Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 290: All the forces in the Central Continent, Vivica who left

Latest URL: A year has passed in the blink of an eye.

It's been an uneventful year for Eli.

During this year, Eli has learned a lot of mechanical knowledge from General Dog, and his reserves in this area have increased rapidly, and because of the things about soulology found in the ruins before, he also prepared some soul runes. progress.

Relying on this, Eli created a new witchcraft.

Soul Great Curse Seal.

In the engraved soul, no matter how far apart they are, they can communicate. As long as the soul is still there, the curse will not dissipate. It can be regarded as the sublimation of Eli relying on the past soul witchcraft!

Eli branded Vivica and Nikolai with this witchcraft.

And during this year, Eli and Luo Ye sent letters several times, inviting Eli to go to the headquarters of the Holy Tower, but they were all rejected by Eli, and he stopped mentioning them after that.

And judging from Luo Ye's words, it seems that the box bow caused quite a stir!


center continent.

The Central Continent is divided into five main regions, East, South, West, North, and Central.

And the one closest to the west coast is the Western Regions!

The main tower of the Bloodline Tower, as well as the Holy Tower and many other forces are located here.

At this time, at the headquarters of the Holy Tower, on top of a huge mountain, a negotiation is in progress.

"Guys, I don't think my achievements this time have anything to do with you. If you want to get a piece of the pie, you've offended the wrong person!" Luo Ye said, looking at the crowd.

As soon as he came back, he didn't know why the news was leaked. Almost at the same time, many forces gathered together.

"Hey, Master Luo Ye, you know very well that if all this is really related to that wizard tower, you can't keep it!" A warlock stood up and looked at Luo Yedao.


"That's Gray Wizard's Tower!"

Representatives of many forces were talking and aggressive.


Looking at this scene, Luo Ye gritted his teeth, anger showing on his face.

So **** shameless!

At this time, a person suddenly ran over from a distance, came to Luo Ye's side, and said, "Lord Luo Ye, the tower master asked you to share the box, and it will be studied by all forces!"

Luo Ye's face darkened, and he understood that the teacher must have made some kind of deal with these forces, and his teacher probably didn't think that his harvest could really have a relationship with Gray Wizard Tower.

But he really felt there might be something to gain this time.

But since the teacher has spoken, his persistence is unnecessary.

"Okay, I'll share it with everyone!" Luo Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw the box in the center of the venue.

Looking at the box with three locks, everyone's eyes lit up.

"However, this box requires at least three rings or higher mechanical knowledge to open it. I have nothing to do. You can see which force has a way." Luo Yeyouyou's voice came.

"Leave it to us!"

A power representative smiled.

Luo Ye's face was ugly.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and the clamoring force actually found a mechanical alchemist, and it is said that they paid a huge price.

Soon, the alchemist arrived.

It's still the same place.

The alchemist spent ten days unlocking the lock, and during these ten days, everyone stayed here, waiting anxiously to unlock it, even Luo Ye was no exception.

Soon, with a click, the third lock opened instantly.

Everyone put their eyes into it and saw what was inside.

a stone.

Looking at the stone inside, everyone's eyes widened.

what happened?

Why is there a stone in the box.

"What a holy pagoda, you actually deceived us?" A sorcerer looked at Luo Ye angrily and said loudly.

The others also raised their heads one after another, showing angry expressions.

Santa is brushing them like monkeys!

Luo Ye looked at the things inside, and his heart skipped a beat!


How could it be a stone?

With extreme perplexity, Luo Ye looked at the crowd and said, "I don't know what happened, but I brought this box back from the west coast!"

"Hmph!" A warlock sneered, turned and left.

The other warlocks didn't have good words either, this Luo Ye completely regarded them as fools.

Since Santa has such an attitude, there is no need to talk about it!


"What, a great war broke out in the Western Regions of the Central Continent!

It was a year later when Eli received Luo Ye's message again.

I learned from the letter that because of the box, many forces felt that they were being tricked, and even thought it was an insult, so they launched a big war with the holy tower.

In this war, the holy tower suffered heavy losses.

However, Luo Ye later proved that the box he brought back was really that one, and it was said that it was confirmed by some method, so many forces believed it.

But the movement caused by this is still not small.

For example, many forces decided to completely abandon the exploration of the west coast.

They believe that after this exploration and the efforts of the past few hundred years, the possibility of having clues here is extremely low, and due to some previous events, the losses of various forces are not small, so they decided to recover the forces to supplement it. It will still be stationed on the west coast, but it will not pay too much attention here. Even if someone in the branch is willing, they can apply to go to the headquarters of the Central Continent!

But when they contacted their respective forces, they discovered that the west coast seemed to be different from what they thought.

Most of their forces have disappeared, leaving some small forces.

During this process, Eli received another invitation from Luo Ye.

Invite him to return to the Central Continent.

This time Eli didn't reply.

He realized that the West Coast might be about to change next.

But what Eli didn't expect was that it was Vivica who found him first.


"Teacher, I am going to leave the west coast and go to the central continent!"

Vivica looked at Eli with determination in her eyes.

"Of course, what do you think!" Eli looked at Vivica.

Because of her blood, Vivica still looks so beautiful, but it can be seen that her demeanor is far from what it used to be. Thinking about it carefully, she is almost 800 years old!

"Teacher, my lifespan is approaching the limit, and I have no choice but to break through!"

Vivica looked at Eli and said.

"I understand, you go." Eli looked at Vivica, expressing that he understood.

On the west coast, Vivica probably has no chance to break through, but if it is the Central Continent, there may be a chance, even if the chance is very small, but she still wants to fight for it. This is the same as Vivica in Eli's impression. exactly the same.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Vivica bowed deeply to Eli and took her leave.

Looking at her leaving back, Eli was also filled with emotion.

It's finally here!


As time passed, UU Reading The Tower of Blood was changing. Vivica's student Alice gradually took over Vivica's position, and Vivica also began to prepare.

But to Eli's surprise, this time Vivica's departure, in addition to taking away some resources, also took away her family. She used to be a descendant of Byrne's family, and it seemed that Vivica had been killed by Vivica a long time ago. Cards moved to the Bloodline Tower area.

Eli was also a little puzzled, but didn't ask.

After all, who hasn't revealed his secret yet, Vivica is his student, not a slave!

A year has passed.

An airship set sail from the Bloodline Tower, took Vivica and a large number of people away from the west coast, and headed for the center of the world, the Central Continent!

Eli didn't see Vivica off for the last time.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that Vivica didn't seem to want to be so sad, so she left in secret.

But she left Eli with a letter!

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