Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 289: Luo Ye left and woke up!

Latest URL: Above the Battlefield.

Luo Ye took the lead and fought against dozens of mechanical dolls alone, and each of these dolls had the power of the late stage of the third ring or even the limit.

Another round of attacks came, and Luo Ye repelled the puppets again.

"No way!",

He frowned and looked around, they were being crushed and beaten.

In this case, other means must be used.

Thinking of this, Luo Ye took a deep breath, and said loudly:

"Everyone retreat immediately, leave this place to me!"

His eyes were firm, and a bright red mark slowly appeared in the center of his forehead. The moment it appeared, everyone felt a scorching breath.

Luo Ye is about to zoom in!

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened, regardless of whether they were injured or not, they quickly evacuated from the area, and the mechanical puppets didn't chase after them, but just looked at Luo Ye.

"Hey, the bloodline mark given by the teacher not only needs to consume a lot of bloodline power, but also requires the same kind of bloodline

It’s a bit of a waste to use it!”

Watching everyone evacuate, Luo Ye took a deep breath.

A layer of dark purple flames gradually wrapped around his side.

His body also gradually rose into the air. Although runes appeared around him, the flames Luo Ye emitted at this time were too strong, and the runes shattered one by one in just a few blows.

He flew into the sky.

"In this case, let's end it!" Luo Ye's breath at this time has completely transcended the third ring.

He calmly looked down, and with a little hand, a flame appeared, like a drop of water, dripping towards the ground!

Just like raindrops dripping on the surface of the water, the moment when fire drops drip.

A carpet of flames appeared in an instant, and the color was dark purple, spreading towards the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, it passed over many mechanical creations, the wizard tower, and the surrounding woods!

The range is seven or eight kilometers.

The flame looks soft and weak, but when it passes over everything, everything changes and disappears quickly in this gentleness.

The mechanical creations turned into molten iron and various precious liquids, and the plants disappeared as calmly as water droplets flowing into the sea. There were even a few companions who had no time to escape, and disappeared before they could make a sound.

This process only lasted a few seconds, after everything was over.

Everything returned to calm.

The surrounding seven or eight kilometers have turned into scorched earth.

Luo Ye also spit out a mouthful of blood, and the mark on his forehead gradually faded until it disappeared!

He wasted a precious opportunity and suffered serious injuries as a result.

It is still too early for him to use the power of the true spirit!

But worth it.

He looked at the wizard tower in the distance, and the flames passed by, but the wizard tower was not affected.

"This time, it might really pay off!" He took a deep breath.

Not being melted in the flames of the true spirit already shows his extraordinaryness.

He flew slowly towards the wizard's tower, then landed.

When he came to the wizard's tower, smooth witchcraft opened a door.

Luo Ye smiled and walked in.

Especially when he saw the box on the ground, he burst out laughing like never before.

"found it!"


"Is this the power of the true spirit?",

At the gate of the secret realm, Eli sighed as he watched the flame disappear.

That's why he didn't take the initiative to attack Luo Ye.

Can a genius who goes out have no means of protection?

I'm afraid he can't stop this kind of flame.

"However, I took the things!" Eli sensed the box in his ring and smiled.

Glancing at the secret realm, he walked outside.


three days later.


As the cloud whale in the sky uttered a whale cry, the clouds and mist in the sky began to disperse.

This huge creature carried Luo Ye and others away from the castle.

On the ground, Eli watched this scene, turned his head and returned to the City of the Holy Tower, and Udo followed closely behind him.

"My lord, is this the end?" Udo was extremely surprised.

"Yes, it's over!" Eli smiled.

Since his return, Luo Ye had been looking for experts in mechanics, but after being told that there were none here, he immediately decided to leave and return to the Central Continent.

As for what happened to Hall, it was not found out in the end.

Because the evidence had completely disappeared under Luo Ye's flames, and it became an unsolved case.

As for Eli, I can't wait to activate that mechanical head!

It's interesting though.

Eli turned his head and glanced at the cloud whale leaving in the sky, thinking about the story just now.

Luo Ye took his hand and gave him a token.

Tell Eli that he must come to the Central Continent in the future.

He covers Eli.

He seemed to be very grateful to Eli. Of course, this may have something to do with Eli solving the curse problem of these people for them after Luo Ye came out. Almost on the verge of dating Eli!

"Looking forward to the next meeting.",

Eli shook his head, he didn't know when the next meeting would be.

It may be five hundred years, or it may be a thousand years later.

Hope he can wait.

Tut tut tut!


Then it calmed down again.

Eli had to try to activate the mechanical head.

He wants to see what this thing is.

Thinking of this, Eli accelerated his speed and returned to the wizard tower.

Behind Udo is a look of admiration.

In the distance, the spy who belonged to the hourglass of time passed what he heard back to Lord Anderson. This time it was different, they heard the voice.

I just hope that adults will support it, the content is a bit subversive.


"Heman, you are my good friend Luo Ye forever.',

"As long as you come to the holy tower in the future, I will give you the highest treatment.",

"Remember, this is my promise, Luo Ye, the future holy spirit!"

In the room, the water glass in Anderson's hand fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

At this moment, his face was dull, and he couldn't imagine it at all.

In the end what happened?


Wasn't the holy tower destroyed by Heman?

Luo Ye, the absolute descendant of the holy tower, didn't say anything, but he was so kind, which was completely different from what he thought!

Is this how the world works?

Anderson sighed, knowing that his hope of counting on the Santa headquarters had failed.

This power is a weak bone.

He sighed, but suddenly, a crystal ball in the distance suddenly shook!

The crystal ball is located in the corner of the table. It seems that it has not been used for many years, but at this moment it suddenly emits a weak light, which means that there is news.

Anderson's eyes widened, his body began to tremble, as if he couldn't believe it.

Then he knew who was at the other end of the crystal ball!

Could it be...

He quickly came to the crystal ball and sensed it.

A message passed into his heart.

"Prepare a lot of blood!"

Anderson took a deep--breath, then ecstasy.

Sir wake up!


Ten days passed in the blink of an eye. UU Reading

Wizard Tower.

a table

On the mahogany table, there was a mechanical head, and Eli stood in front of it.

But at this moment, he was repairing the mechanical head with various tools in his hand!

With Eli gently repairing the last part of the mechanical head.

The ordinary mechanical head on the table suddenly exuded an inexplicable attitude, flying all the surrounding metal parts towards the surroundings.

Eli watched the scene calmly.

Ignoring the destroyed environment around him, he fixed his eyes on the mechanical head!

In the eyes of the mechanical head, a blue light began to bloom.

He is awake too!

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