Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 284: very moist? Central Continent Situation

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For the three-ring wizards who have gone through a long journey, a short rest is enough for them to recover, so

Early the next morning, a male warlock came out of it.

"So comfortable!"

The warlock walked out of the wizard tower, feeling the texture under his feet, and smiled.

Compared with the feeling in the sky, he still prefers the sense of solidity on the ground.

His name is Diogo, he is one of Luo Ye's followers, and he is also a three-ring warlock from the Santa headquarters.

"I've never been to the west coast, so I don't know what it's like here!" Diogo looked over the villa area,

Looking towards the main city in the distance.

There are many wizard towers, elements fluctuate, and a bustling scene. Although it is far from the Central Continent, it is also

It seems to have general regional characteristics.

"Go out and have a look." Diogo thought.

Luo Ye didn't restrict their travel, but just told them not to cause trouble!

Thinking of this, Diogo tidied up his clothes and walked straight towards the outside world.

Soon, he came to the only way to the other areas, the way they had come here before.

This road is located in the east of this area, connecting the DC area of ​​the city, a white circle that is not too wide

The arch stands here.

But just as he walked to the gate, a man just came in.

"It's the Lord of the Holy Tower. I am sent by Lord Udo to serve the adults. Do you want to go out? If not

If you mind, let me take the adults out for a stroll. "

Diogo looked at the man.

He has black hair and black pupils, looks pretty, his aura is just an ordinary three rings, but his eyes have a magical charm,

Some people are immersive, and it is amazing that the pupils of this person's eyes are silver.

"Okay." Diogo nodded.

Since they are sent by the branch here, they should know this place very well.

He couldn't help lowering his head and looking into the man's eyes.

The mystery of silver also made him a little dazed.

Opening his eyes again, Diogo stood beside the white arch, but the direction was completely reversed.

He subconsciously looked at the man beside him, and patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you, Herman, this time I went shopping

very happy. "

Beside Diogo, Eli showed a humble smile: "What are you talking about, this is what I should do."

"Okay." Diogo nodded, inexplicably feeling a little tired!

"Then I'll go back first, I feel a little tired from shopping today!"

Diogo scratched his head, obviously feeling that he hasn't been out for a long time!

And what did he do?

It seems that I just ate, drank and went to some places to play, but I don’t know why, but my memory is a little fuzzy, it seems

He did and didn't do the same.

The wonderful feeling was still lingering in his heart, but he subconsciously ignored it.

Scratching his head, he returned to his residence.

He just went outside for a stroll, what could happen!

"The third layer of the Silver Eye has progressed more than halfway, its power is really good!

In the distance, looking at Diogo's back, Eli shook his head.

Where is there anything to go out for a stroll, but he watched Diogo in a daze for several hours, and he sometimes revealed

All kinds of smiles.

Fooling this group of people does not appear to be as difficult as imagined.

"Ten days later, I feel that telling them the location after ten days should be enough!" Eli took out a small bench and sat

to the arch, and waited for the next person who wanted to get out.

Sunny, beautiful day.

the other side.

As soon as Diogo came back, he was called by Hall.

"Diogo, did you find anything here when you went out?

Something's wrong, or funny!" Hall looked at Dee

Ogo asked.

Although he has checked the people nearby, he still feels uncomfortable instinctively, which makes him a little uneasy.

His blood is the giant spider, a spider-like three-ringed extraordinary creature that usually grows in the cold and damp darkness

In the environment, he also has the ability to perceive certain dangers, which has saved him many times.

This time too, as soon as he came here, his blood made him feel a little uncomfortable.

So he asked again.

When Diogo heard the question, he also respectfully said: "My lord, everything is normal, but there is one thing that is really interesting!



Hall's eyes became serious.

"My lord, the human body here is slightly different from ours. I found that the women here are generally fuller.

Fill it up!" Diogo said seriously.

He experienced it himself, and that good brother took him there.

very moist!


I've never been so speechless in my life.

"Get out!" Hall's mouth twitched, and he glanced at him.

Diogo is not only his subordinate, but also his nephew!


Diogo was not angry either, and left with a smile.

Seeing him leave, Hall felt a little more relaxed.

It seems that he really thinks too much.

Is there any other discomfort factor for giant spiders?


Time passed day by day.

Except for Luo Ye, the Warlocks of the Holy Tower have also gone out in the City of the Holy Tower, and they are all sent by Udo

It was led by the warlock named Herman.

Everyone had a great time, even Hall.

Many people also regard Eli as a good friend, and even invite Herman to go back with them to the Central Continent

, but was declined by Eli.

In this way, Eli fooled them for ten days.

Sit by the door every day and watch them fall into fantasy and return.

Of course, he didn't do nothing, and he also learned a lot about the Central Continent.

Including the composition of forces, as well as race, as well as the strength of the strong, customs, and the current status quo, etc., let

Eli has a general impression of the most prosperous area in the world.

First of all, in terms of the area of ​​the Central Continent, it is at least hundreds of times that of the West Coast. It is a truly huge continent.

Occupying 60% of the world's land, it is said that the earliest wizard power was born here.

In the past, wizard forces occupied this land one by one, and created incomparable brilliance.

Of course, the above is all history. At present, the situation in the Central Continent is completely different from what it used to be.

With the disappearance of wizards, warlock families occupied the land and re-divided it, forming

into so-called "bloodline forces".

Wizards have almost disappeared from that continent, and the survival situation is much worse than that on the west coast today, at least

There's one more on the west coast, but from the mouths of these people, wizards are almost legends, only a few different wizards


And different from what Eli thought, it seems that the wizard only took away his own people, and left behind a lot of people from other races.

As a result, there are many other races in the central continent, including elves, dwarves, and races that used to be slaves of the world.

They each occupy their own area, and because they are not weak at all.

In the end, Eli also learned about the current combat effectiveness of the wizarding world.

True Spirit is almost already one of the top tiers.

Even in the holy tower, there are only two true spirits.

In the Central Continent, there are not as many true spirits as imagined!

This, Eli is very happy, it means that as long as he becomes a true spirit, at least in today's world should be safe

There is a certain guarantee.

"The departure of the wizard has had too much impact on this world!" Eli sighed.

Pushing the time back five thousand years, Zhen Ling is just a stronger character, how can he be like this now?

, This has to be said to be the sorrow of the wizard.

Good for him though.

At least the less important the wizard's stuff was, the easier it was for him to get it.

Higher level of knowledge, flying city in the sky, dangerous witchcraft, towering wizard tower, bustling and strange

Small spaces, even.....

The legendary Gray wizard's tower that can rule the wizarding world today if you get it.

There was a look of hope in Eli's eyes. Even now, he couldn't imagine a four or five moon-sized

Wizard Tower, what kind of creation is that!

He wants to see it!

"But not now!"

Eli shook his Let's wait until he is strong enough.

Stay here for a few thousand years first, and then go get those things when he gets stronger.

Anyway, he has no shortage of time.

"Take your time!" Eli's look of despair disappeared, and he looked towards the villa area.

Compared with those, we should pay more attention to these warlocks right now.

ten days!

Time to send them to that ruin too!

Thinking of this, Eli tidied up his clothes, then made an anxious expression, walked towards the villa area

Run, faster and faster.

One - while running, while shouting:

"Masters, the ruins have been found!"

"found it"

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