Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 212: Dive in, talk to Vivica

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The Eternals of the Wizarding World Chapter 212 Infiltrate, Talk to Vivica

The wizard tower in front of him is not high, only three stories high. It should be a small wizard tower, and its location is even a bit out of the way, not like the wizard tower where Vivica is located.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the crystallization of your soul?"

Nikolai was a little puzzled. In his thoughts, Vivica should be in the most central wizard tower or other central areas. It is a bit strange to appear here.

Soon he thought of other possibilities.

That is Rox's threat to Vivica has reached this point.

Even if you are inside the Tower of Bloodline, you need to worry about Rox's infiltration at any time. In the middle stage of the third ring, the gap is still very large compared to the early stage of the third ring. It is normal for Vivica to be cautious.

After thinking for a while, Nikolai confirmed that there was only one person inside, and then flew towards the wizard tower through the shadow.

Instead of going through the main door, he floated all the way to the third floor, opened the window gently, and saw that there was nothing special inside, so Nikolai floated towards the inside with confidence.



But as soon as Nicholas entered, the entire soul body suddenly tense up, the spiritual power in the soul body instantly began to revolve at a high speed, and the eyes became bigger and bigger.

Because at this moment, he clearly felt that a wind element person behind him was behind him, exuding a strong wind element, which made his whole body tremble.


Nikolai was stunned, there was obviously no one there just now!

"Who are you?"

At the same time, a voice sounded from behind.

"Uh, don't be nervous, I'm here to help you!" Nikolai turned his head slowly, put down the hood of his cloak, and at the same time, the breath belonging to the third ring was slowly exuding.

"Three rings, who the **** are you?" Vivica took a few steps back, staring at Nikolai.

"This is Vivica? Is she so beautiful?" Seeing the woman as beautiful as an elf in front of him, Nikolay was a little surprised. This was the first time he had seen Vivica.

"Who the **** are you, and how did you find me?" Vivica's bloodline was stimulated a little bit, and countless wind elements were entangled around her, and her body was slowly covered with cyan patterns, and her beautiful eyes stared at Nico. pull.

At this time, even the inside of the Bloodline Tower did not know that she was here, but today she was approached by a third ring, and she was still an undead, which was a bit unexpected to her.

Looking at Vivica who was ready to fight at this time, Nikolai also realized that he should appease the emotions of the tower master of the bloodline, and explained: "Hello, I'm Nikolai, you should listen Speaking of this name, I am the boss of the House of the Dead, and I came here this time to discuss something with you."


Vivica naturally found that the creature in front of her was an undead, but he didn't think about it in the House of the Dead. After all, this was only a small force in the south, but she didn't expect Nikolai to be a three-ring undead.

"I didn't expect you to be a three-ringed undead. We were deceived by you. Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here?" Knowing her identity, her mood relaxed.

The House of the Dead is a neutral faction.

"Respected Tower Master of Bloodline, I have just said that I am here to help you." Nikolai said again.

"Help me?" Vivica looked strange when she heard the words.

At this time, almost all the forces have abandoned them, and even those small forces have turned to Black Sota. At this time, someone said that they want to help her. Isn't this funny?

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Wild Fruit to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"Yes, it is to help you." Nikolai nodded, then looked at the wind element blade near Chi Chi, and reluctantly said: "But you can take back the blade first, I think we should sit down and talk. ."

"Okay." Faced with a three-ring, Vivica also knew that it was difficult to kill, and she was also curious about what the so-called "help" actually meant.

Soon, the two came to the second floor of the wizard tower and sat opposite the sofa.

"Tell me, what is your "help", if you just play me, you will regret it!" Vivica pursed her lips, her blue eyes staring at Nikolai.

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