Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 114: The battle begins, the wolf is in the urn

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"The battle between Vivica and Rox has begun!"

The Bloodline Tower and the Bloodline, as the two major forces in the central region, are not only concerned about the two sides of the war. People from other major forces in the central region are also concerned about this war.

At this time, outside the battlefield, I don't know how many warlocks from other forces are watching, and Romeo is also among them.

As a second-ring wizard of the Unicorn Academy, a major force in the central region, he was also sent to investigate this time. At this time, he was hiding on a mountain peak, watching the war from afar.

"It's finally starting!"

He looked into the distance and seemed to sense the aura belonging to the third ring. He immediately took out an alchemy telescope, put it on his eyes, and observed the battle.

in sight.

At this time, in the center of the battlefield, two figures were in the air.

One is Vivica and the other is Rox.

Vivica's long hair fluttered at this time, and her arms were wrapped with wind element marks, her eyes seemed to be condensed by a storm, and countless storms gathered around her.

Rox has black hair, but at this time his skin is already red, a thin layer of flame covers his body, and at the same time exudes a terrifying high temperature, from Romeo's line of sight, you can see waves in the air around him .

Romeo pursed his lips, is it finally the final moment?

I just don't know how much Lox needs to solve Vivica?

ten minutes? Still half an hour.

"You are so brave, I even thought you would run away early."

In midair, Rox looked at Vivica and said, with a half-smile on his face.

"Hmph, if you leave today, our bloodline tower can pretend that nothing happened!" Vivica replied, without a trace of fear on her calm face.

"Have courage!" Rocks smiled.

The next second, he stretched out his right hand, and instantly a flame flew towards Vivica.

The flames swept across the sky, leaving a scorching trail. Vivica also waved her staff immediately, and a wall of wind appeared instantly, trying to block the flames.

As an early sneak attack, the flames were obviously much stronger than the wind wall. The flames directly broke the wind wall and flew straight towards Vivica. Even due to the wind, the flames were even bigger by three points.

But Vivica was integrated into the wind element spirit who was good at speed. Even in the third ring, the speed was very strong, and she managed to escape the flames in time in a crisis.

The flames swept over Vivica and flew towards the battlefield.

She turned her head, and the area where the flames fell behind her was the no-zone of the House of Bloodlines. When she saw that an area of ​​flames appeared in an instant, it was true that the dead one was the Tower of Bloodlines. Grinning his teeth, he said, "Sneak attack, despicable!"

"Haha, it's a pity that I didn't hit." Locks pursed his lips and didn't listen to Vivica's nonsense. His blood was aroused, and more flames flew towards Vivica.

Seeing the flames, Vivica's bloodline was also excited, and her hair fluttered in mid-air.

There are four tornadoes that are slowly appearing all around, surrounding Vivica, blocking the attack like four walls, and sending out wind blades from time to time to attack Lox.

Facing the wind blade, Rox just smiled contemptuously, and the fire clouds flew around, blocking them one by one.

The highest combat power of Hesota and Bloodline House, at this moment, the battle finally broke out.

In addition to the observers outside the battlefield, the people in the battlefield also glanced at the sky from time to time to observe the situation, and during this process, the atmosphere of the Bloodline House became more and more solemn, and Hesota was fighting with high spirits.

The main reason is that everyone can clearly see that it was only a few minutes of fighting, but Vivica has been completely suppressed by Rox, and it is almost impossible to make a reasonable counterattack.

Everyone thought that Vivica's failure was only a matter of time.

"It's over, Lord Vivica is not an opponent!"

"Rocks is too strong!"

"The war is almost over!"

The Tower of Bloodline felt a burst of sadness. After experiencing the joy of suppressing Hesota at the beginning, is it finally their turn to the Tower of Bloodline, but this time they don't seem to have any hope of making a comeback.

"Hahaha, Vivica, you don't seem to be very good!" In the sky, Rox laughed loudly and attacked Vivica.

Vivica dodged left and right during the attack, and it could be seen that it was getting harder and harder. At this time, her leather cloak had been damaged, her leather armor was also damaged in many places, and her breath was becoming more and more unstable.

"No, I can't fight at all!" Vivica gritted her teeth.

Rox's strength is stronger than she thought, and with this strength of attack, she definitely can't last long, but does she really want to go to the place Nikolai said?

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