Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 285: Anderson's Confusion, Entering the Secret Realm

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at the same time.

Time Hourglass!

In a three-story building, a warlock hurriedly passed through the doors, stepping on the red carpet, his eyes

Panicked, came to a door!

Seeing the door, he immediately knocked on it lightly.

"Come in!"

A majestic voice came, and the warlock walked in immediately.

At this time, it was a wild-looking room with a carpet of monsters on the floor and a wall covered with

The head of a monster made into a specimen, and in the center of the room is a long table with a tall man sitting behind it.


"What happened, why are you so flustered!" Anderson looked at the man who walked in, dissatisfied.

Since Dus failed and was thrown into prison, the radicals have been in a state of depression, and he has completely mastered the hourglass of time, so

This period of time can be described as a spring breeze.

"My lord, something serious has happened!" Warlock is Anderson's confidant, without explaining, he just said quickly:

"My lord, ten days ago, we suddenly discovered a huge creature near the holy tower. After judgment, that day

The empty cloud whale is from the headquarters of the Holy Tower. After our judgment, it should be from the headquarters of the Holy Tower.

Moreover, those who are qualified to be such mounts are probably also big figures in the Holy Tower.


Anderson stood up abruptly, his eyes full of surprise.

Santa HQ!

Has the Central Continent's headquarters noticed this?

Could it be that they noticed that the holy tower was destroyed and were going to deal with the blood tower?

After being surprised, Anderson was overjoyed!

They don't want the Bloodline Tower to develop like this, but that fellow Herman is too strong!

But it would be different if the Santa headquarters intervened.

Not to mention Heman, even uprooting the Bloodline Tower is possible.

Thinking of this, Anderson's eyes lit up, but in the next second it seemed that he noticed every word in the warlock's words?

Wait... ten days ago?

Anderson frowned, and said slightly angrily, "Why did I only find out about this now?"

"My lord, there is a reason for this!" The warlock hurriedly said, "My lord, you don't know, we also discovered it at that time.

The sky cloud whale, but no one knows who is coming? And it seems to be secret, our people don't even see it

to those people. "

"It took us ten days to see that those people belonged to the Holy Tower."

"Then what's the situation now?",

Anderson nodded.

"My lord, this is the strange place!" The warlock—with a tangled face, said after a few seconds: "The group of warlocks entered

After entering the holy pagoda, it seemed——lived in one area all the time, and our people—had been squatting outside, but no one came out. "

Anderson:  …

When did this happen.

The Holy Tower forgave the behavior of the Bloodline Tower.

Isn’t it so generous? After being destroyed, the main tower came and stayed here?

Why is this different from his understanding of power?

Is this the way of great power?

Choose to forgive?

For a moment, Anderson and Warlock looked at each other, a little confused!

"Uh, let's observe first." After more than ten seconds, Anderson spit out a sentence.

"Yes, my lord."


"What, did you find it?"

Luo Ye looked at Eli, his eyes widened and he asked.

"Yeah, I found it, Master Luo Ye, Master Udo sent hundreds of people to check the location of the wizarding world.

shape, and after comparison, the location on the map was finally determined!" Eli nodded and said seriously


"That's great, since you've found it, hurry up and call the others, I can't wait


Luo Ye was very surprised, he didn't expect the speed of this group of people to be so fast.

I thought I would have to look for another one or two months, but I found it in ten days.

It seems that the Holy Tower branch here is still capable.

Thinking of this, he looked at Eli and said, "Don't worry, I will be with you no matter what we gain or not.

What the tower master said, I will give you the rewards you deserve!"

"Then thank you, my lord. I'd better go and inform you all first!" Eli could not help laughing, and silently lowered his head


He has to go quickly, he's a bit stretched!

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills!

Soon, under the notice of Eli, more than 30 warlocks arrived soon!

And not only them, Udo also rushed over.

In the Wizard's Tower.

Luo Ye told everyone the fact that the ruins had been found, and everyone showed joyful expressions.

Although it is not bad here, but everyone still prefers the Central Continent!

In the narration, Luo Ye also specifically praised the speed of the holy tower operation, saying that when he returned, he would give

Reward, a group of people also nodded,

Udo kept his head down and didn't speak.


"Indeed, Herman is very good, but it cost a lot to lead me!"

"Hey, although the Holy Tower doesn't manage the sub-towers very much, the warlocks here do have a sense of belonging to us.

Yes, especially Hermann.

"That's right!

All the warlocks nodded in agreement, and many of them looked at Eli as if they were good friends.

Udo's mouth twitched.

My lord, what have you done!

"Hey, Lord Udota, what's wrong with you?" At this moment, Hall looked at Udo.

"It's okay, it's nothing, just how to arrange it after thinking about it!" Udo smiled, with a kind face.

"That's fine!" Hall nodded.

"Then three days later, we will set off in three days." Luo Ye said loudly.

Facing Luo Ye's arrangement, the others naturally nodded.

Return one by one and start preparing.


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The team formed by Luo Ye and others walked towards the outside of the holy tower, and Eli was in charge of the guide, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

And the time hourglass spy guarding the door finally saw these people for the first time, and then took this enjoyable

The situation went back to the hourglass of time, -- time, Anderson was even more confused!

He even invited more than a dozen warlocks to discuss together, but he couldn't figure out why Santa did this

?A majestic power, so kind?

And just when they were confused, an airship had left the area of ​​the holy tower and came to the area of ​​the dead forest


Everyone got off the airship and looked at the scene below the ground.

"Is this right here?" Luo Ye looked at the ground and asked Eli who was beside him.

"Yes, my lord, at the bottom of this forest!" Eli said.

"En." Luo Ye nodded, but then began to worry.

How to dig it?

You can't rely on bombing, but they don't have earth attribute blood warlocks either!

"My lord, Master Udo has prepared a witch weapon, and I have brought it." Eli said, taking out a

A staff.

He waved his staff, and saw that the soil on the ground began to squirm, and then the soil rolled up and the big trees began to slowly move.

Moving, like a mud vortex, gradually, a nearly 100 meters,

A deep pit twenty meters deep appeared, and at the same time, a

A mysterious spatial fluctuation began to appear.

"Is it a secret realm?" Luo Ye's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Eli:

"Herman, you have been of great help this time!"

"what I should do!"

Eli took back the staff, which was actually just an ordinary stick, relying on witchcraft!

"Now that it's all here, let's go in and explore, Diogo, and Chloe, you guys

The two were guarding outside, and Herman didn't have to go in. "Luo Ye looked to the side and said to the two three-ring warlocks.

Although the strength of the two is not the strongest, they are very close to the limit, and they are trustworthy.

"Yes, my lord!" The two nodded.

"Then everyone, let's go in!" Luo Ye glanced at everyone, and then immediately wrapped himself in flames, like a flower

Like a fire lotus, UU Reading flew towards the entrance of the secret realm.

Others followed suit.

Including Hall and others.

Watching everyone enter the secret realm one by one, the three remaining people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Everyone, do you want to play cards?" Eli looked at the two and took out a deck of cards.

Their eyes lit up.

So, next to the pit, the three of them put down a table and started playing cards.

While playing cards, Eli glanced at the entrance to the secret realm.

He left behind these people, and he could see the situation in the secret realm, so he didn't panic.

When the time comes, he will go in again!

Let them break through the danger first!

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