Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 250: Conspiracy in the Heart of the Night, Silvermoon Lake

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In the blink of an eye, another five years passed.

On this day, as soon as Eli came out of the laboratory, he received a message from Vivica in the distance: "Teacher, there is a message that you may be interested in!"


"It's related to Silver Moon Lake!"

The message Vivica gave was very simple, but Eli was taken aback.

If we look at the past time, the silver moon meeting once every fifty years should be just one or two months away, but this year's silver moon meeting will obviously not happen!

But Yinyue Lake is different.

As a precious resource that breeds the Heart of Elements, to Eli, it is really a lake like a treasure. It can be said that this is the strongest resource Eli has ever seen.

Improve your talent and change your life against the sky.

Even in today's world, he is not taken seriously, but Eli can imagine how popular he was in the wizarding world. As for why there is no record in the book, there is a high probability that it is the private property of a certain force and is not open to the outside world.

Only now that the wizard is fleeing, he has a chance to get it.

Last time, the five elemental hearts allowed him to upgrade from the fifth-level talent to the fourth-level talent. If he did it again, he might even have a chance to reach the third-level talent.

"What happened, tell me in detail!" Eli thought for a while, then sent towards the soul brand.

At this time, in the distant Bloodline Tower, Vivica received a message from Eli.

"I knew it!" Vivica also said that it was because the teacher seemed to be particularly concerned about this before, so she specifically said this incident.

"Teacher, the latest news, it seems that the holy tower has new reinforcements. In order to deal with it, the heart of the night also took out the thing at the bottom of the box. It is said that it is the core of an ancient elemental creature. As long as it absorbs enough elements, it can Condensing an elemental giant that obeys commands, its strength is far beyond the limit of the general three-ring, but the problem lies in this element, which must be many.

So Sergey thought of the element explosion that happens every fifty years in Yinyue Lake.

As long as you absorb them all, you should be able to create an elemental giant, and then you can rely on him and Sergey himself to directly eliminate the Holy Tower Alliance!"

"Oh? Then does this have a great impact on Yinyue Lake?"

Eli wondered.

"The structure of Silver Moon Lake is very special. It seems to be built on an elemental core. Once the core is put into it, it may be directly destroyed, and even lead to the disappearance of Silver Moon Lake!" Vivica quickly transmitted.


Among the distant irises, Eli frowned.


That's a big deal!

Once Yinyue Lake is destroyed, it will be troublesome to improve his talent.

Therefore, Yinyue Lake cannot be destroyed, and a big problem is that once the elemental creatures are created, there is a high probability that the holy tower will not be able to withstand two powerful creatures like Sergey, and will be destroyed directly.

At that time, if the holy tower is destroyed.

Even with the warning from the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, Sergey will definitely turn his attention to Eli.

"So I have to stop this!" Eli thought for a moment.

Whether it's for the improvement of his talent, or for giving him time to develop, or for Vivica, Nikolai, and the people who rely on his subordinates, he can't stand by this time.

However, how did Vivica know this news?

"Where did you know that?" Eli asked.

"This time, an internal member of the Heart of the Night accidentally leaked, leaked, but it should still go as scheduled, but because the Holy Tower knows the news, Sergei must not be able to go.

They will also send people to stop it, so there is a high probability that Sergey will send his men to go!"


Sergey is not going!

Eli relaxed.

As long as Sergey doesn't go, then he is completely worthwhile.

Unless, of course, Sergey sends a group of Queens of the Three Rings

In the meantime, Eli still had to run, but with the restraint of the holy tower, they certainly couldn't escape so many people.

So there is a high probability that safety can be guaranteed.

"Does the teacher need me to send someone there? Participate in the scramble?" At this time, Vivica's news came again.


Don't you need it?

In the wizard's tower, Vivica was a little puzzled.

Teacher, do you think you don't value this Yinyue Lake?

Suddenly a message came again, Vivica sensed it and left.

"It's okay, I'll do it!"

I will shoot!

Seeing the news, Vivica was taken aback.

Since Sergey can't send enough strong men by then, there will definitely be a lot of people, maybe even hundreds of people. At that time, will the teacher alone be enough?

If there are enough blood of the same kind in the second and third rings, it will not be more difficult than the limit of the third ring.

"But the teacher should be fine."

Vivica decided not to think about it, who knows how many hole cards the teacher still hides.

The sun is like a fire.

January time flies by.

There is only one month before Yinyue Lake's death.

Since a week ago, Sergey has started to form people to go to Silver Moon Lake one after another. It is said that not only the Heart of the Night, but also the several forces under him have also sent people.

And because the news leaked ahead of time, he didn't hide their actions!

The Santa side also responded positively and immediately sent people out to stop it.

Many high-level warlocks stopped most of the third-ring late stages, and in the end only a small number of the following still went to the late stage, but everyone paid attention to this battle.

From their point of view, this game is more about losing than winning!

The heart of the night already has a strong background, and with the development of so many years, the overall strength has surpassed the holy tower. This transcendence is not only reflected in the high-level combat power, but also in the bottom of UU Reading!

A thousand first-ring warlocks, five hundred second-ring warlocks, and more than fifty third-ring warlocks went to this operation. For the smooth operation of the elemental giant, Sergey sent almost all the resources he could mobilize.

Although the holy tower intends to stop it, but there is not enough manpower.

Almost half the number.

However, the distance between the holy tower and Yinyue Lake is relatively short, which allows them to arrive earlier. Therefore, at this time, a line of defense is formed by the bank of Yinyue Lake.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the Heart of the Night team.

Everyone's heart is extremely disturbed.

This is a stop that will determine the development direction of the next few decades.

If the holy tower successfully defends Yinyue Lake, then the holy tower can extend its life for decades, but once they lose, it will be a crushing game in the heart of the night, and there will be no surprises in the ending, unless there are bigger changes occur.

Time goes by little by little!

The voice of Yinyue Lake's voice was getting closer and closer, and three days before the voice of the voice, the people from the heart of the night finally arrived, and at the same time, Eli also received the news.

In the iris camp.

Eli walked out of the laboratory and walked out of the camp.

Met Green on the road!

"Where are you going, my lord?" Green looked puzzled.

"fishing! Eli cast a glance at him and said calmly.

next second.

Eli's figure flew towards the sky, and the blood suddenly appeared.

Like an arc of light, it set off towards the distant Yinyue Lake.

At the same time, a piece of news spread from him, the target was Vivica!

Some things need her help!


Green below blinked, a little confused.

What kind of fish are you fishing for?

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