Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 283: Genius Luo Ye, Hall's Vigilance

The latest website: The fierce sun is rising, and the golden sun is sprinkled!

Outside the Holy Tower City, in a large open space.

Dozens of people are waiting, most of them are high-level officials of the Holy Tower, as well as leaders including Udo, and

Eli was there too, but following Udo like a bodyguard.

Udo glanced sideways at the crowd, and listened to the whispers of these people, and took a deep breath.

"There are warlocks from the Holy Tower Headquarters here. I don't know why?"

"The old tower master has just died, and Udo has just taken over as the new tower master. I don't know if there will be any accidents."

"Maybe, but other forces have been very stable recently, and we have also established contact with the Bloodline Tower recently.

There are quite a few of them with us recently, I believe the adults should not have any opinions on us!"

Listening to the words in his ear, Udo couldn't help looking at Eli, the guard beside him, with awe in his eyes!

What kind of method is this!

Even a bloodline with illusion skills like the psychedelic butterfly can't do it.

Dozens of memories of the three rings were actually modified.

And it's not just them, hundreds of people in an area of ​​the city have also been modified.


This is not just a memory problem, how to arrange the memory so that people can't see the loopholes is even more terrifying. He can't imagine how the benefactor did it.

This is not a warlock.

"Relax, nothing will go wrong!" Eli, who had already concealed his aura, looked at him and said with a smile.

If something goes wrong, fix it all!

"Hmm!" Udo took a deep breath, and his breath gradually returned to calm.

Judging by the time, the people from Santa Headquarters should be here soon!


Suddenly, someone spoke, and everyone raised their heads.

The clouds in the sky dispersed, and the huge sky cloud whale slowly landed.

Looking at the huge creature hundreds of meters away, everyone gasped.

"Sky Cloud Whale, a creature with the limit of three rings!" Eli's eyes lit up when he looked at this huge creature. He had never seen such a large material before!

But it's a pity that I can't dissect it, after all, it belongs to the holy tower.

The huge cloud whale in the sky stopped when it was about 300 meters above the ground, which is the lowest distance for this kind of creature, and at this distance, other people can also see the castle above the cloud whale, and the cloud whale A little black dot next to it!

Suddenly, the black dot started to break away from the cloud whale in the sky and descend towards the ground.

Eli also saw clearly the appearance and strength of the person who came.

Needless to say, the young man in the front should be the so-called genius Luo Ye. He is indeed very strong. Eli can feel that although he is not limited to the limit of the third ring, he is not weaker than him who just broke through the late stage thirty years ago.

And there are thirty-two people behind him, each of whom is in the late stage of the third ring.

And there are three people behind him, all of them are half-step true spirits, and they all belong to people who have been promoted to true spirits but failed.

The landing was very fast, and in just a few seconds, dozens of people had already landed on the ground.

Luo Ye took the lead, followed by many three rings.

He strode up to the welcoming team with a smile on his face, but he couldn't hide his arrogance. He stretched out his hand towards Udo, who was at the front, and said:

"Hi, I'm Luo Ye, and you're Urs, the master of the West Coast Santa Tower."

"Hello, I am the Lord of the Holy Tower, but my name is Udo." Udo looked at this group of three-ring late stages and extremes, feeling his heart beating fast!

"Huh? Udo?" Luo Ye snorted lightly. He turned to look at Hall and asked, "Hall, I misremembered.


"No, I remember that the person in charge here should be Urs, I checked." Hall frowned.

"Urs is my teacher, he died a few years ago, and then I just took over, and he hasn't come yet

Have time to pass the information to the headquarters!" Udo said with his heart raised in his throat.

"Oh, that's it!" Luo Ye nodded.

"Huh?" Hall frowned.

"Hall, don't think so much, it doesn't matter!" Luo Ye looked at Hall and frowned, and said.

"Yeah, adults, I have already prepared the area where you live. We have sent people to find the map that the adults gave us, and it is estimated that we will find it soon!" Udo said quickly.

"Let's go." Luo Ye nodded.

Hall wanted to say something behind him, but was pulled away by Luo Ye.

So, just like that, the group of people was taken away by Udora, and the cloud whale in the sky slowly dived into the clouds

Eli took one look and followed Udo.


The area prepared for Luo Ye and the others is an area near the east side of the holy tower, which belongs to the area with the best environment, and there are few people here, and all of them have been modified in memory.

Soon, they came here.

Looking at the villas and the wizard tower in front of him, Luo Ye nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad!" Luo Ye was very satisfied.

It seems that this group of country bumpkins can still do it!

"Adults, please stay here. If you need anything, you can ask the adults at any time, and all the entertainment facilities are available here, so you don't need to go to other places!" Udo said.

"Yeah!" Luo Ye nodded, and then said, "It's better to find the ones on the map faster."

"Yes!" Udo said respectfully, "Then we're leaving!"

"it is good!"

Udo was dismissed casually, and when they settled down, it was the next thing.

Eli also left with Udo, and before leaving, he glanced at these people, especially the one named Hall, which felt a bit interesting.

After Udo left, Luo Ye and the others began to divide the living area, and he also chose a wizard tower, and soon the group lived there and began to rest.

They have been on the road for several months, and they really need to relax.

But as soon as Luo Ye entered the wizard's tower, there was a knock on the door.

Open the door, it's Hall.

"Hall, what's the matter?" Luo Ye was a little displeased!

"Luo Ye, I think something is wrong here!" Hall said, frowning.

Ever since he came here, he felt something strange.

"What's wrong with this, I feel quite normal!" Luo Ye shook his head and said, "I think you are

Think too much, you should take a good rest!

After finishing speaking, he walked Luo Yehor out of the door.

Looking at the closed door, Hall's mouth twitched!

But he can't Compared with the future Santa Hope Luo Ye, he can only suggest at most.

"No, I have to look it up." He shook his head.

There are still quite a few people in this area, so he can search it secretly.


after one day.

Wizard Tower.

Hall stroked his beard. After a day of checking, he didn't find anything wrong. He checked a lot of people around here, and it seemed that everything was normal. He was just worrying too much.

"It seems that I'm thinking too much." Hall shook his head, relaxing a lot.

One or two may have problems, but with hundreds of people, it is impossible for all of them to have problems.

"Old man, I'm getting more and more timid!" Hall smiled and turned back to rest. Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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