Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 287: Big catch, Eli kills (triple k)

"These are synthetic beasts from the wizarding era, whether it's technology or materials, or even the runes imprinted inside are all

There are a lot of things to learn from!"

Eli picked up a synthetic beast core and observed it carefully.

I have to say that Luo Ye and his group really don't know what a good thing is.

But it's normal, this thing is really useless to warlocks.

"After digesting these, it should make Nicholas' breath even higher!"

Eli silently put away these things, let alone, there are quite a lot of them.

"Luo Ye is a good person!"

Eli had just entered the secret realm, and was walking along the path that Luo Ye had walked, collecting some things along the way.

After collecting, he continued to move forward according to Luo Ye's route in his memory.

Soon, he came to that canyon.

In the huge canyon, there used to be countless undead entrenched, but now it is silent. As for the castle in the center

, has already disappeared without a trace!

"After Luo Ye's treatment, there is no danger here!"

Eli sighed.

The danger is gone, but the good things are not less!

Eli stretched out his hand, and his mental power surged like ocean waves, quickly spreading across the entire canyon, pieces of mental power shattered.

Pieces began to appear, these were the fragments of the undead after death, but the group of warlocks obviously couldn't collect them.

The soul fragments are like pieces of mirrors, flickering in mid-air, and gathering towards Eli's hands, gradually, one by one

Soul crystals slowly appear!

"The quality is very high, almost the limit of the third ring!" Eli silently put away, this kind of thing will be useful sooner or later.

His breakthrough may require a lot of this kind of thing.

Going forward, he came to the area where the castle is located.

As soon as he walked into this area, suddenly, in the air, a thin black thread drilled out of the void, and then it was like

A black lightning generally flew towards Eli.

But Eli's reaction was faster, or he had noticed the shadow earlier.

The silver eye turned, and a spiritual force field appeared, and the black silk thread gradually slowed down under this force,

Then it was wrapped with silver spiritual power threads, trapping it!


Eli took it over. This kind of curse was something he had never been exposed to.

And it seems to be a lot stronger than the normal curse he had, maybe Eli can turn it into himself

means, after all, his curse has not been upgraded for a long time.


Luo Ye is a good person.


Eli continued to look forward, everything was normal.

Soon, he walked all the way forward, while collecting garbage that Luo Ye and others looked down upon!

Found high-level knowledge about spirituality from a laboratory, and found knowledge about alchemy in a wizard's tower

On the road, I saw a precious magic plant that can improve the five senses.

In this way, Eli followed the road that Luo Ye walked, and Ga Ga received the goods.

Luo Ye and the others will bear the suffering, and he will take the harvest!


Luo Ye is a good person.

And at this time, he was already very close to Luo Ye and the others, and he also saw the mechanical wizard tower and the shop.

Filled with mechanical artifacts near the wizard's tower.

But looking at this scene, he quickly backed away instead.

Not because of avoiding danger, but because someone is coming.


"Cheated?" Milo looked confused, not understanding what Hall meant.

"literal meaning!"

Hall took a deep breath and looked around.

At this time, here is a mountain forest, surrounded by towering trees, a quiet

Quiet, therefore, the voices of the two are very

Obviously, but luckily there's no one else here.

"You mean there is a problem with the ruins?" Milo asked, still not understanding what Hall meant, but he believed that Hall was not

will lie to him.

"No!" Hall shook his head and said directly: "There is a problem with the holy tower, or we may be deceived by others."


"Oh?" Milo's eyes became serious.

I saw Hall took a deep breath, and then said: "As early as when I first came here, I felt that the Holy Tower always made me feel uncomfortable.

Ann, but I didn't find anything wrong, at first I thought I was overthinking. "

"But just before, Luo Ye used the backhand that the real spirit left on him, and that flame not only suppressed the

The curse of several people, but it also passed me, making my blood throbbing!

Let me understand what happened?"

Hall's speech became slower and slower, his face became more and more ugly, and he said: "We seem to be blinded by something.

In fact, we have never visited the city of the Holy Tower, we have been staying in that area all the time!"

"What?" Milo's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

"Then try to recall your specific details!" Hall sneered.

Hearing this, Milo immediately recalled the details.

But what scares him is that those things seem to have happened, but there are no details, what makes him feel

Consciousness ignored those, and what he remembered was that everything was normal in the Holy Tower and the kindness of that Herman.

"Illusion?" he said suddenly.

"Yes, but it may not be a simple illusion." Hall nodded.

It seemed that Milo had finally realized it, but it seemed that he just couldn't remember the details.

It seems that the illusion affecting them may be stronger than imagined, as if directly distorting their spirits,

This is too scary, what kind of blood can do this?

