Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 262: The sea of ​​bones of the undead reappears, and the hourglass of time retreats

The shadow squirmed, and Eli walked out slowly.

He looked at these people calmly, his eyes narrowed slightly!

Half of them were wearing white robes of holy tower warlocks, and the other half were wearing almost unfamiliar warlock robes. There were silver hourglasses on the wizard robes. The hourglass seemed to flow, which looked extremely strange.

And among them, there are a total of fifteen in the late stage of the third ring, but ten of them belong to the latter.

This should be the hourglass of time that Vivica mentioned.

"Time hourglass?" Eli looked at these people, silently took out the dice in his hand, and the golden dice rolled in his hand!

"You know us?" The leading warlock raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Now that you know them, it should be much easier to deal with.

"Hello, my name is Morris, a late-stage Warlock of the Third Ring of Time Hourglass. This time we were hunting Sergey, but he ran here by accident. Since he has been dealt with by you, you don't mind." Let's go," Morris said.

He watched Eli look at the dice in his hands without even looking at them.

Morris was a little angry, but did nothing!

He doesn't want to fight this warlock unless necessary!

A few seconds later, he saw that the dice in Eli's hands stopped spinning. He saw Eli slowly raised his head and smiled, "Nineteen o'clock, I'm not absolutely sure to beat the bidders!"

"So do we. Since that's the case, I don't think we need to fight this one." Although Morris didn't quite understand what Eli had done, he still followed Eli.

"Hey, that's not okay. Hundreds of years of experience tell me that when encountering an enemy, it's best to kill it, otherwise a small trouble may become a big trouble." Eli shook his head with a smile, looking Easy.

These people were watching the battle just now, and he knew very well that if he was injured, these people would definitely pounce on him like wolves. Now they are maintaining balance, but they are just afraid of him.

Best to get rid of it.

19 is a bit dangerous, but he is willing to take this huge risk!

"Heman, you are very strong. We underestimated you, but we have thirty-five third-rings here, and fifteen of them are late-stage third-rings. This is not comparable to the early-stage group you fought against last time." The smile on Morris' face also faded away.

Just because they don't want to fight doesn't mean they can't fight.

One-on-one, they really can't beat them, but this time it's one against thirty-five!

"Indeed." Eli nodded and snapped his fingers!


In an instant, in the space made up of shadows, skeletons with white bones slowly walked out one by one. The undead flames looked at these people through the sunken eyes, and as the figures slowly walked out, the shadows voluntarily clung to them and turned into undead bodies. Armor and weapons.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of undead appeared in the space, including nearly fifty third-ring undead, all of which were harvested by Eli over the years.

They stared at it, and their bloodthirsty instincts were gradually aroused.

The owner has finally let them out of the fields that have been planted in the secret realm for hundreds of years.

And looking at the undead that had surrounded them like an ocean, the smiles on the faces of the warlocks gradually disappeared, and each of them looked extremely gloomy.

They were scammed!

This Herman is actually a necromancer!

he is a wizard

Everyone was shocked.

"Who the **** are you?" Morris looked at the dependent with serious eyes.

This is definitely not Heman, definitely a necromancer who replaced Heman without everyone knowing, after all, it is absolutely impossible for a normal wizard to live so long, no wonder he is so strong!

"I am me!" Eli smiled and looked at the crowd.

On the bones, he hid in the shadows again. At the same time, all the undead rushed towards more than 30 people. The group of people frantically resisted in the sea of ​​undead bones, like a flat boat in an ocean storm!

But there are too many undead, so many that they can't resist at all.

In a battle like a natural disaster, the warlocks began

Slow down!

after an hour!

Morris looked at Morris with a bone spear stuck in his chest, and slowly approached.

"I'm very curious about the time hourglass, let's talk about it in detail," Eli said.

"Dreaming!" Morris spat blood from his mouth, and looked at Eli angrily. At this time, except for him, none of the thirty-five people had survived, and it was only an hour!

Is this the power of a wizard?

"I won't say a word!" Morris continued.

"It's okay, you will tell me." As he walked, a silver light flashed in Eli's eyes, and two silver rings appeared outside the pupils, and the silver light became more intense.

"This is?"

Morris gritted his teeth, he felt his consciousness getting blurred!

Ten minutes later, Eli killed Morris with his own hands, and then his eyes returned to normal, and there was a frown between his brows!

He asked about the time hourglass information.

It is indeed very strong, it seems that he has to spend a little more time being wretched.

"What, they're all dead!"

When Urs received the news, his mouth widened.

He grabbed the leader's clothes and couldn't believe it: "Say it again?"

"My lord, the news has been confirmed. Near the White Tower, Herman had a war with Sergey and our warlock. It is said that after the battle, only Heman went out to the battlefield!" The warlock gritted his teeth!


Urs retreated to the table, sat down directly, and closed his eyes in despair.

how so!

Isn't this Herman the Three Rings?

Impossible, if it is at the level of true spirits, there will be huge fluctuations in the promotion of true spirits, and it is impossible for them not to perceive it. This shows that Eli is only a third ring, and if it is true spirits, they have already been wiped out!

But such a strong three rings?

It's outrageous.

I am afraid that this kind of record can only be achieved by the top geniuses in the Central Continent, and they are all the top secret techniques and the top bloodlines!

Is Heman like this? If he didn’t know, he thought he was in the Central Continent!

This is playing chicken!

They finally wiped out Sergei, and you tell me that another stronger one came here.

"Damn!! "Even Urs' temper felt aggrieved at this moment!

"Urs, what happened?"

At this time, the door to the room was suddenly opened violently, and a thin and fat warlock walked in with a puzzled face and panicked eyes.

"Just now I found that the auras of more than a dozen warlocks in our time hourglass have disappeared!" Fatty Si Du frowned and asked.

They have provided a lot of high-end combat power for this operation!

"Did they fall into some secret place, or were they blocked?" The skinny Sanchere asked quickly. After a while, the auras of more than a dozen people who belonged to the hourglass of time disappeared one by one, which made them also look confused.

Urs raised his head, looked at the two men, and suddenly laughed.

It turns out that the adults of the big power will also panic?

How funny!

He looked at the warlock not far away, nodded, and said, "Tell the two adults what happened."

Warlock didn't hesitate, and continued to repeat the news.

After finishing speaking, one fat and one thin face froze!

The two looked at each other, speechless!

Silence is the theme tonight!

Seeing the two slumped, Urs was inexplicably happy. Anyway, he was almost emptied at this time. These people wanted to use the shelf of the holy tower to control the west coast, but it seemed that they had encountered a difficult person at this time!

"My lords, what should we do?" After a quarter of an hourglass, Urs asked the two of them.

"Hey, let's shrink temporarily." The fat man shook his head and said.

Originally their plan was to get rid of Sergey and Herman

Afterwards, the two took advantage of the trend to re-spread their power to the entire west But now it seems that the plan needs to be rethought!

It all has to be rearranged!

"We have to go back to the hourglass of time!" The skinny Sanchere said, looking at Dus.


Dus nodded.

Such a powerful warlock has surpassed their imagination, and they have to go back and ask for help!

"Urs, it's good that you are responsible for stabilizing the situation. The situation is still under our control. No, this is just a small setback. Although Herman is strong for the hourglass of time, it is not invincible!" Sanchell looked at Looking at Urs, he said.

Urs raised his eyelids, it sounds like there are stronger warlocks in Hourglass of Time?

"it is good!"

Urs nodded, he was also very curious, what cards does this faction have!

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