not give up.

clap clap clap!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The door slowly opened, and a man in a gray warlock robe came out and said respectfully to Rox:

"My lord, the outside of the Bloodline Tower has been cleaned up, and our people have entered the bloodline core area. It only takes five or six days to attack the bloodline tower core area. Sir, do we want to speed up?"

"It's not necessary, it's enough to play steadily." Rocks shook his head and replied.


The warlock left quickly, and Rox walked to the window.

Outside the window, thousands of warlocks have gathered, one by one, fully armed, ready to set off at any time. In the distance, dozens of venom dragons are already ready to go, carrying a large number of warlocks, and they are leaving in batches at this time.

The war has entered its final stage.

the other side.

Yin Lai and Nikolai, who had left the range of the House of the Dead, headed north.

With the speed of the third ring, three days later, the two came to the area of ​​the Bloodline Tower.

"It doesn't look good!"

On a mountain peak, Yin Lai stood in front, Nicholas stood aside, looked down the mountain, and could faintly see a large number of warlocks gathering outside the range of the Bloodline Tower at this time, and many demon beasts exuded a bloodthirsty aura.

Passing over these, the further distance is the tower of blood.

There are many large buildings, and one of the tall, blood-colored wizard towers is particularly eye-catching. Even if the distance is almost ten kilometers away, Yin Lai can see it, and if Yin Lai does not perceive the error, Vivica is in that direction at this time.

"Sir, what should we do!" Looking at the bloodline tower that was surrounded by this time, Nikolai pursed his lips and turned to look at Yin Lai.


Yin Lai did not expect that the situation had become so serious that such an "easy" task could only be handed over to his loyal subordinates, so his face slowly became serious and he looked towards Nikolai.

Nikolai felt a thump in his heart, and he had a bad guess for some reason.

Sure enough, I saw Yin Lai Yin Lai looking at him and said earnestly:

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