Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 113: Everything is ready, ambush

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While Nikolai was talking, Yin Lai finally found a suitable ambush location after checking the nearby dozens of kilometers.

"It's here!"

Yin Lai was in midair, looking down.

This is a valley, surrounded by mountains extending upwards. Only an area of ​​several thousand square meters is left in the center, and there is only one entrance. Once a witch formation is deployed, it is difficult to escape.

In addition to these, the element concentration here is relatively high, and there is very little interference. It is very suitable for setting up some witch formations. As an ambush location, it is perfect.

After choosing the location, Yin Lai slowly landed, took out a lot of materials, and began to set up a witch formation. During this process, there were often monsters in the valley to harass.

In the face of these creatures, Yin Lai simply dispelled them without killing them, mainly because he was worried that Locks would find out that something was wrong and ambush a third ring, so he had to be cautious.

The choice of the witch formation is also the top priority, and must be cautious. Yin Lai mainly chooses the water attribute witch formation, because the bloodline of Rox is a kind of fire element creature, and it is a different kind of fire from Vivica. The bloodline of the elemental elves is a kind of high-level bloodline with three rings, and its explosive power is very powerful.

As for the quantity, Yin Lai also arranged about a hundred or so, all of which were his collections in the past. In short, in order to ambush Lox, he made a lot of money. Every witch formation is valuable, and at least it is at the second ring level. Once inside, even Rox will be troublesome for a long time.

When everything was ready, Nikolai finally came back.

"it is finally over!"

Nikolai saw the valley from a distance and flew away quickly.

This time his risk is not low. After all, once he is discovered or Vivica disagrees with the alliance, then he may face a siege. Even if he is a third ring, he may not be able to please.

"This is the battlefield chosen by the adults. It is not very far from the Tower of Bloodline, but it is quite suitable."

Nikolai's knowledge is not low, and he feels that this place is really suitable for ambush.

Soon, he came to the mouth of the valley and entered directly.

At first, he was in a very relaxed mood, but the more he went inside, the more nervous Nikolai became.

There are high-strength wizard formations everywhere, even if it is roughly estimated, there are at least dozens of them, with a ring on one layer, even if it is just quietly arranged there at this time, but the energy G Nikolai can't help but feel a burst of energy. startled.

His lord, how many witch formations did he bring!

In this way, trembling with fear all the way, Nicholas finally saw Yin Lai.

"Sir, everything is going well, Vivica has agreed, and I gave him the crystal ball!" Seeing Yin Lai, Nikolai felt relieved and came to report to him.

"That's fine!" Yin Lai nodded, indicating that he understood.

"My lord, isn't it a bit exaggerated to have so many witch formations, my lord, your combat power is not lower than that of Rox!" Nikolai looked around and couldn't help asking.

"Hey, Nikolai, your ideological awareness is not good!" Yin Lai turned his head and said earnestly: "Luox is a middle stage of the third ring, and I am only a early stage of the third ring. Of course, I have to be cautious."

"But..." Nikolay wants to complain, is there a three-ring early stage that can attract more than ten times his own elements?

"The leapfrog battle should be very easy for adults." He still couldn't help but grunt.

"wrong again."

Nikolay raised his head and saw Yin Lai looking at him with a serious face: "Don't have the wrong idea of ​​leapfrog combat, success is fine, but generally speaking, failures are the most common, and the risks are too great.

Why do you have this idea of ​​leapfrog combat? Bullying the weak and bullying the weak is the truth! "

Bullying? Bullying the weak?

For the first time in Nikolai's thousands of years of experience, these two words were regarded as virtues. For a while, the whole person felt a little sluggish. After ten seconds, he spit out a sentence with difficulty: "Sir... You really have an idea. !"

"That's natural, remember Nikolai, you are also an undead, and your lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary humans. Be smarter in the future. You can fight when you meet someone with a low level. If you meet someone with a high level, then run first, or endure it. Kill him, or wait until you are stronger than him and then come back and beat him." Yin said.

These are all his life insights in the past years, and they are also his basic principles of doing things, but they have saved him a lot of trouble. Although it seems that he has experienced a lot of things, if this time is put in more than 600 years. , his life was generally quiet.

"Well, I understand, my lord." Nikolai nodded with difficulty. Although the reasoning of the lord sounds a bit strange, it seems to be quite reasonable.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, wait for me to curse Rox first, and then detonate it when the battle is over!"

Before Nikolai could react, he saw Yin Lai stretch out his hand and stuff it into his body, then took out a ray of Rox's breath, and then ran to another part of the valley to curse.

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