Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 290: Dylan the Dog General, The New Crisis

Latest URL: Dim blue light shines from the eyes of the mechanical head.

Eli felt that the mechanical head had awakened!

It's not the kind of awakening like turning on the phone, but a kind of awakening of the soul.

A weak soul essence slowly spread out, and the surrounding air seemed to be flickering. A wave of spiritual power extended from the mechanical head, and then explored towards Eli.

"Do you want to communicate?"

Spiritual power is harmless, and Eli didn't hesitate, and directly extended the spiritual power to blend.

"Who are you?',

Eli asked directly.

The mechanical head seemed to be a little demented. After a few seconds, a consciousness came over.

"My name is Dylan!"

"Oh? Dylan?"

Not Gray!

Eli curled his lips, he was still thinking if it was the big boss of the wizard tower!

But who is Dylan?

"Then who is your identity?" Eli continued to ask.

"I forgot, I seem to have only one consciousness transmitted into this mechanical body, whether it is the memory module or various modules, there are big problems, even forgetting, I remember that I seem to have another body , but I don't seem to be able to perceive it, but I vaguely remember that I seem to be a general!" The mechanical voice came, and it seemed that Dylan was also in a state of dementia.


Eli is silent!

I thought there would be something to gain, but it seems to be disappointed!

Of course not, maybe there might be clues in his missing body.

"Are you related to Gray Wizard's Tower?" This time, Eli asked directly.

"Wizard Gray's Tower? A very familiar name."

That's all for the sound, the robot seems to be in a state of thinking.

It lasted for more than ten seconds, and even the mechanical head started to smoke, before uttering a sentence: "Sorry, I really don't remember, but can you help me get a body? I can exchange it!"

"Of course." Eli said, and the next second, his tone became strange: "What do you want in exchange?"


"High-level mechanical knowledge, even above the fourth ring!" Dylan Youlan's eyes flickered:

"Although I seem to have lost a lot of things, my current brain seems to store a lot of mechanical knowledge. I can exchange it with you!"


Eli's eyes lit up.

"Okay, I can give you a body, and I'll make it myself!" Eli said after a few seconds.

At this time, he has realized that this mechanical head is definitely not simple.

It stores high-level knowledge above the fourth ring, another body, and a mysterious origin.

There are secrets!

Thinking of this, Eli continued: "Then what are you going to do after you have a body?"

"I'm going to find my body. I feel like I've stored something very important there. I seem to have stored it in the Central Continent. But before that, I have to find a high-level mechanical wizard!" Maybe because Eli wakes him up and he's not hiding!

"A high-level mechanical wizard? Do you think I can?"

Eli looked at the mechanical head and asked.

"No, you're too weak!" Dylan said.


The requirements are quite high, but for wizards above the fourth ring, I'm afraid there are still more?

But he has to keep this mechanical head first!

Eli rolled his eyes, and after a few seconds, he said slowly:

"It looks like you're not familiar with the wizarding world today?

Today's Central Continent, if you go like this, you may be found and destroyed by those warlocks if you can't find it, I forgot to tell you, you may have been asleep for a long time, if the world in this world no longer meets your requirements wizard!"

"What??" Dylan's voice fluctuated violently, this is the first time


He doesn't seem to know the current situation.

"But luckily, you met me, who may be the only three-ring mechanical wizard in the world!" Eli said, looking at Dylan.

"You're lying to me!" Dylan said directly.

He doesn't believe it!

Although he lost a lot of memory, the power of the wizard seems to have been imprinted in his soul. How could such a powerful wizard disappear!

"Hehe, then I will create a body for you, and then go to the outside environment to see, you will know?

If I didn't lie to you, then you stay by my side first!"

Eli's strong words seemed to make Dylan hesitate.

Is what Eli said true?

The light in Dylan's eyes dimmed for a few minutes.

A few minutes later, a voice came over: "OK!"

"Hey, let me make you a body first." Eli looked at the head and smiled.

Dylan's eyes flickered, and he seemed a little uneasy.


Half a month later.

In the wizard's tower, Dylan's head was placed on the table, and his new body was placed underground.


Dylan's blue eyes looked at the ground with faint eyes.

On the ground, a body about one meter long was placed on the ground. The whole body was silver and white, and the mechanical structure was complete. It could be seen that the quality was very good, except for one head.

The issue is......

"Eli, I need a human body!" Dylan said himself.

The mechanical dolls on the ground are really good, the only problem is that they look like dogs!

It’s okay to wave it and say it’s a wolf, but is there a difference? It’s not bad at all!

"You can say that, the outside world is dangerous. This is a good camouflage, and it also has the function of the skin. When the time comes, you will directly turn into a dog, safe and reliable!" Eli showed a kind expression.