"But I still can't remember, and I still feel that memory is very real!" Milo gasped, only

I feel a chill down my back.

The water on the west coast is deeper than they thought!

"We have to notify the others." He looked at Hall.

"Yeah!" Hall also nodded. He was also afraid of accidents, so he called Milo first, and then he went to call Milo.

know other people.

Hall was about to take a step, but suddenly, the spider sense belonging to the giant spider broke out again, and he only felt a wave of

A huge fear covered him like a dark cloud, and it was near him.

"What?" Hall gritted his teeth and looked towards him.

Between the trees, a man with black hair and black pupils came out, looked at Hall, and sighed, "How do you

Can't you be more peaceful?

But I don't blame you, it's normal that the power of the true spirit can temporarily eliminate the influence of the Silver Eye!"

"Heman!" 2

Milo and Hall looked at the person, their eyes widened.

"Why did you appear here?" Milo asked directly, his eyes full of caution.

This person who had been with them before must have a problem.

The two stood together, looking at Eli, the aura of a half-step true spirit emanated instantly, and the blood began to flow in his body.

Internal circulation, like an angry dragon!

"Eli, you seem to know something?" Hall looked at Eli.

"Tell us, what is the reason for all this? Although I don't know why you came in, if only you

, nothing can be done in front of our two half-step true spirits!"

Hall's eyes had turned dark purple at this time, and several spider spears grew from his back, shaking slightly, looking from side to side.

A tree tens of meters high broke into two in an instant, but just shook unconsciously.

Milo was surrounded by a lot of flames, and his eyes turned red, somewhat similar to the former Urs, but

Compared with him, I don't know how much stronger he is.

At this moment, the two half-step true spirits erupted with full force.

Facing unknown enemies, they made a common choice.

Looking at this scene, Eli smiled, and the boundless shadow began to spread from his body, instantly covering Fang

In an area of ​​a few kilometers, the blood has also been stimulated, and a pair of golden dragon pupils looked at the two of them.

"Late three rings?"

Simply perceiving Eli's strength, the two were stunned!

so weak

The corners of the mouths of the two began to rise.

"Milo, kill him with all your strength, I don't feel right!" At this moment, Hall on the side suddenly said to Milo.

"Okay!" Milo nodded.

Then the two of them flew into the sky at the same time, and they could only take off for a short time due to the powerful prohibition.

With the shadow coming, the two of them began to erupt, their blood fully opened.

Hall neighed, and a cloud of black liquid slowly appeared in front of his eyes, which was huge and exuded a strong stench

smell, and with just one drop, a large crater several meters deep appeared on the ground.

Spiders are poisonous too!

Milo's whole body bloomed like the sun, emitting light and heat, and a flame circle slowly appeared in his hand,

It was really like a sun, the moment it appeared, even a big tree more than ten meters away from the two of them started to move by itself.


"Let's do it!"

The two looked at each other, and then rushed directly towards Eli.

The two accumulated attacks struck at the same time like thunder.

The first shot was full strength, and the two half-step true spirits did not hold back at all!

For a moment, one side of the sky turned into two colors, one was poisonous purple, and the other was scorching red.

The color changed, this was a joint blow from two half-step true spirits.

"go to hell!"

Hall sneered.

Such an attack, not to mention the late stage, is difficult to block even at the limit of the ordinary late stage.

Whoever this Eli is, has to die today!

But to his surprise, there didn't seem to be a trace of panic on Eli's face, and he raised his hand calmly, holding

A touch of black begins to appear.

Like a black hole, it exudes terrifying power.

The two of them felt something at But as they got closer, their blood seemed to speed up at the same time, that was

The blood is howling, in fear.

Black light gathers.

It belongs to the strongest attack period of the shadow dragon, and the breath of the shadow dragon erupts again.

The black light flew out, and a black beam of light flew towards the two of them.


In the shadows and black light, the venom and flames swayed like duckweed in the wind, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"how can that be?"

"So strong!"

The two were confused and wanted to escape, but the black light had already arrived.

In the huge shadow of black light, the two of them just persisted for a few seconds before disappearing into the air.

But the black light did not stop after the two of them were eliminated, and continued to move forward, hitting a mountain. When the black light dissipated, the mountain

The upper half of the body has disappeared without a trace, leaving only a smooth trajectory.

one strike.

Eliminate two half-step true spirits, and flatten a mountain by the way.

"Hey, why is there such a big commotion?" Eli shook his head as he watched the scene.

If they met him thirty years ago, they might still have a chance.

Unfortunately, thirty years have passed.

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