Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 288: wizard tower stuff

Latest URL: At the same time, Luo Ye, who was resting, suddenly raised his head.

Looking towards the distance, the eyes are all puzzled.

"What happened?" Luo Ye frowned.

Just now, a subtle sound entered his ears, which made him instantly alert.

"Milo and Hall!"

Luo Ye suddenly remembered something, isn't that direction the same as Hall went out before?

problem occurs?

He stood up immediately.

Luo Ye's getting up also caused the others to stand up instantly, a little puzzled, they didn't hear anything!

"My lord, what happened?" a warlock approached and asked.

"Hall went out just now, but I heard voices, although very small, but there is no doubt that they should

What happened!" Luo Ye looked in that direction and said.

"My lord, move!"

But suddenly, a warlock suddenly exclaimed. Luo Ye turned his head in response, his pupils slowly narrowed.

On the plain in the distance, all the mechanical creations began to tremble as if they had encountered some stimulation

Changes occurred in the blink of an eye, and the mechanical dolls began to stand up slowly, whether it was vines or dust.

fly up.

The eyes of the mechanical dolls exude a faint blue light.

Then Qiqi looked at Luo Ye and the others.

"My lord, we may be in trouble!" A warlock looked ugly.

"You don't need to say it!" Luo Ye's face was ugly.

There is no doubt that the attack just now may have awakened these mechanical creations!


As soon as his words fell, a mechanical puppet had already taken steps and rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed, like a

Like a tank, rampage.

The corner of Luo Ye's mouth twitched, knowing that he might not be able to find Hall and the two of them.

"Ready to fight!"

He yelled, then yelled at the others.

The battle is imminent.


And what no one noticed was above the battle.

Streaks of silver and white flashed, and a figure hidden in mid-air quickly swept across the battlefield and flew towards the wizard tower.

Go, as for the original air-forbidden wizard array, it seems to be useless.

The figure quickly swept across the battlefield and came to the back of the wizard tower.

"The battle is fierce!"

Eli's eyes were calm, looking at the people fighting in the distance.

The battle of mechanical dolls is still very interesting, whether it is the changing machinery or its own resistance to elements.

, are not so easy for warlocks to solve, and they should also be able to delay for Eli for a while.

As for the wizard tower, let him solve it.

Thinking of this, Eli looked towards the wizard tower.

At this time, the distance between him and the wizard tower was only a few meters, and when he raised his head, he could only see a part of the wizard tower, but he

It was found that the whole body of the wizard tower seemed to be one, and there was no entrance at all.

"There must be an entrance!" Eli groped carefully.

Soon, he really let him see something behind the wizard tower.

Outside the smooth wizard tower, there is a small hole.

The hole is very small, if it wasn't for Eli's careful observation, it would be impossible to find it.

"Could it be?" Eli looked at the small hole, and naturally took out the key from the box.

Although there was no reason, Eli felt that the key in his hand was the key to unlock the wizard tower.

Without hesitation.

Eli inserted the key directly.

very smooth.

The key was inserted directly, and it seemed that it was integrated with the wizard tower, and with the insertion of the key, it seemed

The last part of Buddha, the wizard's tower, was also completed.

Eli faintly heard the slight sound of gears spinning!

He took a silent step back.

Although everything is normal on the outside of the wizard tower, even if you just listen to the sound inside, you know that there are countless gears

Rotating and twisting, one by one the internal magic lines are fitting.

Accompanied by Caracalla's voice, a crack slowly appeared on the smooth silver-white wizard tower's outer wall where the original key was.

Now, pushing towards the two sides, a door with a width of only one meter opened.


Eli knew that his guess was right, that key was the key of this wizard tower!

So what's inside?

Eli turned his head and glanced at the battlefield in the distance. At this time, everyone was still fighting with the mechanical dolls, and it was surprising

What's more, the puppets faintly suppressed these warlocks!

Looks like there's still a long time for Eli to explore.

But let's first predict the danger inside.

Thinking of this, Eli took out the dice.

A few seconds later, Eli silently put away the zero dice.

Step into the wizard's tower.


"Damn it!"

The corner of Luo Ye's mouth twitched as he looked at the mechanical puppet that had been burned by his flames but was not damaged.

The strength of these mechanical puppets is much stronger than he thought.

Even for them, it may take a long time to solve it.

"However, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Luo Ye still didn't know what to be afraid of.

He went out this time, but he brought a lot of things with him.

"As long as these puppets are dealt with, that wizard tower will be mine." His eyes turned to the wizard tower in the distance.

This journey in the secret realm has fully demonstrated how extraordinary this secret realm is.

They might actually find clues here.


Thinking of this, Luo Ye's fighting spirit rose again.


While Luo Ye was fighting, Eli had already walked into the wizard tower he longed for.

"It's different from what I thought!"

Eli walked into the wizard's tower, looking at the layout inside, a little confused.

It looks like a wizard's tower on the outside, but it's actually empty inside.

Like a hollow model, the inside is extremely smooth, even standing at the bottom, Eli can see the wizard

The bottom of the tower, and the runes all over it.

But it's not nothing.

Thinking of this, Eli looked at the bottom of the first floor of the wizard tower.

On the ground, there is a metal box.

The box is about one meter wide and one meter long, with silver and white patterns all over it, and each pattern is carved,

It looks a bit like the city in the sky, and the top is like a wizard tower.

"Do you still have to open the box?",

Eli's mouth twitched.

Immediately summoned a skeleton undead, and then ran to the box, trying to see if it could be opened.

To Eli's surprise, when the skeleton held the box and lifted it lightly, the box opened directly.

no locks!

It seems reasonable, after all, there is already a wizard tower outside.

And Eli has long observed that the wizard tower outside does not have the power above the third ring, that is, the power of the true spirit.

Power, don't try to open it.

"what exactly is it?"

Is it some new map? Or clues? Or something else!

Eli took a deep breath, moved closer to the box, and looked inside the box.

And seeing the scene in the box, Eli was stunned.

What the **** is this?

Inside the box, a mechanical head was placed peacefully inside, and there was nothing else.

The head looks like an ordinary mechanical head, its shape is similar to that of ordinary humans, its whole body is silver and white,

And at the neck of the head, there are still broken lines!

This kind of mechanical head, Eli said that he had seen it before.

It's exactly the head of the most common mechanical doll.

It is a very common appearance in mechanical creations.

But is it normal?

Eli frowned.

Keys, maps, boxes, Luo Ye, dangerous secrets, tingling curses, undead, a lot of machinery

A puppet, a wizard tower protected at the level of a true spirit.

You told me just to save an ordinary mech.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

There is definitely something wrong with this mechanical head.

But he had to go anyway.

Because the battle outside seems to be about to change at this time, UU Reading he has to leave first.

Thinking of this, Eli closed the box again, put it away, and turned to leave.

But just a few steps away, Eli turned around and came back.

He took out a box, which was the box where the key and map were stored before.

Eli silently put the box in its original position, then put in a stone, glanced at it, and gently closed it.

Close the box.

One last look, and then Eli left straight away.

Then the door closed, but Eli didn't take out the key.

It is mainly convenient for Luo Ye to enter later!

The battle in the distance has reached the final stage, Eli took a deep breath, then flew into the sky, and then quickly moved towards the secret

Fly to the border exit.

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