Dylan was silent, he was surprisingly silent!

"Impossible, even if you throw my wizard tower down and destroy me, I can't use this body!" Dylan suppressed his anger in a low tone!

"Use it or not!"

"This is your last chance!"

Eli left the room directly, and it seemed that Dylan hadn't recognized the status quo.

Need to give him time to calm down.

Three days later, Eli stepped into the room again.

Dylan's voice came: "I promise!"

"That's right!"

Eli smiled, Xiao Mian, I can't control you yet!

Soon, Eli put the extremely conflicted Dylan on the head of the mechanical dog.

Once connected, I saw that the surface skin of the mechanical dog began to change instantly, and in the blink of an eye, it really turned into a seemingly real one, a bit like a husky.

"Let's go, General Dog, I'll take you to see the world today!"

"I have a name, not General Dog!"

"Okay, General Dog!"


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In three days, Eli took the dog general to wander around the neighborhood.

He finally understands what the world is like today.

And Eli might really be the only 3-ring Mechanic!

Of course there may be other places, but it must be hard to find.

Moreover, it seems that Herman is very close to the true spirit, and maybe there is a chance to help him find his body in the future.

In the end, he agreed to be by Eli's side until he found the body, and what he paid was his own knowledge. Before the body was found, he would give Eli the necessary mechanical assistance!


Just when the agreement between Eli and General Dog was established!

Hourglass of time.

anderson through a

A wizard's tower came to a wizard's tower.

The wizard's tower is located at the back of the city, but this wizard's tower is different from the normal wizard's tower, it is winding down, like a wizard's tower standing upside down in the ground.


Anderson took a deep breath and entered it.

Inside is a circular staircase that winds down, and he walks down step by step.

Soon, he came to the bottom of the wizard's tower.

The bottom of the wizard's tower is very empty, covering more than a hundred square meters, with nothing around it, only a vertical coffin in the center!

The coffin was still emitting a cold air, and there was a strong aura coming from inside.

Just feeling this breath, Anderson felt a little difficult to breathe.

"My lord, I am Anderson, the person in charge of the time hourglass!" Anderson bowed his head humbly.

After Anderson finished speaking, the coffin slowly began to move.

The coffin lid slowly moved away, revealing the scene inside.

Anderson looked up, and saw a gray-haired old man inside the coffin. His hair was as dry as weeds, and his face and body were wrinkled and extremely pale, but there was a huge aura emanating from his body. Breath, that kind of breath far exceeds the third ring.


Anderson's throat moved slightly, looking at the legendary figure in the hourglass of time.

Guedo Mista.

A person with the level of the true spirit of the four rings, but in the process of fighting with the true spirit of the Central Continent, he almost died, and only survived after undergoing a self-slumber.

Hundreds of years have passed, and adults finally woke up!

Anderson looked at Gedo, suddenly, Gedo's eyes slowly opened.

Those were a pair of eyes with dark purple pupils, and there seemed to be traces of lightning gathering inside, but what was puzzling was that there was another kind of black, as if corroding the lightning.

"Ahem!" Gedo suddenly coughed twice.

Just as Anderson was about to say something, Gedo had already spoken first.

His voice was very hoarse, as if sandpaper was rubbing against a cement road, he said:

"I've been in a deep sleep for a long time, and I haven't recovered from my injuries. The injury left to me by the true spirit was too serious. Give me another hundred and fifty years, and I should be able to fully recover. Anderson, I need you to collect a lot of blood!"

"Yes, my lord!" Anderson said.

"What's the situation outside now." After Gedo woke up, he was also curious about the situation outside.

"My lord, the external environment has undergone tremendous changes in these years!" Anderson quickly told Gedo the situation in the past few hundred years, especially the rise of the Bloodline Tower, Herman, and the recent arrival of the Holy Tower.

"Is that so!"

After listening, Gedo fell silent.

He didn't expect that so many things happened here during the years of UU reading when he was sleeping.

After a few seconds, he slowed down: "Steady, since the Bloodline Tower and the Holy Tower have been connected, it means that the situation here may not be the same as we thought. Let's talk about it after I fully recover."

"Once I have fully recovered my strength, I will deal with these forces."

Gedo decided to be more conservative. It has only been more than a hundred years, and there should not be any major changes.

When he fully recovers, he will have nothing to fear!

In fact, he is not afraid of anyone on the west coast now, but he has to consider the main tower of the Bloodline Tower behind the Bloodline Tower, which is another holy tower with no attitude.

Definitely don't wave!


Anderson understood.

Since adults want to wait, then wait.

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