Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 248: Gold and silver, return to calm

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In the reception room of Heart of Darkness.

At this time, a man was sitting on a luxurious sofa. He was tall and tall, like a strong bear, but his hair was half white, with distinct roots, and his eyelids were drooping, but he felt a sense of oppression.

And beside him, there was another man sitting.

"Jinji, have you thought about it? As a candidate for the Golden Toad, there is a chance for the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce to make an unconditional offer, but are you sure you want to use it here?"

The old man opened his mouth slowly, and looked at his new apprentice.

"Yeah!" Jin Huan nodded, looking at his teacher affirmed.

A few days ago, he suddenly found out that the Heart of the Night was going to attack the House of Blood, and the target was Lord Eli, but he couldn't do anything but ask his teacher for help.

"Why?" The old man was a little puzzled

A three-ring wizard, is it worth it?

"Because he gave me hope. Without him, I wouldn't be where I am now, so I have to do something!" Jin Huan gritted his teeth, but looked at the old man firmly.

"Okay, I understand!" The old man nodded and stopped talking.

In an instant, the living room fell into silence.

After a few minutes.

Suddenly there was a sound of trampling on the ground behind the door, and the door slowly opened.

"Jinyin, long time no see!" Sergey strode in and said to the old man.

"Sergey, long time no see!" The old man raised his head, and the two looked at each other.

"Tell me, why do you want Roja to withdraw and give up? I've known you for a long time, and I don't think you should do such stupid things!" Sergey sat on the sofa beside him with a calm face!

As the branch president of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, Jin Yin has a strong combat power, and the resources he can mobilize are also terrifying. He can even shake people from the Central Continent at any time. He doesn't want to cause trouble!

"Because of my student, the person you are going to deal with is kind to my student, and he came to beg me." Jinyin smiled, her face wrinkled.

"Student? Is it just him?" He looked at the young man on the side of Jinyin, very ordinary

"Yes!" Jinyin replied with a smile.

"Oh?" Sergey showed a curious expression. Jinyin is a person who came here from the Central Continent. He has a high status in the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce. Generally, he doesn't care about these things. Why this time? uncharacteristically.

"Let me introduce, my new student, Roja, the first-ring golden toad warlock, prepares the golden toad. As long as he returns, he will become a golden toad." Jinyin smiled and said to Sergey!


"Golden Toad?"

Sergey slowly opened his mouth wide, and looked at the kid next to him.

No kidding.

As a well-known large chamber of commerce in the Central Continent, their power is not a joke, and they are all the best among them who can become golden toads. Every golden toad has a high probability of becoming a true spirit!

There are such seedlings in this ghost place?

"Yes, this time it's a student's sincere plea to the teacher, and I can't help it!" Jinyin shook her head and sighed helplessly, but her eyes were filled with indescribable satisfaction.

"Okay, I understand!" Sergey nodded: "But Roja, I can't do this anymore!"

"How is this possible?" Jin Ji, who hadn't spoken at all, was shocked, but he came here just for this matter.

Jinyin also frowned.

Sergey has no reason not to give this face.

"Hmph!" Sergey glanced at the two of them, snorted coldly, and said, "Actually, you are unnecessary, Roja has already been killed by that guy!"

"What killed?" Jin Huan opened his mouth wide in shock.

This time he just heard about Roja's strength, so he begged the teacher for help, but how did he know that Roja had been killed, so is he so strong?

"If you are talking about this matter, then please leave!" Sergey snorted coldly, turned his head and said to Rodin behind him:

"Rodin, see off!"


Luo Dan was also stupefied at this time, his body trembled when he heard Roja's news just now, he knew that Eli was very strong, but he never thought that he would be so strong.

Fortunately, he didn't go.

Poor Roja.

"Okay, since your goal has been achieved, let's go!" Jinyin obviously didn't expect it, and said to Jinji who was beside him.

"Okay!" Although it was superfluous, Jinji was still relieved.

As for the wasted opportunity, it is wasted.

In order to save him, the lord also paid a bottle of precious mother of life potion.

Soon the two were led away by Rodin, and then Rodin returned again.

"Rodan, you will take over the affairs managed by Roja for the time being." Upon entering, Sergey instructed Roja.

"Yes, my lord!" Rodin's eyes lit up, he was delighted by the unexpected,

"Then what is your lord going to do with the Tower of Blood?" Rodin asked

"I was going to do it, but the gold and silver have been spoken out, and this matter also involves a Jin Chan of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, so let's forget it first. According to the tenure of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, Gold and Silver should leave soon. I will definitely take Jinji away, and I will take care of this bold warlock by then!"

Sergey's teeth are numb!

Not only is this guy ruining his plans, but he can't handle it now, which is so frustrating!

Rodin on the side dared not speak!

The adults are out of anger!

None of these Elis knew.

Because at this time he had already returned to the Iris camp.

It was the old Katerina who greeted him.

"My lord, long time no see!"

Compared with more than a hundred years ago, Katerina is much older at this time. She is probably more than two hundred years old, and she is no longer as beautiful as before, but she still helps Eli manage the wizard camp.

Since Eli's news is confidential, only Katerina and one other person came to greet her.

"This is?" Eli looked at the boy behind Katerina, a little thin, about eight or nine years old, shyly hiding behind Katerina's legs, the other person he said was him.

"My lord, this is my grandson!" Katerina replied through gritted teeth.


Eli was taken aback.

But then I figured it out!

It has been almost 160 years since I came here last time, three or four generations have come out in the Mortal Empire, even if it is a wizard, it seems normal to have a grandson.

"Fine." Eli knelt down and looked at the boy!

Although Katerina was branded by her, Eli did not completely control her. She also has her own life, her own friends, and her own story!

"My lord, his name is Green, and I have just started to meditate now. I didn't hear that my lord is here. You may need an assistant, so let him stay by your side!" Katerina said.

At this age, everything is normal in this world!

"Alright, then let him follow me!" Eli smiled.

He understands what Katerina means, which family doesn't want their offspring to be better!

Anyway, he really lacks assistants for his experiments. As for whether this little guy can get up, it's up to him!

And during this process, Green has been hiding behind Katerina, looking at the brother who appeared in front of him with two big eyes, and doesn't understand why his grandma is so in awe of this man!

A month has passed in the blink of an Just when Vivica thought that the heart of the night would do something, but something unexpected happened to them, and the heart of the night seemed to ignore it Generally speaking, they completely ignored them.

This made Vivica, who was anxious, a little confused.

Eli was also a little confused.

Originally thought that the heart of the night would do something, so he ran first overnight, but he didn't expect anything

It's a strange thing that nothing happened!

But it doesn't matter, anyway, he has already left, and it is almost impossible for Sergey to find him in a short time. At this time, Eli has also returned to the rhythm of the wizard.

Experiment, learn, tease Green.

I have to say, it's pretty interesting!

A month passed again.

Among the secrets.

Eli lay on the recliner, relaxing.

Not far away, eight or nine-year-old Green was carrying a bucket of water and watering Hill, and Hill was also swinging the branches, teasing Elizabeth to play.

As time goes by, Hill's wisdom is getting higher and higher!

And the distance from the second ring is also fast.

"Huh!" Green pouted, looking at Eli who was resting.

Hire child labor!


Suddenly, he accidentally fell into the bucket one by one, and suddenly let out a burst of yelling.

Eli laughed.

Hill also swayed the branch and made a salsa sound.

A piece of peace!

"Thirty years on the west coast, thirty years on the east coast." Looking at this scene, Green made up his mind at a young age.

Thirty years later.

He must become a great wizard and pursue the truth with inspiration all his life!

Let's see!

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