Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 261: memory recovery, fight

Time back to a minute ago!

Accompanied by Sergey's terrifying breath, it spread out.

Under the White Tower, the Warlocks of the White Tower suddenly felt a shock in their hearts, as if feeling some threat, they looked up towards the sky and saw Sergey's figure.

Feeling the terrifying aura of this person, everyone felt their scalps go numb!

Does anyone know who this sudden warlock is?

But they knew that even their strongest tower master was not even one-tenth of that warlock. Some people even suspected that their tower master might die just because of the aftermath.

"It's over, when did the White Tower provoke such a terrifying enemy!"

"This is the third ring."

"No, even Vivica, the master of the Bloodline Tower I've seen, is not as powerful as this person. This aura, I guess, is at least in the middle of the third ring."

All the warlocks looked confused, not understanding why the White Tower would provoke such a person.

Even the upper echelons of the White Tower hid in the Wizard Tower. The current White Tower doesn't have a single ring, and they are no match for the warlock in front of them.

As for the Herman this man shouts!

Some warlocks are confused, isn’t this the high level of the Bloodline Tower? What does it have to do with their White Tower, why did this strange warlock come here?

Time will digest everything, and time will erase all traces.

It has been hundreds of years since Eli showed up in the White Tower. In the hundreds of years, those who knew Eli had already died. Therefore, only the oldest batch of warlocks may have heard of this name, and they are still Heard it after they were hours.

That is the only honorary deputy member of the White Tower.

As for most people, they only know that there is a powerful wizard named Heman in the Bloodline Tower, but they don't know that he has a relationship with the White Tower!

All the warlocks felt that this was an innocent disaster, that Sergey had found the wrong place!

But the enemy has arrived, how should they deal with it.

Everyone was a little confused, and at this moment, a figure flew out of the Black Tower Prison, the prison on the edge of the White Tower, exuding an aura as huge as that of a strange enemy.

"Who is that?"

Everyone was stunned. Is there such a powerful person in the Black Tower Prison?

But before everyone had time to think, they saw the two people make a move, and then saw the shadows covering the sky, and then the enemy died instantly!

At this time, an old man pointed at Eli and tremblingly said.

"He is Herman, the only honorary member of the White Tower, but he is often in the Bloodline Tower these years!"

As a warlock who grew up listening to Heman's stories, the most painful thing for him was that the White Tower had forgotten about Heman, the great councilor who had saved the White Tower countless times.

But he is also powerless, no one cares anymore!

Everyone only knows that there is Heman in the Bloodline Tower on the west coast, who is extremely powerful, but not many young warlocks in the White Tower know that Heman came out of the White Tower.

"Lord Herman!" Warlock looked at Eli's figure, tears streaming down his face!

The figure of the adult is as tall as it was hundreds of years ago. At that time, he also protected the holy tower like this. It was hundreds of years ago, and it is still today!

Adults don't look like they've changed, but they're old!

In the forest a few kilometers away from the White Pagoda.

Thirty or so warlocks hung calmly above the sky, looking at Sergey in front of him calmly.

Some of them are surrounded by qi and blood, some exude a cold aura, and some are like a fire. Although their blood is different, their aura is extremely powerful.

"Hey, my lord is still wise and powerful. Now Sergey and Herman are both hurt. As long as Herman dies, we can pick peaches. After all, Sergey is too strong. If we kill him forcefully, we don't know how many times we will be dragged to death." !" a warlock sighed.

"Indeed, I heard that this Herman is also very scary. He killed dozens of three people by himself decades ago.

Ring, although it is basically the early stage, but it is indeed terrifying.

I don't know how such a guy pops up on the west coast these days!

"Let's go to the show, let's wrap it up." "

"It's best to be killed or injured, and we can relax a lot!"

The faces of the three rings were relaxed, and they were a little timid to face Sergey and Herman. After all, no one knew whether they would drag themselves into the water before they died, but now they were responsible for the finishing work.

The group is waiting for Eli to show up!

Soon, Eli shows up!

The warlocks looked at Eli and smiled.

"Looks like an ordinary warlock!"

"I don't know if Sergey can beat him!"

The warlocks talked and laughed.

They watched the distance quietly, looking forward to the start of the battle.

But a few seconds later, everyone's smiles froze in an instant, and the originally lively atmosphere froze in an instant.

"What is that?"

A warlock trembled, his eyes filled with disbelief.


one move!

With just one move, Sergey was gone, this must be a joke!

"How could he be so strong?"

Some people couldn't believe it, some questioned it, and some were confused, standing in the sky one by one, like zombies, no one knew what went through their minds!

And a few seconds later, they looked at Eli who turned his head.


A sorcerer's throat moved slightly, and his lips trembled slightly: "He's here!"

Needless to say, at this time everyone looked at Eli's figure and felt a wave of fear!

"Guys, what shall we do now?"

The warlock at the front looked at the crowd. His eyes were serious and his breathing was heavy. He didn't feel as relaxed as he had just started.

"I think Herman needs a long-term plan. Let's go back first!" A wizard whispered in a low voice, and the voice was probably only heard by himself.

Although the voice was low, the others seemed to have seen the vanguard, opening their mouths one by one

"Indeed, that's right."

"I think so too!"

"Good offer"

The corner of the suggestion warlock's mouth twitched, you don't want to fight!

The warlocks headed by "OK" nodded.

A group of warlocks got up immediately, ready to leave, but in the next second, their movements stopped abruptly.

It's not that they changed their minds, but that the space around them has been covered by shadows at some point, like a dark ocean.

They are surrounded.

"It's already here!" the leading wizard closed his eyes and said.

The other warlocks were surprised by Heman's quick movements, but they also understood the situation immediately, and their eyes became tense, their blood vessels were fully opened instantly, and they put on a fighting state!

They understand that today may be a fierce battle!

They must still be able to go part of the way, but many people must die again.

"Let me see how much you can keep us today!"

The leading warlock floated in front, looking at Eli who came out of the shadows with calm eyes.

"Then try it!"

Eli looked at these people and smiled.

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