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"Nina, slow down!"

In a valley at the back of the Iris Camp, Green looked forward with a smile on his face. At this time, he looked thirty or forty years old, with a protruding belly and slight hair loss on his head.

On the grass not far away, a little girl ran happily, with a figure as clear as a copper bell, showing her little white feet, stepping on the grass.

"Hey, it's such a good day!" Green smiled.

Feeling the aura of a wizard in his first ring of wizards, he showed a satisfied smile.

Compared with thirty years ago, he is already a first-ring wizard, and he met his current wife twenty years ago, and gave birth to a daughter, and then he is usually in charge of Eli's experimental preparations.

As for the "30 years east coast, 30 years west coast" thing.

"Hey, you were young back then!" Green shook his head as if sighing.

Wouldn't it be nice to lie flat?

As for the Great Wizard, the pursuit of the truth is exhausting, so forget it.

He is no longer a child of seven or eight years old!


Suddenly, he heard a voice in the distance.

He turned his head and looked over, and the door of the laboratory in the distance opened slowly.

Green's eyes lit up and he ran over immediately.

The door opened and Eli stepped out.

"My lord!" Green said respectfully!

"Well, your daughter is much older than the last time I saw it!" Eli nodded, looking at the little girl not far away, and sighed.

Forty-five years ago, Green was a little kid. Forty-five years later, he was the father of a child.

Time is really a scary thing!

"Hey!" Hearing Eli's praise, Green scratched his head, a little happy.

"I still remember the bold words you used to say!" Eli joked.

"My lord, don't mention this matter! "Green's face turned red, and he held his mouth and said: "In fact, it may be that I read too many stories about knights and wizards during that time!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Eli laughed.

I thought you were a certain Yan, but it turned out to be a flat monster!

On the side, Green's face was already red at this time, and he stopped talking, but muttered in his mouth:

"How can you take things about wizards seriously!"

"Grandpa Roland!" At this moment, the little girl saw Eli coming out and ran over.

"Hahaha, little Nina!" Eli rubbed the girl's head and picked her up.

Holding the girl in his arms, Eli walked towards other places in the secret realm.

As a great wizard of the third ring, the existence of the secret realm is no longer a big deal to him, so Green is usually in the secret realm.

While walking, Green reported to him what happened over the years.

"Since the Heart of the Night and the people from the Holy Tower fought, large-scale battles have occurred every year, and the turf battle has continued, and the entire central region has been in chaos.

Twenty years ago, under the attack of the heart of the night, the holy tower retreated steadily.

But what people didn't expect was that under the attention of the resources of the holy tower, a wizard from the holy tower silently became a great wizard with the limit of the three rings. Together with another limit of the three rings, they launched a counterattack.

The situation changed all of a sudden, but Sergey was also very strong, so he managed to survive.

What's more, people never dreamed that Sergei was under the siege of two three-ring limits, and killed one of the three-ring limits, causing the situation to change again.

Offensive and defensive reversal!

The Heart of Night has the upper hand again.

But what is strange is that the holy tower seems to be helped by a certain force, which seems to be from the north. With their help, they can even suppress the heart of the night!

But the heart of the night was not built. At this time, they added the Harpy School, which had been neutral, to the heart of the night, and everything changed again.


It was at this time that the heart of the night suppressed the holy tower.

The Holy Tower is retreating every day!

If there is no big change, maybe the failure of the holy tower is only a matter of time!"

Green told Eli about all kinds of things that happened in the past few decades.

"That's it!"

Eli nodded.

It seems that the two forces have a lot of cards, and this Sergey is really not ordinary strong. He can kill one of the two three-ring limits, and he is probably considered very strong in the three-ring limit.

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